It’s late at night. Late for me, anyway, but still early for the
gentleman sitting beside me—he sleeps during the day, and has only just
awakened a few hours earlier. We’re at his house, where I’ve
interviewed him more than a few times before, but tonight’s a little
On this occasion he produces a small rectangular box. Opening it, he
reveals a new ceremonial knife, one that will be used to make a small
incision in my arm. At his own insistence, he won’t do the cutting
himself, due to a physical disability that impedes his dexterity. So
we’re waiting for his wife to get home from work and take care of it.
Once the cut is made, she’ll step back, and he’ll come forward to feed
on my blood.
* * *
Today, there is a worldwide community of human vampires, or “real
vampires,” as scholars typically call them. Real vampires are not
undead, nor immortal, nor can they be weakened by garlic or vanquished
by silver. In fact, they’re biologically typical in almost all ways,
except in how they get part of their nourishment: from human and animal
blood (vampires of this type call themselves “sanguinarians”), or by
draining psychic energy (“psychic vampires” or “psi-vamps”), or both
For its participants, real vampirism isn’t a fad to be adopted one day
and discarded the next (and those who treat it as such dismissed as
mere “lifestylers” by the community). They feed out of what they are
convinced is a biological need, one that generally appears during or
just after puberty. Without their monthly, weekly, or sometimes daily
feeding rituals, vampires claim, it becomes difficult for them to
function—if they go too long without blood or “energy,” they can become
weak, developing a host of physical and emotional symptoms that only a
feeding can soothe.
In the two years I spent studying the vampires of New Orleans for my
dissertation, I found that apart from their need for blood or its
psychic equivalent, there were more genuine differences among them than
commonalities. The people I met were equally men and women, ranging in
age from 18 to 50. They were self-described atheists, monotheists, and
polytheists; they were single, married, and divorced; and their sexual
orientations were diverse. In fact, the only thing that truly united
them all was the obvious exception to their otherwise “normal”
existence: the impulse to take in blood or energy.
Some vampires, but not all, also choose to adopt the trappings of
vampiric fashion, like Gothic dress and prosthetic fangs (some buy them
stock, and others have custom acrylic dental prosthetics made from
molds). These things are common, but they’re not at the core of the
vampire identity—rather, they serve as external markers of the
vampires’ internal state. Just as same-sex desire is distinct from the
socio-cultural practices of the gay community, so being vampire is
first a bodily need, then a set of personal and social practices for
expressing it.
Some vampires tube the blood into small containers; others drink
directly from the wound.
In general, vampires keep the trappings of their vampirism hidden
during the day—it’s rare for one to show up to work in the morning
wearing fangs, for example. But, when the lights go down, when the
shops close up for the night and the moon rises overhead, the fangs go
in and the vampires come out.
Feeding is governed by [56]The Donor Bill of Rights, a pact between
donor and vampire to promote safety and well-being, both physical and
social. Real vampires perform the blood-letting ritual only with
willing donors—friends, family members, significant others, or members
of donor networks—and usually only after both the vampire and the donor
have their blood tested. Some vampires use sterile single-use
thermoplastic medical tubing to extrude blood into small receptacles
for drinking on the spot, or for later storage; others may use sterile
blades to make small incisions on the donor, and drink directly from
the wound before cleaning and bandaging it. The Bill of Rights also
applies to psychic vampires, who must refrain from “feeding”
unethically—that is, taking energy from donors without their knowledge
and consent.
Real vampires do not always feed. They socialize as well, especially
with others of their own kind. Older, more experienced vampires (known
as “elders”) will often form “houses” or “covens” to counsel younger,
less experienced vampires on how to live with their condition. For
psychic vampires, this guidance may also include instruction on the
various methods of feeding—“contact feeding” through physically
touching the donor; “ambient feeding” by taking excess energy that is
naturally generated in high-traffic public places; or even “tantric
feeding” through sexual encounters.
The use of terms and practices like these across the vampire community
has been crucial to unifying it, helping its members construct a
narrative about themselves. In popular culture, vampirism is associated
with psychopathology, excess, and a general sense of social
disconnection. But in reality, vampires say, they’re just a community
like any other, one made of like-minded people who share rules and
A true sense of community among vampires began to emerge in the 1970s,
as people who consumed blood or drained energy for nourishment began
attending themed social gatherings—Dark Shadows conventions, events for
blood fetishists, and bondage and S&M conventions—that allowed them to
network with potential donors, and often to find others who shared
their condition in the process.
In the early 1970s, some of the first organizations dedicated to
studying vampires were also taking shape. Jeanne Keyes Youngson founded
the Count Dracula Fan Club (now The Vampire Empire) in 1965, originally
as an organization dedicated to Dracula and vampire fiction and film.
But between 1970 and 1972, Youngson began receiving letters from people
who self-identified as vampires. By 1974, after meeting with some of
her vampire-fans, she extended the group’s purview to include real
vampirism, demonstrating some of the first intellectual interest in the
Kaplan supervised a “vampire hotline,” where anonymous callers could
phone in to talk about their vampiric behavior.
Around the same time, the paranormal investigator Stephen Kaplan formed
the Vampire Research Center, the first organization dedicated entirely
to the study of real vampirism. Through it, Kaplan supervised a
“vampire hotline,” where anonymous callers could phone in to tell
Kaplan and his staff about their vampiric behavior.
By the 1980s, ethnographers began to identify sub-sections of the
vampire community, including people who experience sexual gratification
through blood-letting rituals. The community grew in the 1990s, but
real vampires still existed mostly in isolation or in small groups,
relying on nearby fan conventions, low-circulation newsletters, and
print correspondence.
Then, all at once, a confluence of cultural trends facilitated the
rapid growth of the real-vampire community.
The first was the rise of Anne Rice conventions. Rice had begun writing
her gothic fiction in the 1970s, but the 1994 film adaptation of her
book Interview with the Vampire ushered in a new era of mainstream
interest in vampires. The conventions quickly became meccas for
vampires as well as vampire fans, doing for the community what Dark
Shadows gatherings had done to a lesser degree a few decades earlier.
Just as before, they provided closeted real vampires with opportunities
to meet others like them, as well as people willing to satisfy their
The second was the publication of the 1991 role-playing game Vampire:
The Masquerade. Essentially Dungeons & Dragons with vampires, the
role-playing game introduced a social space within which real vampires
could congregate and network openly. It also helped to provide a
lexicon of terms, protocols, and identifiers that the real vampire
community could adopt for its own needs. And finally, by the end of the
decade, the Internet had begun to dissolve geographic limitations,
helping the niche community to grow through chat rooms and online
But through its growth, at least one thing has stayed the same for the
real vampires community: the stigma. Even in an era that has embraced
previously fringe identities at face value, a taste for human blood
remains a difficult practice to accept, especially because almost no
one has found any real basis for the condition. But in fact, vampires
are a proud, living critique of normalcy—which is, perhaps, the thing
about them that frightens people the most.
* * *
I didn’t end up becoming a donor that night, for the most mundane of
reasons: The vampire’s wife was running a little late coming home from
work, so we decided to take a rain check.
After we called it quits, he boxed up the knife and put it aside. The
night wasn’t wasted, though. It gave us time to talk—about his
experiences growing up with his special need, and about the part I
played (or almost played) in it that night. Many vampire-donor
relationships can be, and are, just as personal.
“The blood is the life,” Dracula’s servant Renfield declared in Bram
Stoker’s novel. I didn’t know it on the night I almost became a donor,
but my own vampire study participants had just recently begun referring
to me as “our Renfield.” In the novel, Renfield is cast as an
antagonist—but to them, and to me, it was a sign of respect.
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A Portrait of British Columbia's Cherry Pickers
A short film showcases the globetrotters who travel to Canada to pick
fruit for the summer.
* [62]Nadine Ajaka
* Nov 13, 2015
About the Author
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[63]John Edgar Browning is a postdoctoral fellow at the Georgia
Institute of Technology.
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* [64][javascript] AP/The Atlantic
What ISIS Really Wants
+ [65]Graeme Wood
The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a
religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that
it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means
for its strategy—and for how to stop it.
What is the Islamic State?
Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity
of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem
to know the answers. In December, The New York Times published
confidential comments by Major General Michael K. Nagata, the
Special Operations commander for the United States in the Middle
East, admitting that he had hardly begun figuring out the Islamic
State’s appeal. “We have not defeated the idea,” he said. “We do
not even understand the idea.” In the past year, President Obama
has referred to the Islamic State, variously, as “not Islamic” and
as al-Qaeda’s “jayvee team,” statements that reflected confusion
about the group, and may have contributed to significant strategic
[66]Continue Reading
* [67][javascript] Ammar Awad / Reuters
ISIS Is Not Waging a War Against Western Civilization
+ [68]Peter Beinart
A primer for Marco Rubio
At least Marco Rubio didn’t answer the attacks in Paris by
demanding that the United States accept only Christian refugees. He
[69]left that to Ted Cruz.
But given the Florida senator’s reputation in GOP circles as a
foreign-policy wonk, it’s worth looking in some detail at just how
ridiculous [70]his response was.
“The attacks in Paris,” Rubio [71]began, “are a wake-up call.”
Forgive the pedantry, but this is among the stupidest clichés in
politics. Wake-up calls are things you plan yourself because you
want to be awoken from your slumber at a set time, usually by a
hotel clerk. The Paris attack was a horrific surprise orchestrated
by France’s enemies. It wasn’t a “wake-up call” unless you believe
its ultimate author was France itself.
[72]Continue Reading
* [73][javascript] Nicholas Raymond / Flickr
The Confused Person's Guide to the Syrian Civil War
+ [74]Kathy Gilsinan
A brief primer
Updated on November 15, 2015
In what French President Francois Hollande called “[75]an act of
war” against his country, on November 13 several attackers staged a
complex assault involving shootings and suicide bombings in Paris
that left 129 people dead. ISIS has claimed responsibility, citing
France’s participation in the “[76]crusader campaign” against the
group. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad [77]was unsympathetic,
blaming French policy toward his country: “We said, don’t take what
is happening in Syria lightly. Unfortunately, European officials
did not listen.” France is one of [78]65 members of the U.S.-led
international coalition against the Islamic State, and one of
[79]eight that has conducted airstrikes against the group in Syria.
[80]Continue Reading
* [81][javascript] Claude Paris / AP
What Is France Doing in Syria?
+ [82]David A. Graham
Both ISIS and Assad have blamed the Paris attacks on French foreign
policy. So what is that policy?
After Friday’s attacks in Paris, two sides that don’t usually agree
on anything found common ground on one issue: Both Syrian President
Bashar al-Assad and ISIS said the attacks were retaliation for
France’s own foreign policy.
In a statement translated by [83]SITE, ISIS said:
Let France and those who walk in its path know that they will remain
on the top of the list of targets of the Islamic State, and that the
smell of death will never leave their noses as long as they lead the
convoy of the Crusader campaign, and dare to curse our Prophet,
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, and are proud of fighting
Islam in France and striking the Muslims in the land of the
Caliphate with their planes, which did not help them at all in the
streets of Paris and its rotten alleys.
[84]Continue Reading
* [85][javascript] Yves Herman / Reuters
The Paris Attacks: What We Know
+ [86]Adam Chandler, [87]Krishnadev Calamur, and [88]Matt Ford
The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the coordinated
attacks that killed at least 129 people. French President Francois
Hollande has vowed a “merciless” response.
Updated on November 15 at 5:15 p.m. ET
What we know so far:
—French warplanes have struck Islamic State targets in Raqaa, the
Syrian city that the militant group claims as its capital.
—The death toll in Friday’s attack stands at 129. French hospitals
said a news report that the toll had touched 132 was incorrect.
More than 350 others were injured. Paris prosecutor Francois Molins
said seven attackers operated in three teams throughout the city.
—France’s Police Nationale [89]launched an international manhunt
for a suspected eighth attacker who fled after the attacks.
—Belgian police have arrested multiple people during a raid in a
Brussels neighborhood related to the attacks, the country’s justice
minister [90]said.
[91]Continue Reading
* [92][javascript] Andrew B. Myers / The Atlantic
The Coddling of the American Mind
+ [93]Greg Lukianoff and [94]Jonathan Haidt
In the name of emotional well-being, college students are
increasingly demanding protection from words and ideas they don’t
like. Here’s why that’s disastrous for education—and mental health.
Something strange is happening at America’s colleges and
universities. A movement is arising, undirected and driven largely
by students, to scrub campuses clean of words, ideas, and subjects
that might cause discomfort or give offense. Last December, Jeannie
Suk wrote in an online article for The New Yorker about law
students asking her fellow professors at Harvard not to teach rape
law—or, in one case, even use the word violate (as in “that
violates the law”) lest it cause students distress. In February,
Laura Kipnis, a professor at Northwestern University, wrote an
essay in The Chronicle of Higher Education describing a new campus
politics of sexual paranoia—and was then subjected to a long
investigation after students who were offended by the article and
by a tweet she’d sent filed Title IX complaints against her. In
June, a professor protecting himself with a pseudonym wrote an
essay for Vox describing how gingerly he now has to teach. “I’m a
Liberal Professor, and My Liberal Students Terrify Me,” the
headline said. A number of popular comedians, including Chris Rock,
have stopped performing on college campuses (see Caitlin Flanagan’s
[95]article in this month’s issue). Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Maher
have publicly condemned the oversensitivity of college students,
saying too many of them can’t take a joke.
[96]Continue Reading
* [97][javascript] Reuters / Zak Bickel / The Atlantic
How ISIS Spread in the Middle East
+ [98]David Ignatius
And how to stop it
“It is perfectly true, as the philosophers say, that life must be
understood backwards. But they forget the other proposition: that
it must be lived forwards.” This observation was made in 1843 by
the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard in a journal entry, but it
might have been written about the contemporary Middle East.
We have been living the Islamic State forwards, surprised at every
turn, but we can perhaps begin to understand it backwards. Although
ISIS took most of the world by surprise when it swept into the
Iraqi city of Mosul in June 2014, the group and its forebears had
been proclaiming their goals for a decade. Like many consequential
events, this one didn’t sneak up on policymakers; they simply
didn’t see what was taking shape in front of them. ISIS told us
exactly what it was going to do, and then did it. This was a secret
conspiracy hiding in plain sight.
[99]Continue Reading
* [100][javascript] Andrew Brookes / Corbis
Programmers: Stop Calling Yourselves Engineers
+ [101]Ian Bogost
It undermines a long tradition of designing and building
infrastructure in the public interest.
I’m commiserating with a friend who recently left the technology
industry to return to entertainment. “I’m not a programmer,” he
begins, explaining some of the frustrations of his former
workplace, before correcting himself, “—oh, engineer, in tech-bro
speak. Though to me, engineers are people who build bridges and
follow pretty rigid processes for a reason.”
His indictment touches a nerve. In the Silicon Valley technology
scene, it’s common to use the bare term “engineer” to describe
technical workers. Somehow, everybody who isn’t in sales,
marketing, or design became an engineer. “We’re hiring engineers,”
read startup websites, which could mean [102]anything from
Javascript programmers to roboticists.
[103]Continue Reading
* [104][javascript] Jim Young / Reuters
The Islands Where Guns Proliferated—but Not Gun Crime
+ [105]Kevin Mahnken
Despite a spike in sales, Hawaii boasts persistently low rates of
violence involving firearms, offering lessons for the rest of the
United States.
It’s not hard to come up with reasons why Hawaii [106]ranks among
the country’s happiest states. But [107]it’s also the healthiest.
While that status is largely attributable to public health
phenomena like lower rates of smoking and depression, there’s
another factor playing a small part: Its residents are at a
significantly lower risk than mainland Americans of dying by
According to a data calculator maintained by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, Hawaii’s rate of gun homicide
clocks in at [108]just 0.62 victims per 100,000 people. (The rate
for the United States as a whole is [109]3.99, a nearly sevenfold
difference.) Hawaii boasts one of the country’s [110]lowest suicide
rates, which have [111]been shown to increase when a gun is kept in
the home, and [112]just 20 percent of the state’s suicides are
committed with firearms—nationally, guns are responsible for a
little over [113]50 percent. A [114]study from earlier this year
also assigned Hawaii the lowest prevalence of non-fatal firearm
injuries in the 18 states it measured. Whether intentional,
accidental, assault-related, self-inflicted, or indeterminate,
these incidents consistently occur at far lesser frequency in the
Aloha State.
[115]Continue Reading
* [116][javascript] Gene Page / AMC
The Walking Dead Ties up Some Loose Ends
+ [117]Lenika Cruz and [118]David Sims
Abraham, Darryl, and Sasha’s detour was … eventful.
Every week for the fifth season of AMC’s post-apocalyptic drama The
Walking Dead, [119]Lenika Cruz and [120]David Sims will discuss the
latest threat—human, zombie, or otherwise—to the show’s
increasingly hardened band of survivors.
[121]Continue Reading
* [122][javascript]
'Don't Sneak': A Father's Command to His Gay Son in the 1950s
+ [123]Nadine Ajaka
In a StoryCorps animation, Patrick Haggerty remembers the
remarkable advice he got from his dairy farmer dad.
[124]Watch Video
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How America Reacted to 'The Coddling of the American Mind'
+ [126]The Editors
"I was expecting to have to deal with a ton of hate mail."
[127]Watch Video
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An Ancient Discovery in Peru
+ [129]Nadine Ajaka
In the Amazon, an enormous face is found carved into the cliffs of
the jungle.
[130]Watch Video
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So he’s a vampire. A real one. Sort of.
When he was a kid, Merticus felt a “hunger for energy”—a tiredness that
sleep and food simply couldn’t cure. When the Internet came along in
the 1990s, he discovered there were people out there like him, and
learned how to satisfy his strange, unquenchable thirst.
He remembers the first time he drank blood, in his mid 20s. It was an
“intimate and private event,” he recalls, in which he used a tortoise
shell lancet to carefully cut his significant other’s skin.
The first taste changed everything.
After he started feeding, he says he no longer experienced the asthma
that plagued him since he was a child, and stopped contracting
infections from primary immunodeficiency disorders.
These days, Merticus says his worst health problem is the occasional
sinus infection. And when he feels “hungry,” blood does the trick.
(For more strange science, check out [64]The Real Medical Disorder
Where You Think You’re a Rotting Corpse.)
Now’s the point in the story where you might say, “What the f***? Is
this guy for real?”
He is—and he’s not alone. Experts estimate there are thousands of
real-life vampires, but according to a recent study published in the
journal Critical Social Work, the majority are hiding among us: They’re
normal people with day jobs and families who keep their practices a
secret to avoid being ostracized.
“We’re people you pass on the street and likely socialize with on a
daily basis,” Merticus says.
Let’s get one big thing out of the way: Most real vampires aren’t like
the characters from Twilight or True Blood. And they aren’t like their
most obsessive fans, who wear capes, don prosthetic fangs, and sleep in
These faux-vampires are called “lifestylers” who follow an aesthetic,
says Joseph Laycock, Ph.D., an assistant professor of religious studies
at Texas State University and author of Vampires Today: The Truth about
Modern Vampires.
Real-life vampires could also be into the stereotypical stuff, Laycock
says, but looking the part is hardly a requirement. They don’t suck
blood to be cool—they do it because they believe their health depends
on it.
Without blood, vampires feel vulnerable to unpleasant symptoms like
headaches, lethargy, pain, and depression, says DJ Williams, Ph.D., who
published the Critical Social Work report.
Related: [65]5 Reasons You’re Tired All the Time
Imagine you went for a week without sleep. Then, after days of feeling
weak and exhausted, you finally got a full night of deep, restorative
That’s sort of how vampires feel after drinking blood, says Williams.
Once they get their fix, they feel rejuvenated. “A calming energetic
vibration, or a tingling sensation fused with an intense heightening of
virtually all my senses envelops me when I’ve fed,” Merticus says.
So what’s it like to actually suck someone’s blood?
Vampires like Merticus say they can sense that heightened-energy
feeling when they’re near fresh blood. But that doesn’t mean they walk
around looking for just anyone to sink their teeth into.
In fact, most real vampires take blood from willing donors—often a
close friend, family member, or sexual partner. They make sure to treat
these donors properly and safely, Laycock says.
Some vampires do bite for blood, but most use a lancet to make a small
cut—usually between a donor’s shoulder blades, says Laycock.
And they don’t guzzle down big mouthfuls of blood. Usually, vampires
will consume a tablespoon or two every couple of weeks.
Now for the million-dollar question: Is there any evidence that shows
the benefits of drinking blood, or is it all a bunch of BS?
To start, blood is rich in iron. And if you had an iron deficiency, you
would feel lethargic.
But downing a few tablespoons of blood every once in a while wouldn’t
be enough to supplement someone with an iron deficiency, says Jeffrey
Hobden, Ph.D., an associate professor of microbiology, immunology, and
parasitology at Louisiana State University School of Medicine.
“Eating iron-rich foods like red meat or taking an iron supplement is
the way to go,” Hobden says.
Related: [66]The 5 Biggest Health Myths You Still Believe
Foods and supplements are also, unsurprisingly, a whole lot safer.
Consuming human blood can transmit serious human diseases like
hepatitis and HIV, says Hobden.
Many real vampires reduce this risk, though, by asking their donors to
test for pathogens and parasites before drinking their blood, Williams
Some psychologists believe that vampirism is, above all else, a
psychological disorder related to schizophrenia or psychopathy, says
Williams. But not all experts think real-life vampires are necessarily
mentally ill—including Williams himself.
“It’s an alternative identity,” he says. “It’s a different way of
people making sense of who they are. I don’t see it as being
pathological or problematic, necessarily.”
Tags: [67]weird science[68]WTF[69]blood
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Real-Life Vampires: We ‘Feed’ During Sex
Outside their community, real-life vampires exist mostly in secret. And
once or twice a week, they drink human blood.
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“Merticus” is an Atlanta-native, husband, and dog owner. The
37-year-old listens to Radiohead, watches The Shawshank Redemption, and
sells antiques. He’s a world traveler, voracious reader, and occasional
Once a week, he [19]drinks human blood.
Experts estimate there are thousands of people like him
worldwide—working professionals, friends, and neighbors, who, publicly
or not, identify as “real life vampires.” It wasn’t until 1997 that
Merticus (a name he adopted three years earlier) “came out of the
coffin” and began identifying as “vampiric.” It’s a “loosely defined”
identity, he says, that includes anyone from the donors (those who
offer up their blood) to role players.
To be sure, there is no scientific evidence that vampirism is a real
condition, nor proof that Merticus’s symptoms aren’t simply a product
of his imagination. Science and medicine reject the concept of
vampirism, and it’s not difficult to see why. Feeding off another
human’s blood for “survival” is, quite literally, the stuff of horror
A small pocket of scientists—intrigued by how vehemently vampires
defend their condition as authentic—have begun exploring the potential
that it’s a mental disorder. Dr. Katherine Ramsland, a professor of
forensic psychology at DeSales University, coined the term “Vampire
Personality Disorder” several years ago. She hypothesizes that those
who believe themselves to be “real life vampires” are actually
suffering from a delusion-based mental illness.
For Merticus, distinguishing vampirism from mythology is just as
important as defining it. “[It] is not a cult, a religion, a dangerous
practice, a paraphilia, an offshoot of the BDSM community, a community
composed exclusively of disillusioned teenagers, and it’s definitely
not what’s depicted in fictional books, movies, or television,” he
Coming out of the coffin took years of research and self-reflection, a
difficult path to embark on in a society that considers vampires to be
blood-hungry villains. In his mind, it was less about choice than
acceptance—an “awakening” to his true self. “My identity as a real
vampire represents a lifelong association—not a phase or temporary
affinity,” he tells me.
Despite being “fiercely private,” Merticus is open to sharing to his
story. Once acquainted, he sends eloquent, novel-like emails, sharing
intimate details of every aspect of his life—from weekly feedings to
physical symptoms. It’s no surprise to learn that he acts as a liaison
between law enforcement and academia, on top of the media.
Sanguinarian vampires gain energy by drinking small amounts of blood
(either human or animal); physic by feeding on “life force energy.”
For a community shrouded in darkness, he’s as close to a public figure
as it gets.
His connection to the community, and devotion to serving it, runs deep.
In 2005, he helped found the [20]Atlanta Vampire Alliance (AVA), an
organization that promotes unity and offers support to those “newly
awakened.” Today, it is one of the most far-reaching organizations of
real-life vampires in the world. One year later, he founded the largest
vampire research company, [21]Suscitatio Enterprises, LLC. Now he runs
and operates the [22]Vampire Community News network, an internal social
media platform that he founded in 2008.
It’s one of the reasons he proved an invaluable resource for a
[23]recent study by two social workers that made headlines nationwide.
Published in the journal Critical Social Work, it detailed the struggle
those who identify as vampiric face in talking to social workers. It
was Merticus who first contacted DJ Williams, co-author of the study,
who he’d seen write about it in the past.
An associate professor of social work at Idaho State, Williams has been
studying real-life vampires for more than a decade. Initially skeptical
of the condition, he became convinced of its authenticity after meeting
a woman who identified as a real-life vampire. Williams, the only
academic that agrees to speak with me about it, is equally passionate.
“We have a code of ethics and talk about being open minded, but I’m not
sure we practice that with these clients,” he tells me.
Understanding real-life vampires begins with distinguished between
three types. “Lifestyle” vampires are a sort of “vampire light,” if you
will. Lifestylers are attracted to the vampire aesthetic, but don’t
feel the need to consume blood. Their identity revolves around
appearance—prosthetic fangs, all black garb, and colored contacts.
The other two types of vampires, sanguinarian and psychic, do not adopt
the aesthetic. Williams [24]defines these two types as “individuals who
cannot adequately sustain their own physical, mental, or spiritual well
being without the taking of blood or vital life-force energy from other
Sanguinarian vampires gain energy by drinking small amounts of blood
(either human or animal); physic by feeding on “life force energy.”
While Merticus harbors no resentment toward “lifestyle vampires,” he
does make it a point to distinguish between the two. “I typically dress
in black from head to toe but I’ve never owned a pair of prosthetic
fangs,” he says. “I don’t identify specifically with the Goth culture
from a social identity standpoint.”
Sanguinarian and psychic vampires consider “real vampirism” to be an
extension of their identity, not a lifestyle choice. Not feeding isn’t
an option. “Without feeding the vampire will become lethargic, sickly,
depressed, and often go through physical suffering or discomfort,” he
Those who rely on feeding, Merticus being one of them, tend to stray
from using the word vampire. “Self-identified real vampires use the
word ‘vampire’ in a metaphorical sense because they don’t consider
themselves to have supernatural powers or to be immortal beings,” he
says. “Despite how ironic this may sound such vampires are fairly
grounded in reality and understand they’re either energy deficient,
psychic, or more acutely ‘aware’ humans who satiate their needs or
desires with energy or blood.”
Most jarring in my email correspondence with Merticus is the
description of the act of feeding. The process itself is surprisingly
systematic. The process begins with “living donors”—people who consent
to letting a real-life vampire drink their blood. Finding a donor isn’t
easy; vetting them isn’t either. Most sanguinarian vampires require
their living donors be screened and undergo careful medical evaluation
to prevent blood-borne diseases.
“Foreplay and the pleasure of one’s partner is often essential for
being able to raise the energy necessary for a vampire to feed.”
Partaking of the “coveted red liquid,” as he calls it, is simpler.
Generally he “feeds” once a week, anywhere from one to two tablespoons.
Vampires don’t “find value” in storing blood, he says, but will
sometimes resort to animal blood if a living donor is not available to
“satiate their hunger.” For Merticus, the act of feeding is intertwined
with sexuality. For others, it isn’t.
Unlike popular depictions of vampires, teeth are not the method used to
feed. “Drawing blood through biting is not a sanitary or safe
practice,” he says. Medical lancets or sterilized blades are his
instrument, which he uses to make a small slit in the back. “The
overwhelming majority of self-identified vampires adhere to ethical and
safe feeding practices, are of sound mind and judgment, and
productively contribute to society,” he says.
Merticus says the process begins with him “running his fingers” over
the skin to feel a “connection” being established that will help him
draw the blood. “A calming energetic vibration or tingling sensation
fused with an intense heightening of virtually all of my senses
envelops me when I’ve fed at a deep level with someone whose etheric
body aligns with my own,” he writes.
While Merticus sees the parallels between this type of feeding and
BDSM, he insists they are distinct entities. Participation in BDSM is
not a prerequisite for vampirism. “Sexual intercourse is not always the
end goal of a vampire who claims to feed from sexual energies,” he
says. “Foreplay and the pleasure of one’s partner is often essential
for being able to raise the energy necessary for a vampire to feed.”
Outside of Merticus’s testimony, there’s little else out there about
real-life vampires. For a condition that revolves around drinking the
blood of another live human, this isn’t surprising. Only a handful of
scholars in the world view it as legitimate enough to study, a few of
which have written books. Williams, in a matter of seconds, can name
every title.
The research group is in regular contact, sharing their results and
discoveries. None of them seem to have zeroed in on a specific
“explanation.” Without one, vague theories as to the origins abound.
Researcher Nick Lane theorized in a 2002 [25]paper that vampirism is
explained by porphyria, a rare blood disorder that causes intense
sensitivity to sunlight. In the past, others have pointed to
[26]tuberculosis, because victims cough up blood, or [27]catalepsy,
which causes corpse-like mangling of the body. In medieval times, it
was thought to be a disease of the dead. In the 1800s, it was
considered a sexual condition.
A prevailing theory today is that vampires are merely blood
fetishists—a label that does bear similarities to some sanguinarian
vampires’ feedings. In his book [28]Vampires Today: The Truth About
Modern Vampirism, Joseph Laycock explores the connection in detail.
While he acknowledges major overlaps, he [29]points out a difference
between the two: blood fetishists will consume the blood of a
corpse—vampires will not.
Merticus says the two can overlap, but are not synonymous. “Blood
fetishists are aroused by seeing, smelling, and touching blood,” he
says. “Sanguinarian vampires believe that the drinking of small
quantities of blood represents a health and quality of life issue—a
need rather than a desire.”
Whether or not science will deem it worthy of serious exploration is
unclear. Williams, who’s already working on another study, wants to
shed more light on the topic. Merticus, it seems, just wants peace.
“Whether or not this increased attention translates into increased
acceptance is something that remains to be seen,” he writes. “All we
ask for is an open mind, tolerance, and the right to privately live our
Sharpen your stakes, ready your garlic, and [44]Snapchat Buffy, because
Britain apparently has a vampire problem.
A British academic claims that Britain has been invaded by an
“underground network” of 15,000 real-life vampires, who regularly meet
up to drink the blood of human volunteers, or human kegs as I like to
call them.
Believe it or not, people like this really exist:
IFRAME: [45]//
IFRAME: [46]//
Dr. Emyr Williams of Glyndwr University has created an [47]online
survey that he hopes real-life vampires will complete so he can learn
more about them.
“They are a group of people who drink blood and drain energy from
people, but their well-established laws mean they know who it can and
can’t be taken from,” he said.
So vampires have rules that they abide by, which govern their behavior.
That’s good to know. We don’t want blood sucking creatures of the night
roaming around draining the blood of every human they come in contact
v [48]t
“For example, Sanguine vampires receive blood from willing donors who
they can only cut on certain parts of the body, and they are forbidden
from taking too much,” Dr. Williams said.
Dr. Williams hopes that his study will help society understand vampires
better and reduce the fear around them.
“I don’t want to label them as mad, bad, dangerous or only interested
in Gothic culture and graveyards. They’re just a group of people we
need to know more about,” he said.
Vampires everywhere approve of this message.
9 People Who Are Definitely Real Life Vampires
Ethan Hawke has to be a vampire, right? The actor looks the same in
Boyhood – the new Richard Linklater film hitting theaters July 11 – as
he does in Daybreakers (airing on IFC this Sunday), Training Day and
even Reality Bites. But he’s not the only ageless celeb. We used our
own special research and scientific skills (aka, Google) to identify 9
other real vampires.
Check out a preview of Boyhood below.
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9 People Who Are Definitely Real Life Vampires
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Protect your neck and read on!
9. Christie Brinkley
She’s 60 and looks better in a bathing suit than all of us.
IFRAME: [40]
8. Pharrell Williams
He’s 41, looks like he’s 21 and is always in a good mood. We think it’s
a trap.
IFRAME: [41]
7. Demi Moore
She seems to look younger every year. And so do her boyfriends.
IFRAME: [42]
6. Helen Mirren
68-year-old Mirren can twerk it better than most 20-year-old pop
singers (you know who you are).
IFRAME: [43]
5. Marisa Tomei
Really? She’s 49 and looks like this? Not fair.
IFRAME: [44]
[45]Continue to next page > >
[46]Boyhood[47]Daybreakers[48]Ethan Hawke[49]lists
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Amy Poehler Carrie Brownstein
Carrie and Amy Team Up
Watch Carrie Brownstein Officiate a Wedding With Amy Poehler’s Help
Carrie Brownstein's Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl is available now.
Posted by [51]Melissa Locker on November 4th
Here’s proof that anything can happen when you go to one of Carrie
Brownstein’s book readings: a recent stopover on Carrie’s [52]Hunger
Makes Me A Modern Girl book tour turned into an impromptu wedding
IFRAME: [53]
Amy Poehler had just wrapped up her Q&A with Carrie when a couple asked
the [54]Portlandia star — who just so happens to be an ordained
minister — if she would officiate their wedding. “Amy was visibly
excited and shocked, and turned to Carrie [and said] ‘You gotta do
it!’,” said a source [55]speaking to Us Weekly.
According to an audience member, “[The couple] asked if they could get
married on the spot, as they’d come prepared with their marriage
“It was a sincere, thoughtful, and impressive speech, considering the
spontaneity,” added sources. “Amy remained seated at the piano, looking
emotional and delighted for them…”
Be sure to grab Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl [56]out now, and catch
Carrie on her [57]book tour. Who knows what will happen next???
[58]Amy Poehler[59]Carrie Brownstein[60]hunger makes me a modern
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Gigi Wrote a Book for You
Read Gigi’s Outrageous Children’s Book ‘Call Your Grandmother’
Posted by [63]IFC on October 8th
This week on Gigi Does It, Gigi Rotblum (David Krumholtz) pens a
[64]heartwarming children’s book about the perils of not calling your
dear grandma. And now you can read the full story below!
[65]Gigi Does It Book Cover
Gigi Book Page 1
[66]Gigi Book Page 2
[67]Gigi Book Page 3 REV
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Should You Open the Package?
How Well Do You Know the Transporter Movies? Take Our Quiz!
Catch Transporter 3 this month on IFC.
Posted by [69]Luke McKinney on October 1st
The action-packed [70]Transporter trilogy is screeching onto IFC, where
it intends to deliver car chases, explosions, and more Jason Statham
than should be legally allowed. But how well do you know this
high-octane franchise? Take our quiz on the Transporter movies below
and find out.
[72]Quizzes[73]The Transporter[74]Transporter 3
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New Arrivals
This Week on IFC: Benders and Gigi Does It Are Here!
Benders and Gigi Does It invade IFC Thursday, October 1st starting at
Posted by [76]Melissa Locker on October 1st
This Thursday, October 1st, get to know two great new shows on IFC. At
10P, get on the ice and join the team on [77]Benders. On the premiere
episode, Paul’s (Andrew Schulz) grandpa makes him an offer he can’t
refuse, even if it interferes with his busy schedule of hockey playing
and beer drinking.
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9 People Who Are Definitely Real Life Vampires
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Episode 101
My Favorite Grandson
Episode 107
Allergy Cat
Episode 107
Tambourine Girl
Episode 101
My Favorite Grandson
Episode 107
Allergy Cat
Episode 107
Tambourine Girl
Watch Next
Episode 101
My Favorite Grandson
Episode 107
Allergy Cat
Episode 107
Tambourine Girl
The stay tuned at 10:30P for [78]Gigi Does It, the new show starring
David Krumholtz as a grandma who gets her groove back. This week, Gigi
Rotblum inherits her late husband’s secret fortune, hires an assistant
(Ricky Mabe), and takes unexpected measures to protect herself. James
Urbaniak (Difficult People) guest stars.
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9 People Who Are Definitely Real Life Vampires
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Episode 101
Have You Seen Our Gun?
Episode 101
Next of Kin
Episode 101
Have You Seen Our Gun?
Episode 101
Next of Kin
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Episode 101
Have You Seen Our Gun?
Episode 101
Next of Kin
Can’t wait until Thursday? We’ve got you covered. Click below to watch
FREE episodes of Benders and Gigi Does It.
[79]Watch an episode of Benders
[80]Watch an episode of Gigi Does It
In addition to [81]YouTube and right here on [82], an episode
each of Benders and Gigi Does It can be seen on VOD and [83]TV
Everywhere platforms through IFC’s cable partners.
[84]Boyhood[85]Daybreakers[86]Ethan Hawke[87]lists
July 22, 2015 | 2:00pm
For the last 10 years, Blut Katzchen has been in the food-service
industry — as a meal for vampires.
The 28-year-old florist from Louisiana travels around the country to
satisfy the bloodlust of self-proclaimed vampires by allowing them to
drink her blood directly from her body.
“I have always been entranced with the whole vampire culture since I
was very young,” [56]she told Barcroft Media. “I found a book on
vampires in my sister’s collection and became completely entranced with
Within the vampire subculture, Katzchen is known as a “Black Swan,”
someone who willingly offers up her blood to drink.
Blut Katzchen joins self-proclaimed vampire Michael Vachmiel in his
home in Houston.Photo: Jason Janik / Barcroft USA
Her latest thirsty caller, Michael Vachmiel, says Katzchen’s blood
gives him energy, the kind he needs to survive. The 43-year-old, who is
also known as Raven, says he’s been drawn to consuming blood since the
age of 13.
“During an intense sexual act, blood was drawn and it touched my lips
and at that point it was an awakening. Something in my mind and spirit
woke up,” said Vachmiel, who met Katzchen at a Vampire Ball in Houston.
The two get together a few times a year to perform the blood-sucking
ritual, which, unlike in vampire movies, involves sterilized tools like
razor blades and suction cups.
“You have to have a very strong connection to the person who is feeding
off you,” Katzchen said. “Michael and I have a very intimate
relationship and I trust him completely.”
I Let My Vampire Boyfriend Drink My Blood
Blut Katzchen and Michael Vachmiel during a recent blood-sucking
Photo: Jason Janik / Barcroft USA
I Let My Vampire Boyfriend Drink My Blood
Photo: Jason Janik / Barcroft USA
I Let My Vampire Boyfriend Drink My Blood
Photo: Jason Janik / Barcroft USA
I Let My Vampire Boyfriend Drink My Blood
Blut Katzchen's back is scarred from years of feedings.
Photo: Jason Janik / Barcroft USA
I Let My Vampire Boyfriend Drink My Blood
Photo: Jason Janik / Barcroft USA
[57]Up Next [58]Man who called 911 over 'chest pains' actually wanted
help with air conditioner
Man who called 911 over 'chest pains' actually wanted help with air
INDIANA, Pa. — State police say a western Pennsylvania man...
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This woman lets real-life vampires drink her blood
July 22, 2015
Despite the risks, Katzchen says she’s never had an STD or blood-born
illness scare. To her, the feeding experience is spiritual.
“To be able to give energy to someone — even if it’s a small bit — is
an extremely liberation feeling,” she said.
To anyone curious about the vampire lifestyle, Katzchen offers some
“People who are interested need to do their research and use the proper
tools,” she said. “Don’t donate to just anyone. A lot of people think
it’s like, ‘I’m a free buffet.’”
Filed under [65]vampires
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Vampires: Fact, Fiction and Folklore
by Benjamin Radford, Live Science Contributor
Date: 22 October 2014 Time: 08:34 PM ET
Vampire Vampire
CREDIT: [9]Margaaret M. Stewart | [10]shutterstock
Vampires are a perennial favorite around Halloween, but they can be
found year-round in movies and on television, in books and on blogs.
The public's thirst for vampires seems as endless as vampires' thirst
for blood. Modern writers of vampire fiction, including Stephenie
Meyer, Anne Rice, Stephen King and countless others, have a rich vein
of vampire lore to draw from. But where did the vampires come from?
bela lugosi as dracula
Bela Lugosi's portrayal of Dracula has influenced how many people
picture vampires.
The most famous vampire is, of course, Bram Stoker's Dracula, though
those looking for a historical "real" Dracula often cite Romanian
prince [11]Vlad Tepes (1431-1476), after whom Stoker is said to have
modeled some aspects of his Dracula character. The characterization of
Tepes as a vampire, however, is a distinctly Western one; in Romania,
he is viewed not as a blood-drinking sadist but as a national hero who
defended his empire from the Ottoman Turks.
The vampires most people are familiar with (such as Dracula) are
revenants — human corpses that are said to return from the grave to
harm the living; these vampires have Slavic origins only a few hundred
years old. But other, older, versions of the vampire were not thought
to be human at all but instead supernatural, possibly demonic, entities
that did not take human form.
Matthew Beresford, author of "[12]From Demons to Dracula: The Creation
of the Modern Vampire Myth" (Reaktion, 2008), notes, "There are clear
foundations for the vampire in the ancient world, and it is impossible
to prove when the myth first arose. There are suggestions that the
vampire was born out of sorcery in ancient Egypt, a demon summoned into
this world from some other." There are many variations of vampires from
around the world. There are Asian vampires, such as the Chinese
jiangshi (pronounced chong-shee), evil spirits that attack people and
drain their life energy; the blood-drinking Wrathful Deities that
appear in the "Tibetan Book of the Dead," and many others.
Identifying vampires
While most people can name several elements of vampire lore, there are
no firmly established characteristics. Some vampires are said to be
able to turn into bats or wolves; others can't. Some are said not to
cast a reflection, but others do. Holy water and sunlight are said to
repel or kill some vampires, but not others. The one universal
characteristic is the draining of a vital bodily fluid, typically
blood. One of the reasons that vampires make such successful literary
figures is that they have a rich and varied history and folklore.
Writers can play with the "rules" while adding, subtracting or changing
them to fit whatever story they have in mind.
Finding a vampire is not always easy: according to one Romanian legend
you'll need a 7-year-old boy and a white horse. The boy should be
dressed in white, placed upon the horse, and the pair set loose in a
graveyard at midday. Watch the horse wander around, and whichever grave
is nearest the horse when it finally stops is a vampire's grave — or it
might just have something edible nearby; take your pick.
Interest and belief in revenants surged in the Middle Ages in Europe.
Though in most modern stories the classic way to become a vampire is to
be bitten by one, that is a relatively new twist. In his book
"[13]Vampires, Burial, and Death: Folklore and Reality" (Yale, 2008),
folklorist Paul Barber noted that centuries ago, "Often potential
revenants can be identified at birth, usually by some abnormality, some
defect, as when a child is born with teeth. Similarly suspicious are
children born with an extra nipple (in Romania, for example); with a
lack of cartilage in the nose, or a split lower lip (in Russia) … When
a child is born with a red caul, or amniotic membrane, covering its
head, this was regarded throughout much of Europe as presumptive
evidence that it is destined to return from the dead." Such minor
deformities were looked upon as evil omens at the time.
The belief in vampires stems from superstition and mistaken assumptions
about postmortem decay. The first recorded accounts of vampires follow
a consistent pattern: Some unexplained misfortune would befall a
person, family or town — perhaps a drought dried up crops, or an
infectious disease struck. Before science could explain weather
patterns and germ theory, any bad event for which there was not an
obvious cause might be blamed on a vampire. Vampires were one easy
answer to the age-old question of why bad things happen to good people.
Villagers combined their belief that something had cursed them with
fear of the dead, and concluded that perhaps the recently deceased
might be responsible, having come back from the graves with evil
intent. Graves were unearthed, and surprised villagers often mistook
ordinary decomposition processes for supernatural phenomenon. For
example, though laypeople might assume that a body would decompose
immediately, if the coffin is well sealed and buried in winter,
putrefaction might be delayed by weeks or months; intestinal
decomposition creates bloating which can force blood up into the mouth,
making it look like a dead body has recently sucked blood. These
processes are well understood by modern doctors and morticians, but in
medieval Europe were taken as unmistakable signs that vampires were
real and existed among them.
A buried skull with vampire-like qualities
A skeleton buried in the cemetery of Vecchiano in Pisa showing a
similar condition to the purported "Venetian vampire."
Credit: Antonio Fornaciari
Vampire defense and protection
The best way to deal with vampires, of course, is to prevent them from
coming back in the first place. A few centuries ago in Europe this was
often accomplished by staking suspected vampires in their graves; the
idea was to physically pin the vampire to the earth, and the chest was
chosen because it's the trunk of the body. This tradition was later
reflected in popular fiction depicting wooden stakes as dispatching
vampires. There was no particular significance to using wood; according
to folklore, vampires — like djinn (genies) and many other magical
creatures — fear iron, so an iron bar would be even more effective than
a wooden stake.
Other traditional methods of killing vampires include decapitation and
stuffing the severed head's mouth with garlic or a brick. In fact,
suspected vampire graves have been found with just such signs.
According to a 2012 Live Science article, "The body of the woman was
found in a mass grave on the Venetian island of Nuovo Lazzaretto.
Suspecting that she might be a vampire, a common folk belief at the
time, gravediggers [14]shoved a rock into her skull to prevent her from
chewing through her shroud and infecting others with the plague, said
anthropologist Matteo Borrini of the University of Florence." Other
researchers later challenged this interpretation, and suggested that
the brick may not have been placed in the mouth after all, but instead
was one of many bricks surrounding the body that merely fell there
after burial. Whether that burial reflected an accused vampire or not,
other graves are much clearer. In 2013, archaeologists in Bulgaria
found [15]two skeletons with iron rods through their chests; the pair
are believed to have been accused vampires, according to an article in
Archaeology magazine.
A purported "vampire" found in Venice
The skull of the "vampire of Venice," found in a mass grave with a
brick stuck in its jaw.
Credit: Matteo Borrini
If your local villagers neglected to unearth and stake a suspected
vampire and he or she has returned from the grave, there are steps you
can take to protect yourself. The exact method varies around the world,
but in some traditions the best way to stop a vampire is to carry a
small bag of salt with you. If you are being chased, you need only to
spill the salt on the ground behind you, at which point the vampire is
obligated to stop and count each and every grain before continuing the
pursuit. If you don't have salt handy, some say that any small granules
will do, including birdseed or sand. Salt was often placed above and
around doorways for the same reason.
Some traditions hold that vampires cannot enter a home unless formally
invited in. This may have been an early form of the modern "stranger
danger" warnings to children, a scary reminder against inviting unknown
people into the house.
Credit: Ltshears | Wikimedia
Real vampires
There are, of course, a few truly vampiric animals, including leeches,
lampreys and vampire bats. And in all these cases the vampire's intent
is to draw enough blood for sustenance, but not enough to kill the
But what about human vampires? There are certainly many self-identified
vampires who participate in gothic-inspired subcultures. Some host
vampire-themed book clubs or secret bloodletting rituals; others wear
capes or get vampire-fang dental implants. It's all frightening and
fun, but blood drinking is another matter entirely. The problem is that
blood is toxic; because it is so rich in iron — and because the human
body has difficulty excreting excess iron — anyone who consumes blood
regularly runs a real risk of haemochromatosis (iron overdose), which
can cause a wide variety of diseases and problems, including liver and
nervous system damage.
In one form or another, vampires have been part of human culture and
folklore in different forms for millennia, and the bloodsuckers show no
signs of going away any time soon.
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Interview with a real-life vampire: why drinking blood isn't like in
People who claim to be vampires are in the thousands, with demographics
transcending class, race and gender. But there’s a reason they stay in
the shadows
Vampires: ‘We do not identify with fictional characters, supernatural
powers, or immortality, nor do we have any difficulty distinguishing
between fantasy and reality.’ Illustration: Celine Loup for the
[38]Kim Wall
Saturday 15 August 2015 06.00 EDT Last modified on Monday 17 August
2015 12.05 EDT
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Drinking blood isn’t what Hollywood makes it out to be, according to
real-life vampires.
First of all, there’s no biting – that’s neither safe nor sanitary –
and with too many vital arteries, the neck isn’t the favored spot.
Transactions aren’t carnages leaving the victim lifeless behind in a
dark alley, and nor do vampires sleep in coffins or burn in daylight.
They’re generally cool with garlic. Most of them don’t even have fangs.
Instead, modern vampires get their sustenance from inch-long incisions
made by a sterilized scalpel on a fleshy part of the body that doesn’t
scar. Though the vampire may suck it up directly from the source,
medically trained personnel usually perform the procedure. There’s
paperwork too: “donors” don’t just have to consent, but also provide
health certificates proving the absence of blood-borne diseases. Still,
feeding is a sensual and sacred ritual.
The people who claim to be vampires are in the thousands worldwide,
with demographics transcending borders, class, race and gender. And
increasingly, researchers study them.
“We’re people you pass on the street and likely socialize with on a
daily basis,” says [46]Merticus, the 37-year-old founding member of
[47]Atlanta’s Vampire Alliance. “We often keep this aspect of our life
secret for fear we’ll be misunderstood and to safeguard against
reprisals from what society deems taboo.”
Merticus has identified as a real vampire since 1997, and speaks
eloquently and passionately about what vampirism is and what it is not.
(“Not a cult, a religion, a dangerous practice, a paraphilia, an
offshoot of the BDSM community, a community of disillusioned teenagers
and definitely not what’s depicted in fictional books, movies or
An antique dealer by profession, married with two dogs, he’s one of
exceptionally few vampires to be open about his identity (“I hide in
plain sight,” he explains). For almost a decade, he has personally
worked with academics, social scientists, psychologists, lawyers, law
enforcement agencies and others on how to best approach, research and
understand the vampire subculture.
An Atlanta native, he is known as Merticus both legally and personally
– even on his Starbucks card. And while he mostly dresses head-to-toe
in black, he doesn’t don colored lenses or fang prosthetics. In fact,
he is keen to say he isn’t into it because vampirism is “cool”. Real
vampires don’t care much for pop culture buzz, and most don’t look the
stereotype (only some 35% of real vampires are into goth, he claims).
Some even sneer at the “lifestylers” (also known as “fashion vampires”
and “posers”).
Modern vampires do not have sharp teeth.
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Modern vampires do not have sharp teeth. Photograph: Everett/Rex
Apart from the societal taboos attached to the practice, consuming
human blood is generally not advisable: not only can it carry a range
of diseases – including Hepatitis, HIV and parasites – but also
hazardous amounts of iron. Indeed, modern vampires often insist that
their cravings are not voluntary – life would have been easier without
them – but something they’re born with. Yet, it isn’t necessarily
sexual: though they can and do overlap, real vampirism should not be
confused with blood fetishism.
Insiders refer to the realization of one’s vampiric nature as an
awakening. It isn’t like the dramatic process often portrayed in
movies, and one isn’t be “turned” through vampires bites. For most
vampires, it’s a gradual and frightening process, normally manifesting
itself in puberty or possibly following trauma. Through trial and
error, vampires learn what curbs their hunger.
No one knows what causes haematomania, the craving to drink blood.
Those who experience it describe it as an intense thirst-like
sensation, an addiction with withdrawal-like symptoms. Animal blood or
rare steaks may act as substitutes, but for most vampires nothing beats
fresh blood. Frequency and amount vary but for many a few teaspoons
once a week is enough. This, naturally, is supplemented with a normal
diet: after all, real vampires are humans with human needs.
“Most people are able to maintain healthy energy levels through diet,
exercise, social interactions and the occasional cappuccino,” says
Mertucus. “We’ve had to develop alternative means to sate our energy
Not all drink blood, either. The community generally acknowledges two
types of vampires: the blood vampires (“sanguinarians”) and the psychic
or energy vampires who drain of “life-force” (also known as prana or
chi) rather than blood from others.
“We do not identify with fictional characters, supernatural powers, or
immortality, nor do we have any difficulty distinguishing between
fantasy and reality,” Merticus says, adding that if anything, pop
culture is catching up to them.
Real vampires, he says, have existed as an organized community for
nearly 30 years, and in solitary for far longer. As there is no “test”
for vampirism, everyone is welcome and it’s a remarkably diverse crowd,
ranging from doctors, lawyers, soldiers, scientists, soldiers, artists,
teachers and parents of all age, gender, ethnicity and religion. Some
chose to align with like-minded through courts and houses, though the
majority, he says, do not.
If there’s one thing real vampires seem to have in common, it is their
reluctance to tell the world about who, and what, they are.
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‘If there’s one thing real vampires seem to have in common, it is their
reluctance to tell the world about who they are’. Photograph: Alamy
Vampirism is perhaps an unfortunate term, admits John Edgar Browning, a
researcher who has studied real vampire communities in New Orleans and
Buffalo for nearly a decade.
“The members of this community suffer from the constant conflation of
their identity by the outside world with the mythological and filmic
vampire,” Brownings explains. “As a result, outsiders generally think
of them as being out of their minds.”
According to Browning, real vampires have carved out their identity
using very little of the pop-cultural representation. And while the
mainstream may love vampires on screen, those who identify as such live
in deep fear of hate crime and discrimination.
“Had they called themselves something else entirely, their reception
may have developed quite differently. Regardless, any mention of their
special health issues is almost always treated with suspicion by
medical professionals; the inclusion of the word ‘vampire’ only
intensifies it.”
Unfortunately, the fictitious misconceptions have translated into
real-life stigmas. A [54]study published by DJ Williams of Idaho State
University raised alarm that individuals from the community rarely
reveal their practices to clinicians, fearing they be labeled
psychopathological in some way, or even wicked. While vampirism isn’t
illegal, or not included in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM), self-identified vampires worry they may be deemed not
competent to perform in typical social roles, including careers and
parenting, or even be hospitalized.
To preserve the intensity of the fear and emotion reported by
participants, Williams chose to present their questionaire responses in
poetic structures.
“Would I be comfortable
Disclosing my vampire identity?
No, I would never do that!
It would detract
From real issues
For which I was seeking treatment.
I have no desire to be classified
As delusional,
Or a threat to public safety.
Social workers, psychologists, and counselors
Should listen
And be open.
They need to know more
About spiritual things.
And not immediately jump
To treating a disorder.
For us, vampirism is normal.”
While Merticus does not deny the inherently predatory nature of
vampirism, he insists that an overwhelming majority adhere to ethical
and safe feeding practices, are of sound mind and judgment and
productively contribute to society.
Is our fascination with vampires a good opportunity for modern day
vampires to come out?
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Is our fascination with vampires a good opportunity for modern day
vampires to come out? Photograph: PR
“We are often among the more intelligent, influential, and creative of
the general population,” Merticus says. “Granted, we may be more
‘alluringly interesting’ or ‘dimensionally complex’ than your typical
cubicle coworker or next door neighbor; but we’re trying to get by in
this life just like everyone else!”
Those who have studied the community agree. According to both Browning
and Williams, vampires seem to care deeply about the health and
wellbeing of those they feed from, representing them as responsible,
conscientious and mentally sane individuals (with their own codes of
ethics ostracizing “rogues” feeding irresponsibly). The website of
Atlanta’s Vampire Alliance even features a chapter on animal welfare,
advising against unnecessary cruelty if choosing non-human blood.
Browning reports that while New Orleans’ community are extremely
private, they regularly get together for humanitarian efforts,
including feeding the city’s homeless. “One generally expects me to
divulge stories of horror and revulsion about my experiences with the
real vampire community, but the truth is I couldn’t have felt safer
being around them,” he says.
Using the widespread discrimination of BDSM practitioners as a
reference point, Williams explains that vampires’ fears to come out are
far from unwarranted – much like kink (which was only removed from the
DSM last year), vampirism highlights how ill-prepared our systems still
are to deal with non-conventional lifestyles and deviance.
Also the author of academic papers with titles such as [58]Social Work,
BDSM and Vampires and [59]Does Social Work Need a Good Spanking?,
Williams urges physicians and mental health professionals to meet
vampires, as well as other patients with alternative identities, with
tolerance and respect in order to better help them.
“Social justice is at core of this,” he explains. “I don’t think that
real vampires are our next civil rights struggle. But I do think that
we are moving into an era where social justice for a much wider variety
of diverse identities and communities will be a key societal issue.”
Real vampirism, admittedly, is still a nascent field of research. While
waiting for academia to catch up, advocates from inside the community
commissioned their own study (Merticus was part of orchestrating it).
It gathered 950 participants in 40 countries across all continents
between 2006 and 2014, and found that real vampires reported a far
greater than normal incidence of medical ailments such as asthma,
chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and endocrine system disorders than the
general population.
As serious research picks up by social (and hopefully medical) science,
Merticus hopes to find not only answers, but also that acknowledgment
may lead to increased acceptance for his kind.
In real life, coming out or not – much like True Blood’s civil rights
allegory– is a divisive question: is the pop-cultural fascination with
vampires an opportunity to build alliances and enlighten the world? Or
should vampires retreat underground to avoid judgment?
For now, real vampires feel safer in the shadows.
“I’m more concerned about family life, the economy, finding a steady
donor, and hoping the media doesn’t attribute the latest murder to
non-existent ‘vampire cults’ than I am worried about seeking social
justice and acceptance for my identity,” Merticus says.
“All we ask for is an open mind, tolerance, and the right to privately
live our lives.”
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Meet the Real-Life Vampires of New England and Abroad
The legend of the blood suckers, and the violence heaped upon their corpses,
came out of ignorance of contagious disease
Vampires At home and abroad, vampire scares usually began when a person
died and others in the vicinity began dying, too, usually of the same
sickness. (Dod Miller / Getty Images)
By [149]Abigail Tucker
Smithsonian Magazine | [150]Subscribe
October 2012
A little more than a century ago, vampires stalked Rhode Island. Or
rather, New England farm families were digging up dead relatives
suspected of being vampires and desecrating the bodies in a misguided
effort to protect the living. Often these latter-day vampire hunters
removed and burned their loved ones’ hearts.
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* [151]The Great New England Vampire Panic
Though the corpses were typically re-buried, modern scholars continue
to unearth the stories of real-life “vampires,” whose historic
tragedies underlie classics like Dracula as well as Hollywood’s latest
guilty pleasures.
The practice of disinterring accused vampires likely began in Eastern
Europe, spreading to western countries including France and England in
the 1700s, and then to rural New England, where vampire panics were
common up through the late 1800s – particularly in Rhode Island.
At home and abroad, vampire scares usually began when a person died –
often of a contagious disease, and in New England almost always of
tuberculosis – and others in the vicinity began dying, too, usually of
the same sickness. Ignorant of germs, people surmised that the dead
person had come back to drain family members’ blood, and the exhumation
and staking, burning, beheading and whatever else followed (practices
varied with geography) were an effort to insulate the community against
further harm. Often the vampire-hunters were not disappointed when they
pried open the graves: many natural signs of decay, like bloating and
bleeding from various orifices, looked like evidence of midnight
Here are a few “vampires” from America and elsewhere, the real lives
behind our modern legends.
Peter Plogojowitz: This Serbian villager and accused bloodsucker was
exhumed and staked through the heart a few weeks after his death in
1725. In his book, “Vampires, Burial, and Death,” folklorist Paul
Barber treats Plogojowitz as the quintessential European vampire,
because his exhumation closely follows the broader pattern of the
superstition. Plogojowitz was the first in his village to die of a
sickness, and subsequent local deaths were blamed on his late-night
predations. A rather gruesome-sounding autopsy revealed what were
considered the tell-tale signs of vampirism:
“I did not detect the slightest odor that is otherwise characteristic
of the dead, and the body…was completely fresh,” one witness wrote.
“The hair and beard… had grown on him; the old skin, which was somewhat
whitish, had peeled away, and a new fresh one had emerged under it …
Not without astonishment, I saw some fresh blood in his mouth.”
Arnold Paole: In the early 18th century, this rural Serbian broke his
neck after a fall from a hay wagon. Like many others before him, he was
accused of posthumous vampirism and exhumed after a series of deaths in
his village; many of his supposed victims were dug up as well. Austrian
military authorities in control of the region investigated the deaths,
and their published account was widely circulated. Paole’s case is thus
credited with spreading the vampire superstition to Western Europe,
where it took hold before reaching the New World.
Nellie Vaughn: Just 19 years old, she was buried in 1889 in West
Greenwich, Rhode Island. Today this so-called vampire is almost as
famous as Mercy Brown, whose exhumation was covered by international
newspapers. Vaughn’s cemetery has frequently been visited, vandalized
and her headstone broken. But in his book, “Food for the Dead,”
folklorist and vampire scholar Michael Bell presents evidence
suggesting that Vaughn’s is a case of mistaken identity, and that her
contemporaries never accused or exhumed her. The superstition probably
arose in the last half century or so, and may be a result of confusion
with Mercy (who died nearby at a similar date and age) and the
admittedly creepy epitaph on Vaughn’s tombstone: “I Am Waiting and
Watching For You.”
Frederick Ransom: A Dartmouth College student from a well-respected
family in South Woodstock, Vermont, he died of tuberculosis in 1817 and
is an example of an educated person ensnared in a vampire panic usually
associated with misinformed farmers. Ransom’s father had his body
exhumed in the hopes of saving the rest of his family: his heart was
burned in a blacksmith’s forge. “However, it did not prove a remedy,
for mother, sister, and two brothers died afterward,” Ransom’s
surviving brother Daniel later wrote. “It has been related to me that
there was a tendency in our family to consumption, and that I…would die
with it before I was thirty.” Happily, when Daniel Ransom wrote these
words he was more than 80 years old.
Bristoe Congdon’s child: A “black” man named Bristoe Congdon and
several of his children died of tuberculosis in Rhode Island in the
1800s. “The body of one of the children was exhumed,” one source wrote,
“and the vital parts were burned in obedience to the dicta of this
shallow and disgusting superstition.” Though it’s not entirely clear
whether Congdon was African-American or American Indian, the case was
the first that folklorist Michael Bell has found suggesting that the
vampire tradition crossed racial lines.
Annie Dennett: She died of consumption at the age of 21 in rural New
Hampshire. In September of 1810, a traveling Freewill Baptist Minister
from Vermont named Enoch Hayes Place attended her exhumation, which her
family undertook in an effort to save Annie’s father, also sick from
tuberculosis. Place’s diary entry is a curious example of the
participation of a respected New England minister in a vampire hunt.
“They opened the grave and it was a Solemn Sight indeed,” Place wrote.
“A young Brother by the name of Adams examined the mouldy Specticle,
but found nothing as they Supposed they Should…. There was but a little
left except bones.”
The tiny town of Forks, Washington became known for its teenage
vampires thanks to Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. And HBO's True
Blood established Natchez, Mississippi as another vampire haven
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A frequent contributor to Smithsonian, Abigail Tucker is writing a book
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Real-life Vampires Exist, but They Are Scared to Admit Their Practices to
Even vampires need non-judgmental help sometimes
silhouette (Permanentka/pixabay (public domain))
By [151]Marissa Fessenden
July 10, 2015
Vampires [152]are real. They’re usually not the cape-wearing,
"mwah-hah-hah-ing" types, but rather people with ordinary jobs who just
happen to consume blood or energy because they think they need it. But
even though these people sometimes need help from therapists or social
workers, they are reluctant to reveal their identities as real
vampires, [153]according to a new paper in Critical Social Work.
Of course, that fear seems understandable, given [154]the history of
how [155]mistrusted individuals have been accused of vampirism and the
[156]rare, sensational account of modern vampires.
But real vampires aren’t what many think. D.J. Williams of Idaho State
University has studied them for years. “They are successful, ordinary
people,” he told [157]Laura Zuckerman, writing for Reuters. Many
self-identified vampires [158]find each other online. Williams teamed
up with Emily E. Prior, of College of the Canyons, to write the new
They explain that while some people who identify as vampires do
participate in role-playing games or enjoy wearing specific clothing
(think black and cloak-like), others are vampires simply in their
belief that they need to feed off the energy or blood of others. Most
of the time, consensual donors provide the blood if needed. The
researchers write:
Real vampires report that without occasional feeding, their overall
health and well-being suffer. Hence, the term vampirism is used to
describe the feeding process. Real vampires may or may not find
interest in mythical vampires or pop culture vampirism; these seem
to be irrelevant to their self-identified vampirism.
The team’s work shows that while this group spans the gamut of
religious views, races and ethnicities, sexual and gender identities,
age and occupation, many report feeling marginalized. These vampires
also reported feelings of fear about disclosing their identity as
The researchers write:
People with real vampire identities, at least those within this
sample, are fearful that clinicians will label them as being
psychopathological in some way (i.e., delusional, immature,
unstable), perhaps wicked, and not competent to perform in typical
social roles, such as parenting.
Williams and Prior end with a call for clinicians and mental health
professionals to listen and learn from real vampires, just as they
should for all alternative identities. In the case of individuals who
seem to function in society normally — as the people in their survey do
— effective service includes building trust and listening.
“The real vampire community seems to be a conscientious and ethical
one,” Williams says, according to Reuters. “Most vampires believe they
were born that way; they don’t choose this."
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How Do You Give an Iberian Lynx a Pregnancy Test? Use an Assassin Bug
[1]Energy Vampires [2]How to find a real vampire [3]Knowing if you are
a real vampire [4]Telling your friends [5]Approaching a real vampire
[6]Vampire friendly bars/clubs [7]Super Infection [8]The new code
[9]Vampire jokes [10]A sobering moment from my past
[11]Letter from a real slayer [12]The truth about real slayers
[13]Recognising a real slayer [14]How to get blood [15]Vampire
[16]Links to other good websites [17]Comments and e-mails [18]Real
vampire questions and answers [19]Vampire myths and facts [20]How to
get turned into a vampire
Reading this website will make you wonder.
This is a unique real vampire website for vampires as well as the
curious. It has valuable information for any real vampire and is based
on scientific evidence. It also leads to other good websites for real
[21]This is why I "think" I'm a real vampire
They have no desire to use us as lab rats or slaves. Before reading any
farther on this site, This website is not made for poser vamps,
close-minded people, or those who think that they are, or claim to be a
vampire because they think the spirit of a vampire entered them at some
time making them a vampire. We call these people posers, which they
are; they are confused lost children. This site is not here for them in
any way! It is for real vampires, curious people, and open-minded
Real vampires are not pure fiction
The Headache Paradox: It is scientifically impossible to have a
headache, seeing that there are no pain receptors in the brain. Yet we
continue to search for answers to what causes a headache, because we
all know that headaches do exist.
Between a combination of the fact that our brains are roughly nothing
more than a highly advanced mass of nerves, and that every function is
controlled by signals that our brain sends through our nerves to the
rest of our bodies, I think that if we could somehow make our nerves
send stronger, more efficient signals at a quicker speed it would have
a lot of different results. Including heightened sense (both physical
and psychic) moving quicker both running and walking along with arm
movement etc. The brain being just nerves would obviously also be
effected, resulting in quicker more efficient thinking, which naturally
would make us smarter, more observant, and have much sharper reflexes.
Some say that is an overly simplified form of how the brain functions,
which it is. To them I say make the axons 12-15% wider, resulting in
signals being sent much more quickly through the brain. Allowing
neurons to create more connections without loss of speed, and the
10,000+ miles of blood vessels in the brain doubling as an additional
cooling system for the brain. I could write a book on the cascade of
effects that alone causes for people when they are changed in to a real
vampire, however for now I will leave it in this simplified form.
Since this may also result in pain receptors working harder, we would
be more sensitive to types of heat and other forms of pain. Explaining
sensitivity to sun and loud noises. The body naturally creating
endorphins to counteract pain would naturally adapt and produce either
stronger endorphins or endorphins at a higher rate. This would result
in a higher control over pain in the long run.
While that would be the results of a nervous system that has become
more efficient, it probably sounds like pure fiction of it happening.
However if you look at what happens to ones body when they are about to
fight, with the sudden increased strength, it makes it seem more
possible. As for regenerating as well, as cuts and bones healing in
seconds, you’re on your own. Then again I can’t think of a vampire
movie where one re-grew an arm or any other body part.
Normally our autonomic nervous system is in a constant balance of
sympathetic and parasympathetic. The former basically says, prepare for
a fight, the latter says, take it easy and relax. Personally after my
change I've been consciously aware of that going on and am wondering if
this is the case for other real vampires.
When we are about to fight, the sympathetic takes over and
norepinephrine (adrenaline) pours into the blood, causing the
circulatory system to be affected. Blood gets transferred from the skin
and viscera to the brain and muscles, causing paleness and muscles to
become strong. The extra blood going to the brain causes us to think
quicker. The increased production of red blood corpuscles, allows for
quicker coagulation, as well as quicker and deeper breathing. The blood
also leaves the different digestive organs while being rushed to the
brain and muscles. This results in cessation of digestion. With the
power of the internet this is easily looked into and confirmed.
If we, as real vampires, were in a constant state of that, seeing that
a good portion of our body would feel the lack of blood it does make
sense that we would feel the constant need to get blood from an outside
source to feel reasonably normal. Plus with that lack on a
philosophical jump of logic we could say that any blood that we
ingested would be immediately drawn into our body, much like a
dehydrated person’s body quickly puts any water they drink to use.
Ingesting blood, absorbing blood when a vampire drinks it. Every thing
you eat touches a lot of places in your body before it reaches your
stomach. It hits your mouth, tongue, and virtually every muscle in your
esophagus not to mention depending on if you've eaten recently enough
or eaten to much food it will wait in your esophagus for a short amount
of time. There are a lot of chances for blood to be absorbed long
before it even knew your stomach existed. Making stomach acid
completely irrelevant, as for recognizing blood I'm pretty sure the
body knows what blood is.
If you think a vampire or even you can drink blood without that blood
or part of it being absorbed in to the body before it reaches the acid
in their stomach. Then do the simple experiment of drinking about an
ounce of blood from a person that has AIDS, and then go get tested for
HIV three months later. If you do that experiment, you will test
positive for HIV. It is a retrovirus as well as being a part of an
infected persons blood. So that little experiment will double as a way
to show how easily ingesting blood that contains vHERV works when being
changed in to a vampire. As well as the fact that anybody can absorb
ingested blood without it ever reaching the stomach.
That is the most logical explanation I can come up with for the idea of
vampires being smarter, quicker, stronger, slightly faster healing,
paler, and more psychically aware. The following endogenous retrovirus
belief is the most logical I have heard as to why us real vampires
exist. Though it is highly controversial, the people who call it
fiction have much more far fetched explanations on what causes real
vampirism, which is why I accept this explanation and not theirs.
The endogenous retrovirus
Yale University ''[23]Endogenous retroviruses contribute to the
evolution of the host genome and can be associated with disease.'' The
belief that being a vampire was caused by a disease dates back at least
as far as the black plague. Making this far from being a new belief,
and the black plague happened long before movies were even thought of.
Meaning this is definitely not due to the latest vampire movie, or any
vampire or non-vampire movie for that matter. The claim that it is just
an energy deficiency problem, dates back no farther than the movie
''Lifeforce'' which was created in 1985. ''[24]endogenous retroviruses are a
sub-category of oncoviruses that include the lentiviruses. endogenous
retroviruses are negative single-stranded RNA viruses in which tRNA
serves as a primer for the mRNA synthesis. The mRNA is then reverse
transcribed into DNA, which is then integrated into the chromosome at a
multiplicity of sites, particularly those that are transcriptionally
The main reason behind why real vampirism isn't as widely believed as
one would think, is due to a failure of the general public's'
understanding of the endogenous retrovirus which for this website will
be referred to as vHERV. A majority of the general public doesn't
believe, and do not want to believe, that human DNA can be altered in
such a way to create such a being.
The term "Real Vampire" for purpose of this site is going to be used as
a medical term and therefore must be separated from the "Vampire"
myths, such as Dracula. A Viral Vampire is an infected human. Though
the DNA in the host human has been greatly altered, the organism
remains human in the medical sense, as the number of chromosomes have
not been changed. The entire human race has the same number of
chromosomes. The number of chromosomes is what separates humans and
animals (except for those born with Down's Syndrome - these people have
an extra copy of chromosome 21 but are, of course, human). It must be
kept in mind that DNA can be altered in many ways. Many endogenous
retroviruses can alter their DNA to become stronger and survive even
more intolerable conditions. Superinfection among vampires also
enhances the vHERV's capability of doing this, read the
[25]superinfection page to learn more about it. This is what happens
with the human DNA with the vHERV endogenous retrovirus.
Technically still human
Technically the Real Vampire is still a human. However, for sake of
discussion let us think of vampires as non-human or as the next step in
human evolution. This is difficult to believe because many of the
attributes of a Real Vampire are considered far more developed than
those of a human. Strength, speed, enhanced mental and/or psychic
abilities, the ability to digest human and animal blood more
efficiently are but a few of the differences. The reason this happens
is the basic human DNA is altered by the endogenous retrovirus. The
endogenous retrovirus, which we call vHERV, is NOT the same virus as
HIV. To simplify, it is transmitted through a simple exchange of blood
which can later be passed on either through birth or the more
traditional way of an exchange of blood.
Through birth, the child inherits the endogenous retrovirus, passed on
from the mother or father. The parent may have become infected with the
endogenous retrovirus from some other member of their family such as a
cousin, aunt, brother, etc., and thus the retrovirus is passed onto the
newborn. Rarely are both parents infected, i.e., real vampires
themselves. The passing of the endogenous retrovirus to the child from
the parent produces a biological vampire child. The vHERV is passed
onto the newborn much the same way the other seven endogenous
retroviruses that separate humans from chimpanzees are passed from
mother to child. Every normal human being all ready has ten endogenous
retroviruses seven of which are shared with chimpanzees. The other
three are only found in humans.
According to Yale university as well as other well respected
universities these are the differences that make humans more evolved
than the chimpanzee. In such a child, the endogenous retrovirus remains
dormant until the catalyst of the onset of puberty. The release of
hormones is believed to activate the endogenous retrovirus system.
Meaning it really is not a stretch to say that introducing one or more
new endogenous retroviruses to a human will cause them to become a
vampire, in effect giving the vampire some definite new advantages.
The Top 10 Universities of The World for 2010.
At this website we encourage you to do your own research, these
Universities should help give you a good start.
1. [26]University of Cambridge
2. [27]Harvard University
3. [28]Yale University
4. [29]UCL (University College London)
5. [30]Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
6. [31]University of Oxford
7. [32]Imperial College London
8. [33]University of Chicago
9. [34]California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
10. [35]Princeton University
The effects of the vHERV endogenous retrovirus then take a number of
years during later childhood growth to become completely effective,
i.e. active in the system from its previously dormant state in the
child's body. In most cases, the child assumes that it is just the
normal changes that happen to everyone during puberty, and generally
thinks no more of it. It is also believed that the blood chemical
make-up of the individual is also responsible in determining if the
child will be fully affected by the endogenous retrovirus and thus DNA
altered. (When the exchange of blood happens, the endogenous retrovirus
adapts to the newly introduced blood chemical make up, which is what
allows a real vampire to take on the strengths from the one that they
have received the blood from, thereby allowing it to become compatible
with the new potential host.) As with Inheritors, it takes traditional
vampires a while to develop the full blown endogenous retrovirus after
being infected. (Most of the changes happen within the first 3 days,
roughly 70-80%. The remaining changes happen over the next few years.)
Relatively newly discovered
vHERV is closely related to many other viruses such as the common flu
virus and the HIV virus. vHERV is not the HIV virus but works in much
the same way when infecting the host. Another reason the reality and
cause of vampirism in today's modern world is not more commonly known,
is because many members of the public or medical establishment do not
know of the existence of vHERV. Why do they not know of it? Because
unlike the Ebola virus and the Black Plague which have been named and
dated, vHERV in the scheme of the medical world is relatively new, and
not deadly. That is not to say that it has just been stumbled across in
modern times but it has existed in the shadows of humanity for a
millennium without a definite name. vHERV has only been known for a
relatively short time, many years to be sure, but in regard to other
viruses, a short time.
It has been many years now that several doctors in several parts of the
USA and Europe have known about and been actively studying the vHERV
and its victims. These studies have been accomplished by long range,
personal, and one-on-one research with these infected people.
In truth I can keep presenting all the information I want to you about
real vampires and their existence. However in the end one fact remains,
seeing is believing. For that use this page to [36]find a real vampire.
So that the next time you see one you will actually be able to
recognize a vampire when you see it. Because fact is vampires are every
where, and if you know what to look for you will inevitably find one on
your own.
Why would they be so secretive? For the same reasons as with any other
discovery. Once released, the doctors and researchers will gain money,
fame and reputation. Not to mention grants, and the licensing of new
drugs, etc.
What would happen to the nation's, to the world's, population if real
vampires were proven to be real?
Real, but unlike the myths or legends.
1. First the fear (my money is on jealousy NOT fear). Real vampires are
stronger, faster, etc. They could easily take jobs.
"GINA Becomes Genuine: By late May, President George W. Bush was
expected to have signed into law the Genetic Information
Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), which will prohibit health insurers from
canceling or denying coverage or hiking premiums based on genetic
predisposition due to a specific disease. The legislation, which sailed
through the House and Senate, also bars employers from using genetic
data to hire, fire, promote or make other employment-related
What this means for vampires, is due to it being genetic, once it is
accepted globally, employment or promotion decisions can not be based
on whether or not you are a vampire.
2. They tend to be smarter and more mentally adept, more psychic. Could
they then dominate and control normal humans?
3. The hatred (that's the same reason why homosexuals and lesbians
stayed "in the closet" for so long). Humans cannot even live with their
own kind in peace.
Q. What happens if you attack a person for being a Vampire?
A. The same thing that happens if you attack some one because they're
gay.) How can they live with real Vampires? (Multiple choice, pick one:
a) The same way as kids at school try to live with the class bully, try
to become friends with him so others won't give them a hard time.
b) The same way that they live with blonds - lust and humor. "How many
Vampires does it take to change a light bulb? Zero none of them needs
it." "Blonds have more fun".
c) All of the above.
4. The envy: real vampires live longer, stay younger looking longer.
How many normal people would want to be able to do the same? (With how
much money people spend on plastic and cosmetic surgery for only
looking young longer? Which reminds me of the million dollar question:
"Will you turn me into a Vampire?” Almost makes you think that they
would pay millions for what you have")
5. Population: So many of them, and they live longer. Less housing,
less food and what else would they use longer than normal people do? I
think they're more concerned with the people that are proud of their 5+
amount of kids that they popped out, than they are with someone that is
lucky enough to live a longer life.
6. And what about the religious issues? The old church views are that
all Vampires (and witches) are evil or in league with evil. How many
righteous people would like to see them dead? How many [37]hunters
would like to see them dead? Apparently not enough because there are no
serial killers targeting witches, and murder is murder. See letter
written by a true [38]slayer page on this website.
7. The government would want them for soldiers and laborers and so
would other countries. . If anything we would be considered to be more
qualified for higher positions than the average person, after a simple
blood test revealing that we are real vampires, like they already do to
people that enlist in to the military but don't tell them about it.
They consider us as too valuable to waste on common labor. Not to
mention forcibly studying them like lab animals. Duh, hello, you've
been reading so far what the government already knows, and none of it
was done by force, it was all acquired thanks to the real vampires that
were brave enough to come out into the open, and by their own free will
allowed tests to be done on them. To prove their existence and learn
more about themselves, before taking the common route of listening to
myths and theories and picking one.
8. What about the Vampire himself/herself? Their safety gone, they are
exposed; people who fear, hate or admire them and all now know the real
vampire truly exists. There are a lot more Vampires, Vampire lovers,
and friends out there than you may realize and a lot less enemies than
you think. A thousand years ago, people considered hunters to be a
hero; these days they would be nothing more than murderers. Times have
Second doubts
How does society cope with something that they learned for a millennium
does not exist? How does the world establishment tell the populous of
the existence of something believed to be myth and evil? We have
already started doing that for a while now; the only difference is we
have scientific proof to back it up. How do they integrate a newly
identified species into the human community? By realizing that we have
been in the community the whole time, we have not gone on midnight
killing sprees, and most likely a whole new type of target advertising.
Let us not forget that we have been here all along, and found our own
way into society.
[39]This tells how to approach other real vampires, which will help you
in coming out in to the open.
Here are some references to help support this information.
Blood Banks test for anything that might discount you for being a
donor. When I donated my first time they called up and said I had an
anomaly in my blood and that they wanted me to donate again, because a
part of the blood, called plasma, that they use is good for burn
victims. Interesting? After reading this site, some other vamps have
contacted me stating that they have had this happen to them as well.
There will be further announcements of the life extension program
already in effect for humans. Soon to follow, other announcements about
gene splicing, genetic engineering and gene manipulation this has
already been performed on lesser animals.
Copyright ©2005 Steve Leighton, copying without permission is forbidden
by law, and will result in a [40]DMCA report being filed by this
vampire website's owner against you and sent to your domain provider,
or to the owner of where ever you posted a copy of this vampire
Time line
The DNA of a jellyfish was implanted into a developing mouse embryo.
The result? The unification of 2 non-related creatures which resulted
in a litter of healthy mice, which actually glowed in the dark, the way
a jellyfish glows in the darkness of the depths of the sea. This
segment of research was shown on national television on the science
program Nova several times during the years of 1997 and 1998.
Then the release of a newly discovered or mapped gene found to prolong
life, a prelude to this announcement was just accomplished, as seen on
recent NBC and ABC television broadcasts.
Next, announcements on a human life extension program, which has
already been done, but taking another direction as can be found towards
the bottom of this page. The announcement of a vaccine- not a cure- but
a prevention of AIDS, which was released on NBC and ABC in June 1998.
The medical and scientific community will make slowly released
announcements in approximately the following order. Release to the
general public; announcements which have already been made on the TV
show, Nova, regarding gene mapping and gene splicing. "Scientific
American" magazine has released articles telling about how they have
found ways to change the DNA in fruit flies after their birth that
doubled their life span in late 2003 as well as successfully changing
the DNA in full grown people that noticeably increased their strength
and speed, said to only be used for Muscular Dystrophy patients. They
haven't started it as common treatment because they don't want it being
abused by athletes to improve performance.
Next to come was the announcement of the newly discovered endogenous
retrovirus which in itself led to the AIDS/HIV Vaccine.
Channel 57 (San Diego) cable TV on 01/07/06 stated vampires can consume
nearly 800% more iron through blood a day than people can normally
digest (among other facts).
Scientific American July 2008: Articles "Bring In The Noise" "Ancient
Gene, New Tricks" and "New Jobs for Ancient Chaperones" not directly
stated to be made possible by studying the vampire endogenous
retrovirus and how it is able to perform its functions, however
surprisingly clear what these Gene therapies were derived from.
The articles I was referring to are in the July 2008 scientific
American magazine. Harbinger3_DR is the one I mentioned on the phone
which goes along DNA fixing flaws in it. Basically resulting in making
what ever it is in, in to the perfect form of itself on a genetic
There is also a state of competence that one fifth of bacteria in
Bacillus subtilis colonies live in which they stop growing and
incorporate DNA from the environment into their genomes. Whether a cell
does this is determined stochastically, and despite its costs the
competent ones do not grow or divide. These cells actually look for
genetic sequences that will make themselves better and add them to
their own DNA.
Both of the things listed above are vampire abilities that happen
automatically when turned. The next thing listed which is also in the
same edition of Scientific American, is some thing that is a common
thing in vampire movies however due to not wanting to risk it, I dont
plan on testing it out. Granted it doesn't say they are linked to real
vampires, How ever I'm not surprised that they wouldn't say vampires in
that magazine seeing that at this time most people have no belief that
vampires are real.
Last one is HSP90 which is synthetically produced from other HSPs
provides multiple different effects for the body, including making it
immune to radiation for 15 seconds at a time. The rest of what it does
is to much to list however it is definitely worth looking in to.
"GINA Becomes Genuine: By late May, President George W. Bush was
expected to have signed in to law the Genetic Information
Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), which will prohibit health insurers from
canceling or denying coverage or hiking premiums based on genetic
predisposition do to a specific disease. The legislation, which sailed
through the House and Senate, also bars employers from using genetic
data to hire, fire, promote or make other employment-related
What this means for vampires, is due to it being genetic, once it is
accepted globally, employment or promotion decisions can not be based
on whether or not you are a vampire.
The article continues, to explain it in more detail. To read it go to, To subscribe and to look for more updates go to this
direct link -
(3/27/09)A School principle literally called police protection for a
person rumored to be a vampire, and another student that believes
himself to be a werewolf.
''I am very concerned that the safety of certain students may be
jeopardized as targets of rumors and speculation,'' she wrote. ''Please
alert any adult in the building if you feel that any student is being
harassed or targeted.''
Students leaving Boston Latin yesterday said rumors about students
claiming to be vampires, have been circulating for months. Several said
two or three female students at the school carry umbrellas in all
weather to avoid exposure to the sun.
Read the full article here.
vHERV is an ancient endogenous retrovirus only now coming into the
light of modern day. Its form and reasons are simple and easily
understood by anyone with an open mind and willingness to wait for the
medical proof to be announced. It will indeed be made known and no
doubt be disputed at first.
However, in the end, real vampires will live along side humans. They
will run the local corner shop and be your neighbors. How you want to
welcome us into your life is your choice, but know whether you are
welcoming or not we will be there.
New articles:
[42]Psychotic Depression
How is psychotic depression different from major or clinical
In addition to the symptoms of clinical depression, such as feeling
hopeless, worthless, and helpless, psychotic depression also has
features of psychosis. For instance, a person with psychotic depression
may have hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren't really
there) or delusions (irrational thoughts and fears).
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, a person who is
psychotic is out of touch with reality. People with psychosis may hear
"voices." Or they may have strange and illogical ideas. For example,
they may think that others can hear their thoughts or are trying to
harm them. Or they might think they are a vampire, the President of the
United States, or some other famous person.
People with psychotic depression may get angry for no apparent reason.
Or they may spend a lot of time by themselves or in bed, sleeping
during the day and staying awake at night. A person with psychotic
depression may neglect appearance by not bathing or changing clothes.
Or that person may be hard to talk to. Perhaps he or she barely talks
or else says things that make no sense.
[43]Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / CFS
The main symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a devastating
tiredness or exhaustion that has lasted at least 6 months and does not
improve much with rest. This fatigue also is so severe that it
interferes with your work, your play, and your social activities. The
fatigue and other symptoms described below may begin suddenly or they
may develop gradually over weeks or months.
Catalepsy is a disorder of the nervous system that causes a form of
suspended animation. It causes a loss of voluntary motion, a rigidity
to the muscles, as well as decreased sensitivity to pain and heat. A
person suffering from catalepsy can see and hear cannot move. Their
breathing, pulse, and other regulatory functions are slowed to the
extent that to an untrained eye, it would seem as though they were
* [18]50+ videos Play all (BUTTON)
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(BUTTON) Mix - My real life as a vampireby YouTube
* [19]How to Become a Vampire - Duration: 8:36. by Karli Granger
* [20]VAMPIRE CHILD - Duration: 3:04. by Tyson Capel 597,639 views
* [21]Six Flags Vampire Attack - Duration: 1:41. by Andrew Doriyan
* [22]Tyra Investigates The Vampire Culture. Part 1 - Duration:
10:00. by Scorpione Nero 4,540,603 views
* [23]I'M A VAMPIRE! - Duration: 4:48. by Eugenia Cooney 433,322
* [24]My Life as a Vampire - Duration: 3:01. by SevenFabulousTeens
* [25]Vampire spell (100% real) - Duration: 1:43. by Ajayy Hatake
* [26]Rebecca is a witch? - Duration: 5:34. by SevenCoolTweens
* [27]5 Real Signs That Vampires Actually Exist - Duration: 6:25. by
Dark5 5,314,594 views
* [28]How to become a vampire (NO JOKE REAL IT HAPPENED WITH PROOF) -
Duration: 8:07. by maggie reigle 1,920,781 views
* [29]Spell to become a Vampire Instantly - Duration: 1:29. by
MagicSpellCasting 447,601 views
* [30]Teen Werewolves - Duration: 4:07. by Reality 6,168,178 views
* [31]Ways to tell if your a werewolf or vampire - Duration: 7:35. by
leah fox 350,347 views
* [32]How To Become A Vampire In Real Life - This Worked For Me! -
Duration: 1:41. by How To Become A Vampire 88,002 views
* [33]INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRES - Duration: 28:48. by Murphy Hunter
* [34]How to get magic ice powers with proof - Duration: 4:40. by
Jason Grech 337,367 views
* [35]Evidence of Vampires among us? - Duration: 8:26. by
clearway2010 448,567 views
* [36]One Step Beyond - Vampires of Today - Duration: 2:32. by
Discovery 1,312,332 views
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Are Vampires Real
Yes, Vampires exist.
In fact, you are reading the words of a bonafied night dwelling,
black-loving, blood-lusting, emotionally sensitive, hipster-style
vampire. I am the modern, 21st century version Selene; only I exist in
[2]real life and don't run around wearing
leather and wielding firearms.
Vampires have been dubbed monsters from stories that have passed down
for thousands of years. Even before the 18th century, when the first
vampire stories were told, tales were passed along of dead bodies that
looked swollen, with blood oozing from eyes and mouth. We now know that
when a human body dies the internal gasses cause the body to swell, and
blood at times will ooze out of various orifices. The eyes and mouth
are the easiest to notice and these sights gave ways to early stories
of bodies “waking up” and attacking the living. Now we know the real
causes with the help of modern science, which has helped place
“vampirism” on the shelf of mythology and other horror stories of
things that go “bump in the night”.
And we like it that way.
The question, are vampires real, has always made me laugh. What would
make someone think otherwise? Because vampires prefer night over day?
Because we obtain sustenance from the blood of others? Is it strange
that a person can be predisposed to strength and speed? Well allow me
to ask you this: Are blood-sucking lampreys real? Of course they are.
Are bats mythological because they prefer caves and fly about at night?
If you answer yes, I will insist on a CT scan so we can check your
brain functionality and make sure you have not had a stroke recently.
And are some people simply built to be better at sports than others?
Have you ever seen someone who is a ‘natural’ at something? Those that
aren’t naturals can work hard towards a goal, but no matter how much
they learn or practice they will never be quite as good or as graceful
in the task as a natural.. Is it really so hard to believe that a
near-human species can exist who encompasses the traits observed
otherwise in nature? Why not – [3]science shows that humans evolved
from apes. So why is it illogical to also believe that somewhere in
early history a genetic line was predisposed to evolving into what is
now known as a vampire?
What is our origin?
Humans have long argued about the validity of creationism and
evolution. Scholars argue between one or the other, and some believe in
the existence of both.
The origin of vampires is just as hazy and there is a lot of debate
among ourselves. We are quite the scholars and debaters! The question
is: were we created or have we evolved into what we now are?
The stories of vampire creationism originate to Adam and his wife
before Eve. I won't bore you with all the details but we believe that
Adam had another wife, who was born from the earth alongside him, and
her name was Lilith. Check out Wikipedia, she is listed there! She left
both him and the Garden of Eden to carve her own path. Of course, Adam
was given the gift of Eve and he had the partner whom the entire human
race is said to have developed from. What happened to Lilith isn't as
clear and the stories change depending on the family of vampire you
ask. The story I believe is that she mated with an archangel, the
resulting lineage being human-like creatures with super human
Stories based on evolution tell of humans who evolved into vampires
from changes to DNA. A disease of sorts that started with the bite of a
vampire bat that affected our DNA and altered the fundamental way our
bodies operate.
We are not 100% sure which story is correct, though some vampires swear
that they do, and like I said, we love to debate.
Where have we been and where are we now?
Vampires learned early-on to conceal their identities and blend in with
the human race. People don't like what they don't understand. We are
clearly superior in intelligence, strength, and live longer life-spans,
but contrary to popular belief we are not immortal and our numbers are
fewer. We do not want to start a war – especially one where we are
Vampires seek to avoid war and conflict wherever possible. We have the
ability to coerce humans with minimal effort, allowing us to feed
easily without harming them, which is what we prefer. It seems absurd
to have to go to extreme lengths every time you have to feed and you
also wouldn’t want to call unnecessary attention to your favourite
feeding grounds and haunts by killing the humans that frequent those
places. The primary reason for our naturally seductive nature is to aid
us in feeding and we make great use of that very handy attribute.
We are emotional and passionately driven; therefore many vampires
prefer to make our living in the arts. Even in early history, families
of vampires travelled, disguised as gypsies, selling crafts or artwork
at dusk or dawn, while the sun was low. We have also been fond of the
hospitality business and enjoy the nearly endless supply of new humans
that brings us into contact with as potential friends or meals.
Popular career choices nowadays include nightclub/lounge and bar
ownership, art galleries curator, disc jockey, literary researchers,
novelists, and a few (in my opinion, masochistic) vamps seek employment
in the medical field. The ones who are able to master their blood lust
tend to be quite successful at it as they work the night shifts that
are less desired by most humans.
We do not disintegrate in the sun – that's a tale we all find amusing,
but it does aid our cause in remaining concealed as few look to find us
in the sun. While we do not prefer the sun because our eyes are
sensitive to light and we burn rather easily, we are otherwise
unaffected by indirect sunlight or short walks from the restaurant to
the car for example.
We are hedonistic, or pleasure seekers with keen senses and we are
extremely indulgent of our desires, especially when it comes to taste.
Blood sustains us because we have an iron deficiency, but that doesn't
mean we don't appreciate fine food or drinks. Chocolate? Bring me the
finest! Lobster and caviare? Yes, please! Wine? Absolutely – unless
there is champagne! Human food does not taste like dirt in our mouths
or revolt us, but when we have it we want it to be good and we choose
only the best options. My favorite human meal is sirloin steak, rare,
with a side of grilled red potatoes covered in a red wine reduction
sauce. Serve that to me with raw oysters as an appetizer and the wrist
of a 6'5” lumberjack with 2 day stubble to nibble on for desert and you
have a rather pleased Vampires on your hands and I will be frequenting
your fine establishment again, Good Sir.
Yes, [4]Vampires are Real. Perhaps I shouldn't be admitting this, but
maybe awareness is the first step to acceptance. Whether you know it or
not we have been co-existing for thousands of years, so you might as
well get used to the idea. We are around and we are not going anywhere.
See you soon.
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Vampire - Stringer/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Stringer/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
The enormous interest in these creatures prompts the question: Are
vampires real?
INTEREST IN THE vampire mythos is at an all-time high. The recent
enthusiasm for this blood-sucking immortal began perhaps with the
highly popular [50]Anne Rice novel, Interview with the Vampire
published in 1976, and which she followed up with several more books
about the vampire world she created. Movies and television capitalized
on this popularity with such offerings as [51]Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
The Lost Boys, Francis Ford Coppola's film version of Dracula,
Underworld, and the Tom Cruise-Brad Pitt film adaptation of Interview
with the Vampire.
The genre is more popular than ever thanks to TV's True Blood and
[52]Vampire Diaries, and especially the enormous success of
[53]Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series of novels, which also are getting
the Hollywood treatment.
When a phenomenon like this creeps into our mass consciousness - you
can barely turn around without bumping into vampire-related media -
some people begin to think it's real.
Or they want it to be real because they so enjoy the fantasy. So what
about it? Are there real vampires?
The question of whether vampires are real or not depends on the
definition. If by vampire we mean the supernatural creature who is
practically immortal, has fangs through which he or she can suck blood,
has an aversion to sunlight, can shapeshift into other creatures, fears
garlic and crosses, and can even fly... then we have to say no, such a
creature does not exist. At least there's no good evidence that it
exists. Such a creature is a fabrication of novels, TV shows and
If we dispense with the supernatural attributes, however, there are
people who call themselves vampires of one kind or another.
Largely due to the influence of vampires in the media, there is now a
subculture of vampirism, the members of which seek to mimic the
lifestyle of their fictional heroes (or antiheroes). There is some
overlap with the Goth community, both of which seem to seek empowerment
in the dark, mysterious side of things.
The lifestyle vampires typically dress in black and other accouterments
of the "vampire aesthetic" and favor a goth music genre. According to
one website, these lifestylers take this on "not just as something to
do at clubs, but as part of their total lifestyle, and who form
alternative extended families modeled on the covens, clans, etc. found
in some vampire fiction and role-playing games."
Lifestyle vampires make no claims of supernatural powers. And it would
be unfair to dismiss them as people who just like to play at Halloween
year-round. They take their lifestyle quite seriously as it fulfills
for them some inner, even spiritual need.
Next page: [54]Blood drinkers and psychic vampires
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All Your FAQs about Paranormal Phenomena Answered
Paranormal Basics
Real-life vampires are an actual thing
Real-life vampires are an actual thing
When we think of vampires, we generally think of the Edward Cullen and
Dracula types who have captured the popular imagination for centuries.
Pale? Check. Fanged? Check. Totally fictional? Check.
But there is a community of humans around the world who identify as
“real” vampires. No, they’re not hundreds of years old, nor do they
sleep in coffins, nor are they afraid of garlic. But they do drink
human blood.
These “real vampires” were brought to our attention recently by a small
[63]study published in the journal Critical Social Work—which aims to
shed light on the fact that these self-conscious souls are hesitant to
disclose their vampire identity to helping professionals for fear of
being judged. Or as the study put it, they’re afraid to “come out of
the coffin.”
And so, in an effort to figure out where this issue ranks in the
hierarchy of world problems, we set out to nail down some basics about
the bloodsuckers next door. Here’s what you should know.
Wait, what is a ‘real vampire’?
While the number of “real vampires” around the world is hard to pin
down, the term describes a [64]spectrum of people who believe they must
feed off others to maintain their health and wellbeing—which can either
mean sucking psychic energy, or “pranic energy,” from another
individual or physically consuming small amounts blood from a
consenting adult.
“Sanguinarian and psychic vampires are after the same thing—energy,”
said John Browning, a post-doctoral fellow at Georgia Institute of
Technology and [65]vampire scholar. “But the former extracts that
energy from blood while the latter extracts the same energy through
touch or other, mental means.”
In all other aspects of life, “real vampires” are normal folks—working
regular jobs, raising families, and, as the authors of the study put
it, dealing with the “stress, various health issues, relationship
difficulties, education or career transitions, and various other
struggles that people commonly face.”
These individuals believe they were born with their vampiric condition,
similar to sexual orientation—and many believe their lives would be
easier without it. According to the study, most “real vampires” seem to
be both psychologically and socially stable.
(It should be noted that “real vampires” are different than “lifestyle
vampires,” who are basically just posers who like to don elements of
the classic vampire aesthetic such as prosthetic fangs and cloaks, but
do not believe they must feed off others.)
Given that the notion of drinking human blood generally evokes a rather
visceral and concerned response from most people, it’s not surprising
that the study’s authors found that “real vampires” are distrustful of
“helping professionals” such as social workers and doctors and fearful
of the consequences of disclosing their identity.
Vampires are people, too
In the study, researchers at Idaho State University and College of the
Canyons enlisted 11 self-identified “real vampires”—all of whom are
from the U.S., with the exception of one from South Africa—to fill out
a questionnaire about themselves and their comfort level disclosing
their vampiric identities to helping professionals.
After identifying themes of fear and reluctance, the authors assembled
the participants’ responses into short poems in order to preserve “the
intensity of that fear.” (Yes, using poetry to convey psychological
stress is now a thing in the field.) Here’s an excerpt:
Would I be comfortable Disclosing my vampire identity? No, I would
never do that!
It would detract
From real issues
For which I was seeking treatment. I have no desire to be classified
As delusional,
Or a threat to public safety.
DJ Williams, the lead author of the study and social work program
director at Idaho State, has worked with “real vampires” for the past
five years. He told Fusion that “nearly all” of the participants chose
not to disclose their identity to doctors and “were extremely fearful
to do so.” Williams did not interview clinicians about how they would
respond to having a vampire as a patient, but he stressed that, in his
experience, helping professionals are largely unaware of “real vampire”
“If you have a ‘real vampire’ who has some kind of a not-uncommon
medical condition, if the physician or any professional understood the
vampire identity,” Williams explained, “understanding how that
condition fits into the client’s subjective reality could make a huge
The ultimate purpose of his report? To stress to clinicians that they
should be sensitive and openminded to all types of patients and
alternative lifestyles—be they “real vampires,” goths, otherkin,
furries, or people who practice BDSM.
Vampires’ ‘condition’ isn’t easy to diagnose
Perhaps one reason “vampires” feel uncomfortable turning to the medical
community is because their “condition” is not purely physical, nor is
it purely spiritual.
Merticus, a 37-year-old Atlanta-based antiques dealer and “real
vampire” who advised Williams on his study, told Fusion that,
objectively, the “biological or metaphysical qualities” he exhibits are
technically considered vampiric, but it’s not like metaphysical or
spiritual issues can be diagnosed. (“Merticus” is the name he goes
by—the [66]longtime leader in the “real vampire” community chose not to
disclose his legal name to Fusion.)
“I believe the truth lies somewhere in the entanglement of the
biological, metaphysical, and spiritual and may in fact be unique to
the individual,” Merticus said in a statement to Fusion.
The practical application of this belief? If a “vampire” who hadn’t fed
in a while told a doctor that he felt fatigued and depressed, and that
his skin and hair were dry—all common symptoms of vampires who have not
“fed”—the doctor would most likely talk to him about, say,
hypothyroidism before suggesting a session of energy work.
Perhaps that’s why after sending dozens of emails to physicians, only a
handful responded to my request for insight into “real vampires”—and
all but one declined to comment.
Are there health benefits drinking blood?
So can consuming human blood actually bring health benefits? The
medical community believes the practice brings only risks, given that
diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis C are spread through blood.
But vamps who consume blood aren’t yanking people off the street—they
find consenting donors. These donors, who can be acquaintances, lovers,
or even strangers found on [67]vampire forums, are totally down to
receive a couple quick incisions somewhere on their body and have a
vampire suck out a small amount of blood occasionally. And donors are
generally screened before the first feeding.
So what explains the burst of energy “vampires” claim they feel
“The only plausible benefit is that [because] blood is full of iron and
a large proportion of anemia is due to low iron levels, [drinking
blood] is a relatively efficient way to get iron,” Kent Sepkowitz, an
infectious disease specialist at Cornell Medical College told Fusion.
“You could also buy a bottle of liquid iron,” he added.
Otherwise? “There is no other benefit to drinking blood,” he said.
Sepkowitz also explained that the structure of blood differs depending
on how it is introduced into the body.
“A red blood cell is a little lozenge with a outside membrane. If I
transfuse you blood intravenously, you get the whole lozenge,”
Sepkowitz said. “If you digest it, we just rip the cover right off and
it just turns into a bunch of chemicals floating in the system, one of
which is iron, which is great. So all they’re doing is giving
themselves a hyper dramatic dose of iron.”
Sepkowitz added that drinking small amounts of blood from screened
donors doesn’t pose an inherent risk. “It seems nutty, but it’s not
dangerous,” he said. “The likelihood of transmitting an infection is
always there, but it’s somewhat remote.”
‘All we ask for is an open mind’
So how can doctors and social workers best advise “vampire” patients?
Clinicians must always balance accepting their patients for who they
are while advising and translating science, Sepkowitz told Fusion.
“I think that the medical community does its best to accept whatever
the person in front of them says is their habit,” he said. “There’s
always been an uneasy tension between the need to let a person be
whoever that person wants to be but also be an advisor about what is
likely to be safe and not safe.”
On the other hand, while the “real vampire” community would prefer to
not face stigma (inextricably linked to centuries of folklore and
whathaveyou), they don’t feel the need to be celebrated by society at
large, according to Merticus. Perhaps it’s just in their nature to be
“All we ask for is an open mind, tolerance, and the right to privately
live our lives,” Merticus told Fusion. “However, as a pragmatic
vampire, I’m more concerned about family life, the economy, finding a
steady donor, and hoping the media doesn’t attribute the latest murder
to non-existent ‘vampire cults’ than I am worried about seeking social
justice and acceptance for my identity.”
Still, Williams hopes the medical and social work communities will heed
his study and approach the notion of “real vampires” with an open mind.
“I think that for any clinician, the more you understand your client’s
world, the more helpful you’re going to be.”
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Vampires are real. They don't [69]sparkle in the sun, but they will get
sick if they don't feed, and their skin is probably better than yours.
Real-life vampires are public speakers, computer programmers, and
artists who may be sitting next to you on your morning commute. Because
we're a bunch of prudes, they're scared of disclosing their vampire
[70]status to doctors, who are encouraging the public to become more
accepting so these vamps and their donors will discuss their blood
exchanges with their physicians.
To learn more, I went vampire hunting. I met Galatea*, a 29-year-old
sang vampire from London, who goes through a nasty blood thirst if she
hasn't fed. Sang is slang for sanguinary, meaning she feeds off of real
blood, unlike energy- or psychic-feeding vampires. "Many people put psy
vampires in their own category, however it is a handy dandy quick fix
for those who have the ability to use this skill. What a vampire is
looking for is the energy. The thing that's actually carried within the
blood," Galatea explained to me. I also chatted with Pixie, a
22-year-old from Seattle, who is both a sang and energy vampire. And I
spoke with Arycin, a 25-year-old politically-minded vampire from Long
Island who is currently sustaining on energy from the cosmos, but would
really like to find a blood donor. Arycin says the local sang community
sucks, so if there are any "cloaked" Long Island vampires, please
reveal yourself in the comments section.
Photo courtesy of Pixie
VICE: Hey Pixie. What's your vampire lifestyle like?
Pixie: I have two feeding styles. The first is I'm an energy vamp. I
feed off of the excess energy around me. Generally during that, if I do
it to a few people instead of a large group of people, that person or
persons will wind up being lethargic. An excess of feeding on a
singular person, at least in my experience, can lead to mild
depression. So you always have to be careful not to feed too much from
any one person.
The second style is the more traditional, which is sanguinary. Blood.
Usually vampires only have one type of feeding style and if they don't
feed they themselves get lethargic, lazy, and immobile. I have the
benefit of having the second feeding style so that doesn't often happen
to me. It's hard to find a willing victim—I hate to say victim, a
willing subject—who will let you feed on them via blood and also going
through the trouble of getting blood tests done just to make sure
they're safe.
If you haven't fed at all, is it noticeable?
Yes, it is very noticeable. It's a lot like if a normal person didn't
eat for days and days and days.
How did you discover this about yourself?
People who are vampires all share a common point, their awakening
point. It's very different from how fiction portrays it. My awakening
point was about five years ago. I woke up in the fridge tearing into a
package of raw bloody hamburger. It was pretty shocking to me; I had no
knowledge of this prior to that.
How did you become involved in the vampire community?
I am truly a child of the digital age. [I do] research on the computer
and [found] other people who also had this issue. I was hesitant to
call it vampirism at first. I was scared of what people would think,
'You're confused' or 'You're living out a fantasy dream.' The internet
went a long way to finding people who had similar experiences to me.
Will you tell me about the process for finding a donor/victim and then
the process of obtaining their blood? What is the etiquette?
A lot of people have a hard time finding a donor because of the
skepticism that exists. The best thing is the internet. I found a lot
of people who were comfortable being a donor but didn't want to go get
an STD test to prove that they're a safe donor to feed from. There are
a couple methods of getting it. Some people prefer to use a surgical
scalpel because it's a lot easier to do safely. Some people will take
more obscure methods because they don't have the money. Some people
will buy lancets like diabetics use.
Tasty, tasty. Photo via Flickr user [71]Kenny Holston
VICE: Do you consume human blood?
Arycin: I haven't ingested blood, but I'm definitely in the market. I'd
like to think it's easier than I make it out to be. I know that New
York has more of a front than Long Island, so it's more difficult for
If human blood isn't available, can you feed on your own blood?
No, no, no, no. You never feed on your own blood. Rule number one. That
doesn't do any good. To take when you have none, to take more of what
you have less of, which can cause physical injury to your body. It's
not good.
So without human blood available, what do you feed on?
I go with the cosmos. I spend the majority of the time studying the
metaphysics about the universe and theoretical physics about how the
universe functions. That's where I go. It's a different form of energy,
it's very high vibrational and smooth so it sustains you for longer,
but I have to take it in like that. I can't just have one person; I
would burn someone out in a day. They'd get sick.
Will people's energies affect the quality of their blood?
Energy quality has to do with a lot of things. It has to do with
emotions that the person is feeling. Generally if the person is feeling
negative or looks at themselves with a very high ego, their energy will
tend to be very muddled and it sometimes won't be the proper color that
it's supposed to be. Muddled energy tends to look very greenish,
yellow. A lot of humans have it because of the human condition. They
want, they want, they want. Sometimes they want too much.
Photo courtesy of Galatea
VICE: Tell us about yourself. Do you consume human blood?
Galatea: I am a modern vampire. I was awakened at a very early age. It
is part of who I am. It's very beautiful, very spiritual. I do consume
real human blood. Oh yes, I have read all the medical hoo-ha about no
human having any medical or psychological need for blood. I personally,
do not care what modern medicine or the psychiatric communities have to
say about it. I know what I need to be healthy. I've tested the theory
over and over for in excess of 20 years. I know others like me.
Frankly, the medical world can go to hell. I know what I am. I am a
Vampyress. I do not prey on the innocent. I don't go ripping people's
throats out. I'm quite mature with what I do. I will only drink from
consenting donors.
How did you discover you were a vampire?
My fascination with blood began as a young girl, during my first kiss.
I [kissed] him really hard on the lips, and I bit him on the lip. It
was my natural instinct to bite him, because for some reason, I
associated that sensuality with blood. Needless to say, he never kissed
me again. But I was hooked and wanted more. As time went by and meeting
fellow vampire fanatics became easier, I eventually met my partner.
When we made love, we consecrated our love for each other by sharing
If you do not feed, do you experience negative effects on your health?
Oh, absolutely! There is something called blood-rage, which is a
sanguine vampiric response to an unmet need for blood. The symptoms can
include unprovoked anger, extreme agitation, unpredictability, physical
pain, mental agitation, and if left unchecked, severe depression,
apathy, even suicidal tendencies. When I haven't fed I'm an ill, sick,
emotionally unstable, apathetic, hungry, disagreeable creature. It's
hard getting out of bed, I want to sleep too much, I become angry and
irritable on a regular basis. People have called me high strung and
hyperactive; my attention span can suck. Or I go in the opposite
direction and nothing appeals to me. On occasion, I have experienced
such a state of pain and mental confusion from lack of feeding that
I've found myself on the floor, writhing in agony, biting and banging
my wrists, scratching myself, among other types of psychotic behaviors.
When I have fed, I'm less temperamental and apathetic, and a lot
What is the process for finding a blood donor?
It can be difficult to find a blood donor. The main problem is that
vampires are often too secretive for our own good, when it comes to
finding our meals. If a donor cannot see you and know that you are a
vampire, chances are they cannot, and never will, approach you to
offer. My advice, if a vampire wants a donor, is to be more public
about being a vampire! Donors cannot approach you or offer to donate if
they do not know you are one! Now, of course I don't mean that you have
to tell EVERYONE that you are a vampire, just a few select people...
more than likely, they will come to you.
RELATED: The Real "True Blood"?
mp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;span id="selection-marker-1"
Do you have one blood donor, or many?
Donoring can be exhausting for a donor. So I try not to feed from the
same donor too much, for this reason. I like to keep my options open,
as donors can develop an emotional attachment to their vampire, and can
sometime even become possessive of them. Many donors relate the feeling
after having fed their vampire, to the afterglow of sex or deep
What safety practices do vampires use to make sure their blood is safe?
I'm careful. They have to get regular blood tests, to make sure they're
not carrying blood-borne diseases, HIV, any of that. Because I wouldn't
want to catch something nasty. If the donor has no desire to get a
blood test, then they really do not care about the vampire's health or
their own.
Are there other ways to feed than with blood? Do you engage in any of
Any vampire who has suffered through a severe bout of blood-rage knows
that sometimes there is no substitute for blood. But for times when a
vampire's need is not so strong, there are blood substitutes that many
members of the community find helpful, if not exactly 100 percent
effective. Nothing works all the time. Nothing except blood. There are
some substitutes that work better than others, however the main goal of
substitutes is to prevent a vampire from becoming sick, apathetic, or
falling into blood-rage. I will give you a few: pomegranate juice, dark
chocolate, blue-rare steak, black pudding, marmite.
For you, is there a fetish/sexual element to feeding?
Absolutely! With me, it organically happened one night. I was having
sex. Sex didn't feel like enough, and no emotions were really enough,
nothing felt like it was really... I didn't feel... there was always
something I wanted to break out from, to feel more connected to
someone, something more honest. And in a moment of kind of wanting to
find something honest, I grabbed a knife, and cut him across the chest.
I rubbed my hands in it. I tasted it. That was my natural instinct; I
was liberated. And he cut me back. Blood ran down my chest, and we had
this exchange of something. Somehow covered in blood, feeling my heart
racing, there was something dangerous and alive. It suddenly felt more
honest than whatever this 'sex' thing was supposed to be.
* Some identifying details have been kept in the coffin.
The Crux
« [62]We Get Infected By Other People’s Emotions – And That’s a Good
Thing [63]Could Small Amounts of Radiation Be Good For You? It’s
Complicated. »
[64]Real-Life Vampires Exist, and Researchers Are Studying Them
By [65]John Edgar Browning, Georgia Institute of Technology | March 26,
2015 12:43 pm
[66]man silhouette
Vampires walk among us. But these people aren’t the stuff of nightmares
– far from it actually. Just sit down for a drink with one of them and
ask for yourself. That’s if you can find one. They aren’t necessarily
looking to be found.
I’ve spent five years conducting [67]ethnographic studies of the real
vampires living in New Orleans and Buffalo. They are not easy to find,
but when you do track them down, they can be quite friendly.
“Real vampires” is the collective term by which these people are known.
They’re not “real” in the sense that they turn into bats and live
forever but many do sport fangs and just as many live a primarily
nocturnal existence. These are just some of the cultural markers real
vampires adopt to express a shared (and, according to them, biological)
essence – they need blood (human or animal) or psychic energy from
donors in order to feel healthy.
Becoming a Vampire
Their self-described nature begins to manifest around or just after
puberty. It derives, according to them, from the lack of subtle
energies their bodies produce – energies other people take for granted.
That’s the general consensus anyway. It’s a condition they claim to be
unable to change. So, they embrace it.
The real vampire community, like the legendary figure it emulates,
knows few national boundaries, from Russia and South Africa to England
and the United States. Particularly in the internet age, vampires are
often well attuned to community issues.
This is more true for some than others though. I found the vampires of
Buffalo to be keen to keep up to date with the global community, while
those in New Orleans were often more interested in the activities of
their local vampire houses (an affiliated group of vampires usually led
by a vampire elder who helps his or her house members to acclimate to
their vampiric nature).
The Varied Vampire Community
Some houses, and indeed whole vampire communities, as in the case of
New Orleans, will combine their efforts to organize charity events,
like feeding (not feeding on) the homeless. However, despite their
humanitarian efforts, real vampires don’t go around advertising who
they are for fear of discrimination by people who simply don’t
understand them.
Some semblance of the real vampire community has existed since at least
the early to mid-1970s, but my own dealings began in 2009 when I
entered the New Orleans community clinging to my digital voice
I eventually met around 35 real vampires there, but the total number in
New Orleans is easily double that. They ranged in age from 18 to 50 and
represented both sexes equally. They practiced sanguinarian (blood) and
psychic feeding – taking energy using, for example, the mind or hands.
Blood is generally described by my study participants as tasting
metallic, or “coppery” but can also be influenced by the donor’s
physiology, or even how well he or she is hydrated. Some psychic
vampires use tantric feeding, that is through erotic or sexual
encounters, while others use what could be described as astral feeding
or feeding on another from afar. And others feed through emotion.
[68]Image by Ed Metz/ Shutterstock
Image by Ed Metz/ Shutterstock
Afterwards, blood-drinking and psychic vampires feel energized or
otherwise better than they would if they were to sustain themselves on
regular food alone, like fruits, fish, and vegetables (which they eat
These vampires described themselves as atheistic, monotheistic or
polytheistic. Some identified as heterosexual, some homosexual and some
bisexual. Some were married, some were divorced and some were parents.
Unquestionably, I found the vampires I met to be competent and
generally outwardly “normal” citizens. They performed blood-letting
rituals safely and only with willing donors and participated regularly
in medical exams that scarcely (if ever) indicated complications from
their feeding practices.
Outside Mainstream Culture
What was perhaps most surprising about the vampires I met though was
their marked lack of knowledge about vampires in popular culture. They
seemed to know much less than you might expect – at least for vampires
– about how their kind were depicted in books and films. By this I mean
to say that the people I met with and interviewed hadn’t turned to
drinking blood or taking psychic energy simply because they had read
too many Anne Rice novels.
In fact, the real vampire community in general seems to have
appropriated very few of the trappings mainstream culture attaches to
creatures of the night. Many do dress in gothic clothes but certainly
not all the time, and very, very few sleep in coffins. In fact, those
vampire who do dress a certain way or wear fangs do so long after
realizing their desire to take blood.
This is what might be called a “defiant culture.” Real vampires embrace
their instinctual need to feed on blood or energy and use what
mainstream culture sees as a negative, deviant figure like the vampire
to achieve a sense of self-empowerment. They identify others with a
similar need and have produced a community from that need.
But real vampires can also help us understand, and perhaps even shed,
some of the ideological baggage each of us carries. They show us how
repressive and oppressive categories can lead to marginalization.
Through them, we see the dark side of ourselves.
More generally, this community shows that being different doesn’t have
to force you onto the margins of society. Real vampires can and do
exist in both “normal” society and their own communities, and that’s
The Conversation
This article was originally published on [69]The Conversation.
Top image by [70]Tobias Arhelger/ Shutterstock
CATEGORIZED UNDER: [71]Living World, [72]Top Posts
MORE ABOUT: [73]sociology
* Robin Gable
I’ve always believed they exist but I need more solid proof to
really believe this.
+ facefault
It’s more of a weird spiritual belief than anything else,
certainly not supernatural. They’re “real” vampires in the
sense that the alien ghosts attached to the souls of all
non-Scientologists are real.
* Nikul
Probably fake… Vampire excites but in movies character =D
+ Fatima Nuezca
excites?? mean “exist”
o Nikul
lol. I am not good at english..But people get it =D
# ivy loraine socias
can somebody tell me about your findings about
vampires? I really wanna know but I think I’m lack
of informations about that vampire thing.
+ Cherryl Walker
Anne Rice’s vampire novel series supplanted “Dark Shadows” and
even Bram Stoker’s Dracula as the model for vampires in the
late 20th century. I’ve never read the Twilight series, but
from what I see here in New Orleans, Rice is the source. — I
do believe that there are people who are “energy” vampires;
they befriend you and then draw on you for “pity”. Yes, pity.
I am up against an 80-year-old “grand lady” whose own children
avoid her like the plague. As for the classic blood suckers?
People get fetishes about anything. (See my comment above
about the vampire cult that resides right next door to me in
suburban New Orleans. At least, since 2005, and the disruption
of Hurricane Katrina, they pretty much leave me alone.
However, I keep a small cross in the front window of my house,
just to let them know I’m still onto them.)
* Jonathan Goslan
I met some in New York in the 90s at a party. Got away though.
+ ivy loraine socias
I have read many articles about vampires but I really don’t
know if i’m gonna believe it or not . I’m still confused
* Gluap
The supposed existence of psychic energy (even more:transferrable
by touch) is so far outside the scientific consensus (of biology
and physics at least) that mentioning it without the least bit of
elaboration leaves no good impression of the scientific value of
the rest of the work.
+ J.Griffin
That’s because the emphasis is not on those areas or for those
interested in them.
That would be a waste of time for all concerned,
knowing how people like yourself are close minded to anything
that you cannot understand or control.
The consensus of biology and physics does NOT completely write
off “psychic energy”-
no one appointed you as the
sole arbiter or spokesperson for
scientific truth.
This article was written for those interested in the
sociological/psychological areas of science and for the
curiosity of
lay people-
it also supported tolerance&understanding for those unlike
which you seem to lack.
Do you really think that one article can cover all areas and
please all people?
o Gluap
I was more aiming at a description of the real vampires
as a belief system instead of a biological reality
(reality in the sense: evident the nonbelieving).
By no means do physics or biology exclude psychic energy.
But extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence.
Especially the claim of psychic energy existence and its
transfer by touch would, if shown for example in a
solidly blinded studyand indeed existing, surely lead to
wide scintific advance, not last in biology and physics.
The other blogs (even cross-posts) on discover try to
solidly backup their wilder claims to convince also
people not from their echo chamber. I was missing that in
this piece.
* Uncle Al
April 01 arrived early this year.
+ Charles David Hunt, MD
Sorry, uncle Al, but vampire spit (called desmatoplase) is a
very powerful anticoagulant and is indeed being studied as a
clot-buster for stroke and MI.
o Gluap
For those too lazy to Google: It was discovered in
vampire bats.
o maddog909
Hey chuck, do you believe everything you read?
o Uncle Al
You are confusing bat spit with bat crap. Choose whatever
god(s) you like, build a 50 tonne candle from human
lipids, and light the world. Only the managers get their
expense chits validated.
* Luisa Vessani
Hello! They do exist, and the feeding of energy do exist. They need
to survive without passion is like having no water, if don’t give a
flower water it dies, they good energy they passion loyalty to
survive they’re not vicious just trying not to die
+ muse2006
If they do exist, as you claim, then why doesn’t one of them
present themselves to the scientific community to prove that
they need “passion” to survive? They’d be famous, and in the
case of The James Randi Foundation, they’d be rich!!
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
o erza scarlet mochi
Actually presenting their self’s would actually be a bad
thing because you never know how soeity will react it
could bring chaos
o Lisa Troup
Read the above article…they ARE studying us….(face
+ Lisa Troup
* payoli
Look I’m going to be honest vampires do exist….!!
+ hvj629
if exist…how to be one of them…??
+ Amit Bisht
how can you say that?
* cnels
Drinking blood sounds like big disease risk to me. This article
can’t be for real.
+ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
no…the article is very much real, as are we.
o Viva_Kevin
you’re not real.
o Amit Bisht
Are you?
# Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Yes- we are pretty much what the article said, if
you actually read it. We are just people…with a few
extra traits
@ yun
Hello…are you really vampire? I’m start curious
to know about you (if you are a part of
vampires).can you spend your time to tell me a
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
sure- message me via fb
@ aldijanav
Your a vampire
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
*you’re – and yes, why?
@ aldijanav
Thats so cool how are you a vampire?
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Read the article- it’ll explain most things
@ aldijanav
I did can u explain cuz i want to be one
@ Steezy ☠
So like how long have you been a vampire?
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
About 3 years
@ Steezy ☠
is it like the movies and stuff do you guys
never age?
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
@ Steezy ☠
So you guys don’t have immortality?
@ Melessa
Hi my name is Melessa . We’re from same kind,
nice to meet you, do you have fb?
@ Anushka Nath
Plz reply….I want to become one of u….plz help
me….I want to become a vampire..
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Nope, bye troll
@ mary
god so desprate
@ Rachel Alvarenga
I would also enjoy chatting with you. If you
care to look me up on fb I’m listed as Rachel
Biggs Alvarenga. Thank you
@ new eunice
Hi…before i always wonder that are vampires
real and i always believe that vampires are
real. Now i got the ans^^
@ Jessica Johnston
Just sent you a friend request I’m Jessi from
austrlia g’day how are you
@ Anushka Nath
I would really like to become a vampire..I m 19
yrs old…plz will u help me….
@ Pari Pari
R u a vampire plz let me know I am 22 I want to
b a vampire I really love them I always wanted
to b.can we b friends plz
@ Reshmi Saha
What would you say are the traits of a vampire?
i dont prefer drinking blood but i have always
felt out of place among people.could be a bad
crowd too but donno for sure.i think at an
extremely higher level (from childhood)and have
never met anyone like myself ever.
@ Athonwy Doherty
No, you are people with a few deficient brain
o cnels
Kristina, I’d say then that you are risking disease. Who
knows what is in some humans’ blood?
# Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
I would then reply that I am not risking disease, we
are still human and can catch diseases, we know this
and as such donors are carefully selected among
willing volunteers and we have them get tested for
disease before we accept their blood. If you had
actually read the article you would have known that.
@ cnels
Kristina: I did read the article. I was just
responding in a “tongue-in-cheek” manner. Just
be safe, OK?
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Always :) tbh I wouldn’t drink blood if I
didn’t have to- it’s a pain in the a**
@ Cansady.Rae.Pasillas
Can you be one by being bit like one? Or do you
have to go through the regular process?
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
troll much?
@ Cansady.Rae.Pasillas
Excuse me?
@ Cansady.Rae.Pasillas
Why are you being rude? It’s just a question
that I want to know .
@ Cansady.Rae.Pasillas
You never answered my question.
@ emily
So u are a real vampire? If so do u mind if I
ask u some questions
o Lisa Troup
I became a stripper at a youthful age because of my need
for psychic energies…I miss those massive feedings….nice
to see you are banding together ..solitary sucks(pardon
the pun,lol)…..O;)€
# Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
I know one that cam models for the same reason
@ Lisa Troup
There is a good sized ” coven” in NY…met a
few…most feed off the round the clock
energies…but a lot prefer the nocturnal
lifestyle..and there are some that feed off
negative energies.. They can drain to the point
it is unhealthy for the donor….I like a little,
from a lot if possible…0;)
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Kinda scary in a way isn’t it? Maybe that’s why
people refuse to believe we exist
@ Lisa Troup
I love hiding in plain sight…BTW, my son
inherited the “syndrome”… Right now I am ”
feeding” off bus loads of happy tourists…every
pore of my body is tingling,& my strength is
returning after four day “fast”… I have often
wondered what celebrities are like us.. LOL…
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
That’s awesome, I’m a fedex driver and EVERYONE
calls me vampire…even before they knew it was
@ Chrissy Zitzer
how does one realize they are a
@ Lisa Troup
I knew at a young age…my Mother and Grandmother
suspected, they were medicine women…they
observed that I thrived around certain
energies, and became emaciated from the lack of
them…we have examples in our histories, and
lore….I could heal too…. And when I reached
womanhood at 8, it REALLY manifested
@ Jada Elaine Lockhart
I mean no harm but I would really love to know
so you guys have the same type of advantages as
seen on TV. Like healing fast. Running fast or
is that s joke. And I’m sorry if in coming off
@ Rachel Alvarenga
Lisa it is so nice to see another vamp parent.
I myself feed and have a daughter who inherited
it. Fortunately my entire family understands
and it is a very interesting journey teaching
my child how to care and cope.
@ Lisa Troup
A slippery slope to explain that different is
not bad…and that you can not abuse it…..and to
warn that people fear what they can’t possibly
understand, and that can be VERY dangerous…..
Trying to show that not everyone fits in the
same mold….and how infantile and evil “modern”
medical “science”can be….and how to hide it
rather than reveling in it, can be draining,
in, and of itself….thank goodness my family,&
elders knew, and were supportive….. I was
blessed…lol…also the movie “XMEN” helped me
explain a lot of the abstracts….0;)
@ Rachel Alvarenga
My husband has been a real blessing in this
matter. He is very supportive and
understanding. I think getting my very
religious mother to understand that it simply
isn’t an “obsession” was the most difficult
part. Now she understands. I believe it will
take a lot of time for ppl to understand. I
long for that day.
@ Lisa Troup
Did you see the article in Smithsonian
magazine, about infusing the elderly, with
broken bones,with young blood to heal them?
Amazing….Maybe like,& I can’t believe I am
saying this, bats, we are fixing ourselves by
taking blood,or energy…….amazing
research…..0;)…..You are so blessed with a
helpful family too… So nice to see it could be
a norm…. 0;)
@ Negin
Lisa ,you know , I thought I wanna be one like
u, but there is no exact information about
vamps, could u tell me more ? And if its
possible , could u plz Emial me ?
I’m so happy , plz don’t give this hope from me
@ emew
Please help me I want to be VA
@ Rachel Alvarenga
@ emew
I’m really boring in my human life
@ Rachel Alvarenga
That’s not a good reason. In any case I was
born this way not turned.
@ Isaac
So u have to be born a doesnt
happen by turnin into one
@ Isaac
So u guys can turn others into what u r..and be
born one
@ Dora Marie
hello I’m Dora my gmail
I wa hoping If you may answer my question if I
@ Nancy arambmz
Hi rachel I hv sent a request in fb plz
except@renez arambmz
@ Negin
Rachel , you know , I thought I wanna be one
like u, but there is no exact information about
vamps, could u tell me more ? And if its
possible , could u plz Emial me ?
I’m so happy , plz don’t give this hope from me
+ Shade
Willing donors are tested for blood diseases .We take care of
ourselves as well as our donors .
* muse2006
It’s a mental aberration, nothing more. No one needs to drink blood
to physically exist, and if they were physically examined the most
anyone might find is anemia (which is common amongst many humans).
It could also be a paraphilia. What it is NOT, is some magical or
elite existance. People like to be special, and this is some
people’s way of getting attention, despite the idea that they are
“hard to find”. They are not. New Orleans is full of them, and many
also play computer role-playing games. You can easily find
‘vampires’ on the internet. They’ll give it up when, at middle-age,
it seems more pathetic than “cool.”
+ Cherryl Walker
Yes, it is psychotic. Read my comment above about the vampire
cult that resides next door to me in suburban New Orleans. But
don’t tell them that. They’ll call the police on you and claim
that you were making threats against them; they will try to
have you sent to jail or a mental hospital for a long, long
o Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
You clearly didn’t read the article
# Molz Brown
hey im a 14 year old girl and i would love to become
a vampire. i have always wanted to be a vampire. it
would awesome if you could message me and help me
out with my dream to become one of you. it would be
a pleasure
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
1) you are 14 and cannot consent to anything
2) you dont want this
3) it isnt like the movies
4) you have no idea what vampire means.
5) goodbye
@ Jami
Or you’re just a troll, Molz, are really a 40
year old man.
(Seen it happen before.)
They plainly don’t think of themselves as magical or elite.
Just because they have a different lifestyle doesn’t mean
they’re seeking attention.
o muse2006
I am a former therapist who has treated some of these
people in psych hospitals. All had personality disorders,
and a few were psychotic. They all thought they were
# Cat
I don’t think you succeeded at finding a REAL
vampire, they just (most likely) wanted the
attention or ‘thought’ they were.
When you find a real vampire, you will know.
+ Lisa Troup
51….& it is NOT something I chose, thank you very much….0;)
* GunTotingLiberal
Vampires and zombies do not exist and those who believe they do are
+ Bavarin Fleetfoot
These aren’t the traditional vampires you hear about in books
and movies. These are people with various mental issues who
think they need the blood or energy of others to survive, who
just happen to have embraced their madness and live with it
rather than have it treated. The really sad bit is the equally
crazy “enablers” who “feed” them.
+ Lisa Troup
Read “The Rainbow Serpent” about Hatian Zombies made from
Blowfish toxin…. O;)
* Animal
In this context, “Vampire” is a synonym for “Kook.”
+ Cherryl Walker
Absolutely. But if they are attorneys running a vampire cult,
and you tell them to leave you in peace, they will call the
police on you, try to have YOU arrested, and sent to jail or a
mental hospital for a long, long time.
+ Jami
Just because someone is different doesn’t make them a kook.
* Vivian Oberon
They’ve done the study on mice where they injected them with
youthful blood and they stopped aging and actually reversed it.
There are people who inject snake venom for therapy and they are
studying that as well. Who’s to say that some people may lack
energy and react well to blood or other substances.
+ Vivian Oberon
Though I doubt drinking the blood would be the best way of
doing it.
* Cherryl Walker
There is a vampire cult residing right next door to my house in New
Orleans. The leaders of the cult are two homosexual attorneys who
have put my household under emotional attack for over a decade,
terrorizing and threatening my (late) Mother, and they continue to
seek to start fights even today. (They did succeed in sticking me
with 10 years probation, so if they do try anything, I can tell the
police that I have served my time, and they are trying to make me
break my term, which I have served.) — Around Halloween, they are
proponents of a “pop music” festival (which I will not name here
for fear of being accused of advertising). They will costume as
Lestat and Louis from Anne Rice’s series of vampire novels, and as
seen in the related movies. They are not happy that I am Christian.
Moreso, they are not happy that I collect walking sticks, and one
of them happens to be like the wolf’s head cane seen in “Dark
Shadows”. — To summarize (and I could go on for hundreds of words
still), these people do everything they can to appear “Christian”
while in the suburb where our residences are. They have a party
condo in the French Quarter; they used to party in their back yard
before 2005 and Hurricane Katrina. I cannot describe to you what I
saw at those parties; the noise drove my Mother and me out of our
house on numerous occasions. — Anyhow, you get the picture.
+ maddog909
How in the world could two homosexual vampire attorneys set
you up for ten years of probation when they could have sucked
your blood and turned you into one of…………..them?
Or maybe you and your mother harassed them for their purported
immorality and evil, and you’re angry that they didn’t just
sit quietly while you did so. Their ‘provocation’ is nothing
more than living their lives — the lives you hate because they
aren’t heterosexual homophobes like you.
+ Mickey Bitsko
“I cannot describe to you what I saw at those parties.”
Let me guess, you got 10 years probation for being a peeping
Just kidding, I don’t believe a word you wrote.
+ anonomyssy
Why you not move???
* maddog909
What a pile of bull droppings. These are just idiots who wallow in
a make believe world and drink a little blood to justify they are
cool. Calling themselves vampires is rediculous since there are
other more descriptive words like knuckle heads, numbskulls and
+ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
You clearly didn’t read the article; furthermore you are
clearly uneducated resorting to slanderous comments like this.
Just because you have heard we are myth doesn’t mean we are
* Kuniaki Tamemoto
we must consider a fear of some sickness.
* Terry Adams
Isn’t this appearing a few days early?
* Fideliolioli
There are a hell of a lot of people in this thread who didn’t read
the article before commenting. Yes – the article is for real; no –
it is not describing the fictional vampires. It’s describing a
subculture that exists in certain areas. The title is obviously
click-bait – but the story is real.
+ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
The title is fairly accurate- not like we have a choice in the
o Just K
Is it real that vampires are fast like in the movies ?
# Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
# Virginia Hammer
Hi my name is Virginia . My one wish in life is to
meat a community of vampire s. I fill I would be
very blessed and words at ease
@ Cat
If you can learn to spell, I might agree to a
@ Virginia Hammer
I’m New to touch screen
@ Negin
Cat , I’m a Persian girl, I do searched for
your kind for years , you know , I thought I
wanna be one like u, but there is no exact
information about vamps, could u tell me more ?
And if its possible , could u plz Emial me ?
I’m so happy , plz don’t give this hope from me
@ Angele
That has always been my one wish… Is to be a
vampire … I know it may not be as easy to turn
but I have wished I was born one… But hey we
can’t choose where we come from…
# khiprana
we have faster reflexes because we are more attuned
to the energy around us. but it takes alot of
concentration. some more that most, but agian yet we
are the same, we also differ, on that aspect. its
just a matter of manifestation.
o Jennifer Amoo
Could you please tell me more?
o sarah charles
Seriously do vampires exist
# Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Obviously :)
@ Vincent Teal
Do you have any contacts in the central Texas
area..? It would be nice to speak with someone
that can the sometimes difficulty of sharing
openingly. I’ve known for many years..
sometimes easier though not better to suppress.
Any insight would be great..!
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
No to the first part, the rest of your comment
doesn’t make sense
* Jess Andrus
Ridiculous ..the masses always have such strong opinion s on
individuals or groups who differ from the norm. I have always
rooted for the vampire in the movies and would be very interested
in learning more. More power to you. Different is good and needed.
Rock on!!
+ muse2006
“The masses” <— elitist statement. Not a good argument for the
existence of vampires, it's just attacking those who know they
are not real. Vampires in movies are not real. Vampires do not
exist in the real world, they are fictional characters, the
most famous being Bram Stoker's "Dracula".
I am a neo-pagan. I know what it's like to be different. But I
do not confuse my belief system with scientific fact, or claim
I can fly etc.
o Jess Andrus
Well put.
* Curiousone
I think it’s true.. because all the stories or myths start with a
fact. That is why I agree with the writer.
+ muse2006
Not all stories and myths start as facts! Was Red Riding Hood
real? How about the 3 Bears? Please use some critical
o Curiousone
yeah you are right… But exceptions are everywhere and
also Red Riding Hood was just a story.. What do you say
about Mermaids ? There is video about them on youtube
which was captured during a research operation in
# Lisa Troup
They were mentioned in the Columbus sea logs…..they
are in Seville… In Spanish, but I think there is a
translated site online…0;)
o naz
You say red ridding hood and the 3 bears are untrue
story’s!,,,,,,they are metaphors for children to
understand the way of life and warnings ie don’t trust
strangers, you should enter without being asked…. So all
storys do start with some sort of truth, I totally agree.
+ Lisa Troup
That is my theory too.. All legends begin with a kernel of
truth…look at troy…0;)
* dougsa
psychic feeding? This article belongs in the National Enquirer.
* Terrence Brien
There is a legitimate psychological condition called “Renfield’s
Syndrome” where people feel the need to drink blood and was first
recognized in 1892. People can feel and act very “normal” with the
exception of the “need” to periodically drink blood. Many religious
or cultural traditions speak of, or recognize, “psychic” or energy
vampires (individuals who feel they need to feed on the energy of
others) and there are several cases cited in modern psychological
literature of individuals with this belief. This is nothing new or
different, just the modern manifestation of long recognized
psychological disorders. These people find each other and band
together to convince themselves that they are “normal”, and so long
as they don’t cause themselves or other harm, there’s no reason
they can’t exist in peace. Unfortunately, however, both of these
conditions usually are attendant with other psychological issues
that can cause serious mental and physical issues.
+ Bavarin Fleetfoot
While there are indeed such syndromes and disorders, I suspect
at least *some* of the people this article talks about have an
entirely *different* issue that needs review by a proper
specialist. They probably *all* need at least one visit from
some form of head doctor. (Then again, more humans probably do
than we’d like to admit.)
o muse2006
Personality disorders – that has been my experience as a
+ Lisa Troup
I always love to remind people that IG you attend church,
chances are you might actually believe you are drinking the
blood of Christ…..O;)
* Ridge
Vampires are real but ” physic vampires” are simply fake loser
+ Sasha Styles
“Psychic Vampires” are actually usually narcissists and
psychopaths- they get a neural reward pathway high when they
inflict pain or see the suffering they cause in others as a
power trip or a comparative ego boost in regards to their
respective situations (i.e someone loses there home, they feel
better that they still have a roof over their head and likely
feel they some how deserve it more)
o muse2006
Very true.
+ Lisa Troup
Psychic hon…..o;)
* anonomyssy
energy balances itself out…take a double sink for example…if one
side is full, and the other empty…the water levels will balance
before draining…so if you are a person with plenty of energy, and
find yourself around others who do not, it’s exhausting and
draining…I’ve had clients drain me or “suck me dry”…probably not
intentionally…but it’s not cool to suck another’s energy ‘because
you need it’…it’s kind of sick…and why I avoid most people…people
with health issues can drain one quickly…and I do not doubt that
some martial artists can do this at will…Alistair Crowley used sex
magic, and Tantra teaches the movement of energy…it’s a real thing.
* Don’t Even Try It!
I can’t believe I wasted 15 minutes of my life reading this s_it!
* Mary Simmons
Vampires do exist as well as werewolves. I have seen a few
supernatural creatures in my lifetime. If you are interested in
these creatures, you will enjoy reading, Moonwarriors: Guardians Of
The Night By Rusty Nugent. There are many transformations of both
creatures. Good vs Evil.
* The Doctor
Not as cool as movie vampires and probably much crazier. I don’t
like the term “vampire” being used on these crazy people.
VmtRNRhYtkOfsCZ0&index=37 krzysztof oborski
Dzień dobry witam serdecznie
VmtRNRhYtkOfsCZ0&index=37 krzysztof oborski
Nie ma wampirów. W sensie filmowych bohaterów wypijających ludzką
krew. To tylko kino. Ale zjawiska parapsychologiczne na pewno
istnieją. Ja osobiście jestem tego przykładem. Potrafię określić
przy pomocy wahadełka, czy dany lek przepisany przez lekarza jest
skuteczny czy nie. I w jakim stopniu. To widać. Pacjent nie musi
tego leku łykać. Wystarczy że go potrzyma w dwóch palcach lewej
ręki i położy go na stole. Trzymając wokół tego leku swoją dłoń. I
sam widzi skutki działania tego leku. Ja osobiście nie przepisuje
leków ani ich nie daję. Po wizycie u mnie każdego pacjenta odsyła
do lekarza u którego się leczy. A on podejmuje decyzje, czy zmienić
lek lub wysłać pacjenta na badania. Obojętne jest w jaki stanie
jest lek. Ciekłym czy jest to proszek tabletka i,t.d. I od razu
państwo wiecie czy chodzicie do dobrych lekarzy czy nie. A przede
wszystkim czy leki które zażywacie naprawdę was leczą
.There are no vampires. In terms of film heroes with outstanding
blood . It’s just a movie theater . But surely psychic phenomena
exist. I
personally am an example. I can identify with the help of the
pendulum ,
whether the prescribed medication is effective or not. And what
It shows. The patient does not need to ingest the drug . Just that
will hold between two fingers of the left hand and put it on the
table .
Holding this drug around his hand . And he sees the effects of this
drug . I personally do not prescribe drugs nor do they give you.
After a
visit with me every patient returns to the doctor with whom to
treat .
And he decides whether to change medication or send the patient to
study. Neutral is a state in which the medicine. Liquid if it is a
tablet and powder , t.d . And once you know , or walk to the good
doctors or not. And most of all drugs that you really enjoy the
treat .
* helen tracia
Am Wilson by name, i turn to a vampire any time i want to. i become
a vampire because of how people treat me, this world is a wicked
world and not fair to any body. at the snack of my finger things
are made happened. am now a powerful man and no one step on me
without an apology goes free. i turn to human being also at any
time i want to. and am one of the most dreaded man in my country. i
become a vampire through the help of my friend who introduce me
into a vampire kingdom by given me their can follow me on
email [77]dr.bmars@gmail.or search me on face book through my
email. if you want to become a powerful vampire kindly contact the
vampire kingdom on their email [78] or dr.
+ muse2006
“The vampire kingdom”…You are either bs-ing, or you have some
heavy-duty delusions.
o Alatus
You are born a vampire. You can not be turned. So yes, he
is not being honest. We do not call ourselves a “Vampire
Kingdom” we do call a group of us together a “house”
# WilliamDesmarais
You can’t be turned? Well that’s funny. Yes.
Vampires are sterile, or at least my breed is. So
i’m not sure what bloodline you claim to be from but
they must be very different from the other North
American Bloodlines.
@ Alatus
There are 2 vampire types. Those who feed on
blood and those who feed om energy. Though it
is believed by some that both need energy its
just that some take it from blood. It is
something within the person that cannot be
given. Nor should people want it. It’s not
cool, it’s a hassel being a vampire and i would
rid of it if I could. There are no “bloodlines”
those who claim they can “turn” people are
@ WilliamDesmarais
You can turn someone, my friend. I know. I
don’t know why I know, honestly, but I am sure
of it. And there are bloodlines, there has to
be an origin to everything. I’m not talking
about organized families I’m talking
descendants. Lines of people who evolved over
time to conform to Vampirism. And I’m sorry,
but a “Psyvamp” isn’t a vampire. They fall
under a different category, so please don’t
call yourself a Vampire if you feed off of
@ Alatus
I do not feed off emotions. I feed off of
blood, but they are vampires we as a community
accepted this a while ago. But I am not going
to continue this conversation with an obvious
role player. You CANNOT be turned.
@ WilliamDesmarais
You have some nerve, I’ll give you that. i
don’t know. I’m new to this. But I am sure
there is a way of someone is willing to find
it. I’m not role playing, I’m actually quite
frightened by what this means for me. I have
respect for you and trust that you know what
you’re talking about, but if you insult me
again We will have a problem. And for anyone
reading this? Don’t try to be turned, please.
It isn’t fun, it isn’t a game. It isn’t role
play fantasy. I am one and I’m scared, so that
should be a damn good enough warning.
@ Alatus
I’m not insulting you, I am simply telling the
truth. You can help someome “awaken” (realize
they are a vampire) there are many ways to do
this. However, you cannot make someone a
vampire if they are not. Perhaps you are
mistaking “turning” someone for “helping
someone awaken”
As you said, you are new. I am not I have known
about my vampirism for years.
@ Martin28
How about, you cannot make anyone a vampire,
period? Because they don’t exist. They never
have. They never will. No photos, no skulls
bearing fangs, no hospital records of people
admitted with fang bites, no news stories, no
nothing. Only Halloween costumes and cheap
Hollywood movies.
@ Martin28
You feed off blood? You could pick up some
nasty diseases from that, especially uncooked
chicken blood. There is a FoodSafe course that
can help you with that.
@ Martin28
People who have “evolved over time to conform
to vampirism”? Really?? That’s makes about as
much sense as evolving over time to become a
@ Martin28
Correction: there are 2 vampire types: those
you see in movies, and those you see at
Halloween parties.
o Ryan Black
Follow your heart muse with this person.
* Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
To quote the article —“Unquestionably, I found the vampires I met
to be competent and generally outwardly “normal” citizens. They
performed blood-letting rituals safely and only with willing donors
and participated regularly in medical exams that scarcely (if ever)
indicated complications from their feeding practices.”
* Unknown
How come this article is real. Why haven’t we seen them yet
+ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
we are in plain sight dude
o erin kennedy
I have a few questions if you could answer them
# Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
What are they?
@ Ayat
Kristina are you a good vampire
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Naw, im actually evil. You can tell because I’m
taking the time to answer questions :P
* Htennek Arn-Smith
we are real.. we just don’t show anything unless we want to show
you, by the way I’m Kenneth
+ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
pleasure to see another :)
o Rachel Alvarenga
Yes it is
# corey
Hmm you two are sexy where are you from? I have
actuallg wondered what it would be like to have sex
with a woman vampire … hmmm
# Vampire Hunter
Then you better hide.
@ Rachel Alvarenga
That a threat?
@ Deepak Kumar
i want to see a vampire live
@ Lilly
I do 2
@ Tyler
And if i don’t?
# Ali
I would just like to know about your community
@ Rachel Alvarenga
Your best bet is to read about it. Most will
not reveal themselves to you.
@ Zehra Aliu
How can I become a vampire?
@ Lilly
You can’t because they r not real I only
believe it when I see it with my own eyes but
since nobody seen one before so that means you
can’t become a vampire srry
@ Zehra Aliu
And what if they are?
@ iler
they aren’t grow up kid
@ Martin28
They CAN’T reveal themselves, because they
# jane Bogdan
Hi Everyone,This wxas how me and my BF become
VAMPIRES i got a guy from the internet called Mr
Marc who was a VAMPIRE so i told him that me and my
boyfriend would love to become VAMPIRES so he asked
me of my Name ,Country, Age ,State , address and
asked me to pay for just to send me his blood which
i did immediately and in the next 3 days i got the
blood sample through the DHL which me and my
boyfriend took in the blood into your body and in
the next 30 minutes i turned into a VAMPIRE so if
you interested in becoming a VAMPIRE kindly contact
his email address today (JANEASHEY333@YAHOO.COM). he
also has a friend who is a warewolf just incase you
want to be one okay…(JANEASHEY333@YAHOO.COM).
@ Brooke Stone
that is pretty intreting ….did he trun into a
human vampire like Edward because i want to
beccome one like that
@ Emma Ferrari
that’s what I want too but I think it is fake
don’t you think the same
@ iler
“course”it’s a fake
@ Lilly
@ Rein
prove that you’re a vampire
@ Amrit Kumar
How many peoples u have killed right now?
@ brenda ortiz
Did it really work?
@ Arbab Zaman
You people just act to be like us…..we are on
27 left in the world…
@ Javious
please tell me how to become a vampire i want
to become one like you if you don’t come to our
house your a fake
@ Arbab Zaman
we live in the woods meet me
@ Shawana
Can I have your gmail and then I will talk in
@ iler
get an diper from a kid n rub it on ur head n
ther u go mr.vampire
@ Martin28
Even if they don’t go to your house, they’re a
fake. Because EVERY vampire is a fake.
@ Mel
Are you a vampire then?
@ bharti choudhary
u r a vampire?
@ Arbab Zaman
we don’t reveal ourselves
@ Aaliyah
that’s my email. Email me if you’re serious
about this vampire stuff and if you actually
can change me into 1
@ Erika
I would like that please.
@ Elizabeth
Hello Arbab… tell me if i’m wrong but i don’t
remember seeing you in our place where the
meeting took place… if you really are one of us
then there are 28 of us but it seems that you
are jokeing around. sincerely Elizabeth
@ Arbab Zaman
there are only 27 and there’s no Elizabeth and
i had no meeting with any Elizabeth
We live in one place and you’re no vampire
@ Corey Murdatime
Hey i just have a lot of quay about your kind
and please if you will message me Elizabeth. If
you have a kik message me darkelf66666
@ Martin28
Corey, I can answer EVERY question you may have
about vampires, in only four words:
1) vampires
2) are
3) not
4) real.
@ jay
Elizabeth i have a question my name jonathon i
need an aanswer
@ Elizabeth
what question
@ Sameed Irfan
Hello Elizabeth…
im just another curious person who wants to
know much more about your Kind as this article
only skims over the matter.i won’t ask you to
change me or something or go into your personal
life. so if you are willing to shed some light
please tell me so we can find a way to
@ Martin28
This article only skims over the matter because
vampires don’t really exist, and there is
nothing to talk about them. Elizabeth will not
be able to shed some light, but a qualified
therapist can.
@ Martin28
I have an answer for you, jonathan: vampires
don’t really exist. Now, what was your
@ Charlie
Erm hi! I was wondering what are some of the
signs of being a vampire? It’s just I’ve always
been incredibly curios of them an dI would like
to find out a bit more about it. If you don’t
@ Elizabeth
not really, you just really love the color of
blood and the tase, like if u fell and you
start bleeding u will taste it blablabla
@ sue
elizabeth are you really a vampire..??
and also is your real number 28…?
im just a curious person about these vampire’s
reailty…just please answer me questions…and
@ Martin28
Lots of little children do that; it is not a
sign of being a vampire, it is only a sign of
immaturity. Because there… are… no…. vampires.
Except in movies and books.
@ Martin28
One of the signs of being a vampire is.. that
they don’t exist. If you don’t exist… then you
are certainly a vampire.
@ Martin28
I can tell you ALL about vampires. They are
people who put on dark eye makeup, wear fake
plastic fangs, and go to Halloween parties.
It’s tons of fun, pretending to be something
that doesn’t really exist. It’s so much fun,
they even made movies about vampires. And
everybody knows that movies are fake. That’s
why they call the people in the movies,
“actors”. After they take off the makeup and
plastic fangs, they go home and eat hamburgers
with their families and take their dogs for a
walk in the park.
@ IzaBella
R u really a vampire ! if u r pls answer me i
wanna know somethings
@ Martin28
She isn’t really a vampire. I know this
because… there are NO vampires. Only “pretend”
vampires, and most of them need psychiatric
@ Negin
Could u plz send me an email ?? I’m so
interested in ur kind
Rira.girl. [81]
@ Martin28
Their kind is the same as your kind. All… just…
normal… humans. There are NO vampires, because
they don’t exist.
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
believe what you will about us, but your
inability to accept our existence does not make
us any less real.
@ Martin28
I don’t dispute the fact that you exist – I’m
just saying there are no such thing as REAL
vampires. And there never were. Just mortal,
human wannabes. Have fun playing vampire, but
just don’t try to tell people you’re actual
vampires, it’s deceptive and dishonest.
@ Martin28
Only 28 of you? You must be on the Endangered
Species list? Give GreenPeace a call, they will
raise money to build you a sanctuary.
@ Martin28
You’re ALL joking around. Sincerely, Martin.
@ Martin28
How can they prove something that doesn’t
@ ayesha
r u a vampire ?? be honest
@ Arbab Zaman
yes but v don’t reveal ourselves we are just 27
and can transform anyone.
@ Erika
I don’t know much about this but I’m not
anything special, just normal, I guess? I do
have some questions though.
@ Martin28
Yes, you’re just normal. That is because
everyone is “normal”. Because there are NO
vampires. Just…. normal…. people.
@ Erika
Can you please contact me. At
@ Arbab Zaman
kik maybe
We talk to some people not everyone
I’ll see ur blood type from ur pic
@ mari
are you real?
@ Martin28
Obviously not. They don’t even have a real
identity name. Just “Guest”.
@ Youngralphboss Singleton
do u have a facebook
@ sexyguy11
i am 12 turning 13 on august11 i think i am i
have always been pale i love the taste of blood
i get visions that come true. my teeth have
always been sharp. btw i am gavin spangler
@ Never Enough
I hope you’re serious
@ Arbab Zaman
maybe u can be transformed
@ Shawana
Transforme me please
@ Arbab Zaman
kik maybe?
@ Steicia Wolfrick
i Have kik, please message me yours?
@ Arbab Zaman
its arbab2020
@ Jesus Carreon
Hey could you kik me? Jesus_C96
@ Martin28
I’ll kik you. Bend over while I put on my
@ disqus_1cg4BcWLU7
@ Emily Rodriguez
My kik is emilyrodriguez456 i have a lot of
questions plz contact me i think your awesome
@ Martin28
Poof! You’re transformed. Oops! Sorry, I
transformed you into a smurf instead.
@ Cat
Same here but my dreams come true a lot of the
@ Martin28
Get some more sun and eat some vegetables.
@ Megan Izsingle Potter
I want to become a vampire
@ Arbab Zaman
i would have to check don’t freak out when u
see me
@ Martin28
That will be impossible, because they DON’T
@ AlmightyBlasian
u a real vampire if so how u become a one
@ Rbelen
You are only born one.Those spells online won’t
work,and anything else.
@ Martin28
Not true. You can be a born-again vampire. You
have to go to midnight church services and
drink the blood of Christ.
@ Martin28
A real vampire? There is no such thing as a
real vampire. Get a job.
@ Piyali Maity
Please transform me!
@ Martin28
Why, what’s wrong with you the way you are?
@ Martin28
Vampires are known for being dishonest.
@ Martin28
Vampires are dishonest by nature. The proof is
that they say they exist, but they don’t.
@ Akash Dubey
Can i became a vampire I admire vampires a lot
plz hlp me out
@ Arbab Zaman
It’s not that easy it depends on ur blood only
some can be transformed and then u have to stay
away from everyone
@ Martin28
Send me $6000 and I will help you become a
@ Martin28
No, you can’t become one, because they don’t
exist. But you can become an accountant. They
actually do exist.
@ Sharis Ramos
Are you guys really the 27 left? Wouldn’t that
mean that you guys can’t turn humans into
@ Arbab Zaman
we can
@ Angela Loya
Can u really do that, humans to vampires, aww I
want to be one
@ Arbab Zaman
i would have to check u
@ Moin Nawaz
me too
@ Martin28
If you become a vampire, you will only be
qualified to work the night shift at 7-11.
@ Martin28
So do they, wanna be one. But it’s impossible
because vampires are mythical, not real.
@ Martin28
They can’t turn humans into vampires, but they
can turn chickens into McNuggets.
@ pawan
i m ready to change into vampire contact me to
my email [83]
@ Martin28
Make sure you are wearing your vampire thong
underwear, or it won’t work.
@ Martin28
The 27 left were on the endangered species
list, but then they died out from infertility.
@ Big Dog
@ Martin28
No. Not really.
@ Holly
Can I have an actual conversation with you?
Like in email, it something, not in here?
@ Arbab Zaman
@ Holly
What is the SN?
@ zara
hi do vampire is exist realy or not
@ Martin28
@ Martin28
@ Taskeen Zahra
Keep up covincing others martin hahahaha
@ Martin28
Thanks, Taskeen, I will. Just this week I have
met and educated about a dozen new people about
the God who will change their lives with
miracles. And many people need a miracle in
their life. One woman has a son who she said is
possessed by the Devil. I have a solution for
her. Another young man has serious mental
health issues; I have a solution for him. God
has a solution for every problem; He just wants
us to turn to Him for the solution. And He is
always faithful. Always. God bless!
@ Taskeen Zahra
Hey don’t mind but r u like father or monk like
@ Martin28
Hi again, Taskeen! No, I don’t belong to any
religious organization because I find they are
usually too slow and ineffective in addressing
people’s issues. I deal straight through Jesus
and the Holy Spirit, ’cause they get things
done right, and immediately. No lazy,
slow-minded humans to get in the way, hahaha!
Oh, and btw, yes I am a monk, but again, not
through an organization, but through Jesus.
Thanks for asking. God bless!
@ Taskeen Zahra
Wow monk musician fashion model hahaha really
Btw nice
@ Martin28
@ Taskeen Zahra
@ Martin28
Taskeen, I was wondering… what do you do for a
living? And what country do you live in?
@ Taskeen Zahra
Well im a student n haven’t joined practical
life yet
@ Martin28
That’s cool. General studies, or are you
pursuing a specific degree?
@ Taskeen Zahra
N this doctor has also some explaination to do
with that
N u wont believe that there r proper spells for
inviting a vampire to turn u into one
On tube n u wont believe they worked for many
@ Martin28
Taskeen, do you really believe these people,
that spells can turn them into a vampire? I
think it would be all over the news, wouldn’t
it? invite one over for an examination, once
you achieve your medical degree, ha ha!
@ Taskeen Zahra
Well i m not saying that i trust them im just
saying that people said that they tried it n it
worked thats It n im also a science student i
dont work without proofs so i talked to them
N one said that it was hard to explain (thats
lame) n the other said im much famous now among
my school n it feels good ( really)
Actually i have exhumed alot about this stuff
bcz i love such creepy stuff
N i have also come to know from one article
that ahmmm
They r the most extraordinary people around you
n they r very friendly
Maybe they would be walking around you
Bla bla
But behold i wont believe until i see one with
my eyes lol
Or disect one hehehe
No no im going to disect that i would take
autograph n a photograph
@ Martin28
Taskeen, people say all kinds of crazy things
and believe all kinds of bizarre stuff. Those
stupid movies and TV shows should be banned. NO
“magic spell” is ever going to turn anyone into
anything other than what they already are. Ask
your medical instructors. If there were
vampires “walking around me” I would have
sniffed them out instantly. I have worked in
over a hundred workplaces and have met and
worked alongside thousands of people from all
walks of life, every religious and ethnic
background, every age and level of education,
all across the country. And so far…. not. one.
@ Taskeen Zahra
I mean i know that monks r actually very
devoted to their job
As said by you u have many professions to hang
So whats that? n u said to talked to jesus so u
prayed hard for this or something
N don’t tell me its a joke like u said about
@ Martin28
No, I’m not joking this time, Taskeen. I have
always liked to try new challenges, so I’ve
done a large number of different jobs in
various fields. That’s how I know there are no
vampires, ha ha ha! Being a monk is not a job,
though, it’s a “calling”. Jesus personally
called me to follow Him and so I did. I had to
give up a few things though, like having
girlfriends and hanging out with my male
friends. It has been well worth it, though, as
I get to see miraculous things all the time. I
am devoted to being a monk, but it’s not like
sitting around a monastery meditating all day,
haha! Quite the contrary, I get out and enjoy
life, nature, playing music, meeting new people
all the time, helping complete strangers and
seeing the positive way I can make an impact in
their lives. It’s very rewarding. And no, I
didn’t have to pray hard for this to happen, I
was just very sincere and had NO interest in
living a shallow, materialistic lifestyle. And
I’m not afraid to “dive into the deep end of
the pool”, ha ha! I couldn’t see myself wasting
decades of my life following some dead
religion, so I just “cut through the crap” and
spoke straight to God. And He answered me!! It
is the most amazing thing to have a Divine
being speak to you, and especially to witness
the miraculous results of such an encounter.
Anyone who is sincere in their heart can speak
directly to God. You don’t need a pastor,
priest, rabbi or guru, and you don’t even have
to “belong” to a religion. Because this is
REALITY, not a religion. It doesn’t matter what
anyone believes, Jesus is the King of Heaven
regardless! Just like the Sun is the brightest
light in the sky, whether you “believe” it or
not. Well, I hope that answered your questions,
so thanks for asking. It’s been a real pleasure
talking with you, dear Taskeen. God bless.
@ Jo
Please help
@ Taskeen Zahra
What happened
@ Kaitos Kurran
im a vampire and u better not talk crap about
us like that and im aldo an alien that was born
on earth so u better watch ur mouth and my name
iş Kaitos Kurran so better watch out
@ Martin28
Sure, I’ll watch out for you, Kaitos. I’ll buy
you a sandwich and a coffee if I see you.
You’ll feel better after that.
@ sponge
i guess martin28 will watch his mouth but as
for you better watch your fake teeth.
@ Martin28
Hilarious!!! He keeps them in a plastic cup
next to his toothbrush…
@ sano
Martin, u really not belvn on vampires?
@ Martin28
That’s right, Sano. I only believe in things
that are REAL. Vampires are not real. There has
never been even ONE recorded case of vampire
bites in any Emergency Ward, nor has there ever
been ONE police report of a vampire attack. The
reason for that is simple: there are NO
vampires. However, the Lord Jesus is real. I
know, because I have spoken with Him, and have
witnessed the miracles that He and His Angels
have wrought. I serve the Lord Jesus and can
attest to His veracity. I encourage you to
check Him out. There are many YouTube videos
about Him and the wonderful things He is
accomplishing on the Earth. Good luck, I hope
you find the truth of the reality of this
Earthly existence!
@ lisette295
Jesus tells people to drink his blood. And the
Catholic church is pretty real about that. Just
@ Martin28
Yeah, sure, Lisette. Jesus is speaking
metaphorically, of course. But who said
anything about the Catholic Church? I ditched
that twisted cult before I even began Grade
school. Since then, however, I have spoken with
Jesus and His Angels, and have been witness to
numerous miracles done in His name. How about
yourself? Btw, are you Quebeçois? I am.
@ lisette295
Non. Je suis american. I live near Detroit. My
great grandmother was French. I recently worked
out the difference between Paul and Jesus’s
doctrines. One teaches the kingdom of heaven,
the other teaches justification.It was the In
His name passage in the bible that tied the two
together for me.
@ Martin28
I see. I find it interesting that people can
come to faith solely by reading the Bible.
Being more of a skeptical scientist myself, i
had to meet Jesus in person in order to
believe. Which was absolutely awesome, btw. I
like your French name, Lisette. I have a sister
named Lise!
@ Baileyjrob
Obviously you don’t just believe in what is
real, seeing as you believe in God. I’ll
believe this article FAR before I believe in
your God.
@ Martin28
Yes, indeed the Bible accurately predicted that
in the ‘end times’, there would be many people
like you who would sooner believe in fairy
tales such as vampires, than believe in the
eternal truth of the existence of God. Just
more proof of the unerring accuracy of the
@ Luis Arias
Actually not to burst you bubble but one attack
is on file look it up
@ Martin28
It’s hard to ‘burst my bubble’ when you don’t
provide any evidence. I’m sure there are as
many fake vampire reports as there are ‘alien
sightings’. To date: not one shred of proof of
alien contact. Same goes for vampires. And
werewolves. And tooth fairies. Sorry to burst
your bubble…
@ Luis Arias
XD christians gone wild
@ Luis Arias
Hey since your a christian that nows his stuff
can example the thing with the red coffee cups
@ Martin28
Thanks for admitting that I ‘know my stuff';
that is the only worthwhile thing you’ve said
yet. Now go and play with your ‘red coffee
@ dninja123
Bro ur a boring weebu just stop
@ alcamp
I am a mature adult who has loved vampires
since I was a teen. I would LOVE to believe
this is all real it would make life more
@ alcamp
The truth is the article that this is attached
to sounds so much like the vampires in the
stories that Ward wrote, except her vampires
never aged past their 30’s and were imortal.
Great stories read them.they could not turn
anyone and only feed from their own knd as
human blood would not sustain them. They
remained private and although interacted with
humans, they were strong and dignified. They
did not resort to childish name calling or
insults. They protected their own, I don’t see
any of that here.
@ Martin28
You won’t see any noble vampire behavior here
because, quite simply… there are NO vampires.
Anywhere. Anytime. Anyhow.
@ Original
You are quite the religious man, to not believe
in others beliefs, if you read the bible there
is a verse which is Matthew 7:1 ” Do not judge,
or you too will be judged ” To be honest with
you I wouldn’t mind becoming a vampire, at
least they see things from different point of
views. I’m not a religious person, for a fact
I’m not even Christian, I just know that if you
were one of God’s children, he’d want you to
not judge.
@ Martin28
You understand neither the basis for belief,
nor the meaning of ‘judging’. You suppose that
it is judgmental to be firm in the knowledge of
truth, to the discredit of the erroneous
beliefs of others, but that line of reasoning
runs contrary to every scientific or logical
tenet. May I suggest you further your education
before attempting to debate such matters? BTW,
I’m not even religious, just knowledgable.
@ Bryan J
Judging would be condemning and degrading these
people for what they do.
Martin is just trying to lead some people to
Jesus, which frankly is an oft-forgotten (and
hard to practice) commission for Christians. We
have all sinned or forgotten God at some point,
and will continue to no matter what because of
our nature and/or the nature of the world and
its demands. In the algebra of life, Jesus is
the constant of good.
@ Martin28
Well said, Bryan.
@ zeba
Ru a real vampire. u really exists. ..Do u
harm human
@ tajana
Are u really a vampire ?
@ Jo
Come off it
@ Martin28
Wow, if you’re an ALIEN vampire, that means you
can only suck alien blood, cause human blood
would poison you. And blood from undercooked
chicken would give you a case of diarrhea and
vomiting so bad that you would lose 8 1/2 of
your 9 lives. Being as alien blood is quite
hard to find, you must be bloody STARVING by
now, pardon the pun. Make sure you cook that
fried chicken THOROUGHLY!
@ Yazmin Farraj
I think you don’t believe in vampires and
werewolves. Until you meet them face to face
and be around them long enough, you wouldn’t be
saying stuff like that. Vampires and werewolves
are not these viscous animals that attack and
kill people like the movies make us seemed like
@ Martin28
You are correct, Yazmin, I don’t believe in
vampires and werewolves, simply because there
are NO vampires and werewolves. Whatever you
are describing can only be people who THINK
they are vampires and werewolves. There is a
word for that, it’s called “fantasy”, and it is
a departure from “reality”. So that means there
are no REAL vampires or werewolves, only ”
pretend” vampires and werewolves, just as I
said originally. You should investigate the
difference between fact and fantasy.
@ Luis Arias
Thank you!
@ sano
R u a real vampire?
@ Davie Dota
hi, i will like to have a chat with you via
@ Yazmin Farraj
I am half wolf and human. I have real vampire
friends who need blood and energy, some of them
are very good people with a very dark side.
They let out their evil side only some people
provoked themthem or push the to their limit.
Don’t let other peoples belief and options
upset like that. People will say things you
don’t want hear.
@ Martin28
Yazmin, I have news for you: you are fully
human; not even ONE of your chromosomes is
wolf. Don’t believe me? Go get a DNA test and
you will find that you are nothing but a
regular human being. You may FEEL like a wolf,
but that is only a subjective illusion caused
by a demonic spirit. Go and see Jesus; He will
reveal the truth to you and show you your true
@ Luis Arias
Your dealing with bible thumpers trust me you
could have all the proof in the world they
gonna just contradict you
@ Cc Howard
Yazmin, I am very fond of the vampires and of
the werewolves. I would love to meet you or
some just to talk and really get to learn about
them. Is there anyway we could talk or email? I
would love to know your story.
@ Martin28
Cc, one thing you will learn from meeting
vampires and werewolves, is that they’re all
liars. And that is because there ARE NO
vampires or werewolves, Cc. Only regular
humans, wanting desperately to be special,
magical creatures. That’s all…
@ Martin28
Yazmin, you have been watching FAR too many
stupid movies and TV shows, and you’re starting
to believe them already. You should get out
more and engage in REAL life: playing sports;
joining social groups; learning to play a
musical instrument; volunteering, etc. People
who engage in these things KNOW that there are
NO vampires or werewolves.
@ lakshmi menen
so u are a real vampire??
@ Pheceous Ziann Doños
so your a vampire?? how was so real you are??
@ Kaitos Kurran
come to hutchison, is and merkt me and we will
talk alot better
@ Ãðïtî Ðås
i want to know about a boy if he is a vampire
or not
can u tell me by his picture & name
@ Martin28
I can tell you without even looking at his
picture or his name, that he is definitely NOT
a vampire. He’s just a regular human like
everyone else on the planet. Because there are
simply… no… vampires. Anywhere.
@ Pheceous Ziann Doños
i challenge you,. if your real, then show it,..
then you have my blood freely
@ Pheceous Ziann Doños
so if challenge accepted, then bring the game
you want to play,.. i was only wetting to it.
@ Cc Howard
If your a vampire I’m very fond of them. I
would like to get to know about them. So if
there is a way you can email or anything it
would be so awesome!!
@ Martin28
Why do I ‘better watch out’, Kaitos? Are you
going to bite me with your fake plastic fangs
that you bought at the dollar store?
P.S. – your black eye makeup is beginning to
@ Tony
Im new to this sight need to talk to someone
about vampires do u know who can help thank you
@ Tony
Not a joke
@ terry
really ok where is the proof, let him solve my
money problems, and make me so rich money is no
longer a issue, and point of stress
@ Martin28
Well, Terry, as any good scientist knows, if
you want proof, first you must perform a trial
experiment, and then you determine your
conclusion according to the results. So first
you must accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior,
and ask for His blessing. Try it for a while
and see how it goes. Then just take it from
there. BTW, God guarantees His promises. He’s
never failed yet. His followers have failed,
but He never has. Good luck to you.
@ terry
i have done so many times as a youngster, tyed
both god and devil no responses, so i conculde
that both god and the devil do not exisit, and
have been created by people to control the
@ Martin28
My first question is, if you tried God, why
would you then try the Devil? Obviously God
knows your insincere intentions and would wait
for you to grow up and make up your mind before
taking you seriously. Can you picture someone
searching for both a wife, AND a prostitute, at
the same time? I searched for God with the
intention of serving Him if He did exist, and I
found Him right away. When I got older and more
serious about life, Jesus Himself visited me
and sent Angels to guide me to help lost souls,
with miraculous results! I didn’t believe in
the Devil initially, until he manifested to try
to dissuade me from following Jesus, but he
utterly failed when I called upon the name of
Jesus and succeeded triumphantly! Perhaps when
you make up your mind about who it is you want
to serve, you may have some success.
@ terry
becuse god did not work, got no answers, got no
confermation, no answered prayers, for years.
roughly 7 then devil for 4 years, found none of
them exisited, got no answer from both, a waste
of 11 years of my life to figure out some thing
so easy to recignize. it all lire god and the
devil to control the masses
@ Martin28
Perhaps you should seek trustworthy guidance to
help you in your quest for truth.
@ Bryan J
I kind of used to think like this too. The
problem with it is that God knows our hearts.
We aren’t supposed to seek him out of
utilitarian desire. We’re supposed to seek him
out of love. And as is so often said, true
salvation is manifested in (and grown by) good
works inspired by the Spirit, for the better of
those around us. It takes work. Trust me on
@ sally
Well said.
@ Tyr
If your heaven exists, and it’s filled with
Christians, nobody but Christians would want to
be there anyways. Sounds like an awful time.
@ Martin28
You sound like a regular sourpuss. Haven’t you
heard that Heaven is a place of unending bliss
and wonder? I have met Jesus in person and can
attest that there is no one as wonderful as He.
Perhaps if you got to know Him, your negative
slant might be transformed into a positive,
hopeful outlook.
@ Roko
I love Your picture.If i had to be bitten by
vampire,i hope its girl from Your pic.
@ Taskeen Zahra
Well thanks n seems like you are quite crazy n
dead fan of vampires
Keep it up
But dear vampires don’t exist in real
@ dylan
Your a schmuck
@ Martin28
Due to the fact that you failed to provide any
cogent reasoning for your statement, your
comment, by default, applies solely to
@ dylan
So the schmuck says
@ Martin28
Say something intelligent, schmuck!!! Or stfu!
Empty arguments count as stupidity.
@ hhh
rude coward
@ dylan
@ Chappie King
Dude, grow up….
@ ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
I’m not saying I believe in this blood sucking
bullshit,but stay and read.
In the past,people have their last name named
after their jobs,professions.
And my ancestor are apparently,as I was
told,famous vampire hunters.That’s all there is
to the story nothing else,really.No evidence,no
proof.I am a see to believe kinda guy so
yeah,unless I see a real vampire then I’ll
start belivin’.
Btw my last name is Hawthorn.
@ Gerardo Sanchez
Can you turn me please?
@ Rbelen
It doesn’t work like that Gerardo.You are born
one,that’s the only option.
@ neet
so the only way to be a vampire is to be born
as one? you can never turn?
@ Martin28
No, you can also apply for vampire citizenship.
They have forms especially for that at the
passport office.
@ Taskeen Zahra
Really ? how does it works?
i don’t want but curious if a real vampire is
@ Martin28
Get a passport application, and where it asks
“Do you want to apply to be a vampire?”, check
the box marked “Yes”. They will send you a
special letter marked “Vampire Registration”.
Fill out the form inside and return to the
Passport Office. Soon they will send a black
van to your door. Specially trained medical
professionals will examine you and let you know
if you are eligible to become a vampire. It’s
that simple.
@ Taskeen Zahra
So u guys are like clan or a group like
something ?? Have you also applied for
@ Martin28
My dear Taskeen:
My apologies, I thought that if I made my story
ridiculous enough, you would “get” that it was
a joke. There is not a single vampire on the
entire face of the earth. They simply don’t
However, I CAN tell you a TRUE story. I have
spoken with the Lord Jesus. He is actually
real. He sent Angels to direct me to help some
very lost and desperate people, and I saw their
lives miraculously transformed. They now have
hope and a new path in life. I have witnessed
this countless times over the past several
years and am constantly amazed at how the King
of Glory is helping people all over the world.
You can easily be part of this very real
movement by offering to serve Jesus. Simply
speak to Him. He can hear you. I found it hard
to believe, but He definitely did answer me,
and I have consequently witnessed many
miracles. Please call on His Name today, and I
guarantee that you will also see miracles and
will come to know that Jesus is Lord. Good luck
and God bless.
@ Taskeen Zahra
So u r like a clan of vampires or something?r u
a vamire or human
@ katie
i’m guessing he’s a human
@ Taskeen Zahra
yeah seems so , what about you katie
u also searching about the truth of vampire?
@ Martin28
I’m guessing EVERYONE is a human. Because there
are simply… no… vampires. Anywhere. Anytime.
@ Taskeen Zahra
I mean vampire
@ Taskeen Zahra
Do u know any vampires
@ osydeuss
That’s not true I was bitten on my left wrist
@ Martin28
I would apply some iodine to that, and an ice
pack to help with the swelling. Next time,
carry a vampire swatter with you. A couple of
good swats to the face and they shouldn’t
trouble you anymore.
@ Martin28
Put some iodine on it, then ice it for a few
@ Martin28
The only way to be a vampire is to dress up as
one on Halloween, because they don’t exist.
@ Martin28
Not true. You can wish really hard and if
you’re lucky you can believe that you are.
Practice looking like one and people will start
believing it.
@ Tyddy Folgerø
how do you know if you’re born as one?
@ Martin28
If you were born, then you aren’t one. Because
they don’t exist. Except in the movies.
@ Cody McDonald
Is there anyway you can find out you are one
like is there any signs?
@ Martin28
Yes, Cody, there are signs. If you are at a
Halloween party and you are wearing fake
plastic fangs, dark eye makeup and a
Dollar-store Dracula cape, then you are a
vampire. Otherwise, you are just another normal
human being like the rest of us. Btw, Cody –
there are no real vampires. Sorry, but that’s
the truth. Ask your Doctor.
@ Martin28
You would have sharp fangs, be unable to eat
any food except human blood, and would not be
able to tolerate any sunshine. Total number of
vampires in the world = 0.
@ Taskeen Zahra
@ Martin28
It doesn’t work that way, Rbelen. You are born
human, that’s the only option. Vampires don’t
@ Cody McDonald
My question below was for you btw
@ Jackie
I’m a vampire I was born in 1595 I am420 yrs no
@ IzaBella
R u real vamp ! I waNna be a vampire . can u
turn me! or this is impossible to be one !
where do u live nd how manny r u !! plz unswer
@ kelly k
why r u believing some fairy tale?
@ Martin28
You can buy some plastic vampire teeth at a
novelty store, and also some dark eye makeup
while you’re there.
@ Martin28
It’s impossible to be one. Because there is no
such thing. Just try being a human, it’s much
@ Warda ashraf
@ Grace
for person like you it’s not going to happen.
Live your life as normal person and forget all
stupid thinking in your small mind!! it is so
stupid wishing to be a animal.
@ Tabatha Renee
How outstanding… I do have physic abilities…
And i can not sleep at night. What does that
say about me? Thanks Tabatha
@ Martin28
It says you have psychic abilities and can’t
sleep at night. You should get more exercise.
@ Martin28
That says you should stop reading silly stories
about vampires that don’t exist and get some
outdoor exercise, then you will sleep better at
@ Scred
You should work on those abilities.There are
many work shops,or even books or online.That
can help you with any kind of psychic
ability.Real psychic ability can be something
very helpful,for your mind,to calm it,or to
help others.Just don’t fall prey to money
hucksters when there are so many ways to pursue
the subject,free.
@ Anjali Sharma Styles
Are u really serious!!?? Omg
@ Martin28
You really believe she was born in 1595? It was
a typo, she was born in 1995.
@ Martin28
Yes, she’s really serious. She lives in a
mental institution. They’re treating her for
@ Warda ashraf
@ Martin28
No, she’s not really serious. Because she’s not
a vampire. Nobody is a vampire. Vampires don’t
exist, Anjali.
@ Negin
Could u send me an Emial ? Plzzzz ,
@ Martin28
Negin, vampires don’t send emails, because they
don’t exist. However Jesus is real, and has
great plans for your life if you follow Him.
Call on the name of Jesus, He will speak to you
from Heaven. I know this is true because I have
spoken with Him and He has done real miracles
that I have witnessed. Find out about the true
Son of God and you will be amazed at what He
can do.
@ Paige Lee
Where do u live America or England
@ Martin28
@ Martin28
DracuLand, it’s a big theme park at
@ Miss Armstrong
Are you serious?
@ Martin28
You must be eligible for massive senior’s
discounts and old age pensions.
@ Martin28
You must get epic senior’s discounts at the
pharmacy. And your old age pension must be
through the roof!!
@ Nima Said
is there any male.vampire 2
@ Martin28
No, Nima, there are no male vampires you can
talk to. There are no female vampires you can
talk to. There are no vampires at all you can
talk to. Because vampires don’t exist, Nima. No
hospital has ever treated a patient for vampire
bites. No Police Department has ever
investigated a complaint of vampire attack.
Vampires only appear in movies, where they are
played by actors who wear fake fangs and dark
eye makeup. There are… NO… vampires, Nima.
None. There never were. There never will be.
However, Jesus is real, Nima. Why don’t you get
to know Jesus? He will do real miracles for
real people, in the real world. Because He is
real. He’s the real Son of God. You can learn
more about Him here:
@ Madison
Heaven is real I believe in
angels,ghost,God,and spirits
@ Martin28
Yes, well I hope you get to serve Jesus
someday, Madison. He truly is the Son of God
and He is amazing!
@ Feffy Willis
God was conjured from the church as a means of
control….christians are false profits and
murders of all races but there own
@ Martin28
Child, you have been bamboozled by the
scheisters who’s purpose is to distract you
from the truth. Never mind what the counterfeit
“church” is doing. The question is: what is the
God of truth doing? Have you searched for the
truth? Throw “religion” out the window and ask
God Himself what the truth is. You will find as
I did, that there is a Kingdom of Glory beyond
this earthly reality. Until you put your life
on the line and search diligently for the
truth, you will not find it. I hope you find
it. Until then, you’re just shooting in the
@ Melissa Rios
Are you for real. I’ve would like to meet you
one day . I think it’s cool that your you if
your for real.Ms.Jackie
@ Martin28
It WOULD be cool if she were for real. But
she’s not. Because there are.. NO… vampires.
@ manasi dabholakar
If i want to contact vampires so wht should i
@ Martin28
Call 1-800-SUK-BLUD.
@ liliana roxell
Well if you really were ….how old is your maker
I hope you know what that is
@ Chirag
Cn u turn me
@ Chappie King
Of course he can…. :P
@ dwebb788
email me [86]
@ dwebb788
email me [87]
@ Antonio Washington
Whats up
@ Jessica Johnston
Sorry for the intruection but I seek
information are you aware of others like your
self in austrlia and dose real food make you
vomit like myself?
@ Martin28
Jessica, vomiting food doesn’t mean you’re a
vampire, it means you are bulimic. Go see a
doctor. He will confirm that you are not a
vampire, because vampires don’t exist. Except
in the movies.
@ Urielxme
Um, no. Definitely a joke. And a tasteless one,
at that.
@ Martin28
1595? You must have massive hemorrhoids!!!
@ Martin28
Are you still driving your original horse
carriage around? Modern traffic is a bitch,
ain’t it?
@ Martin28
Who does your dental work?
@ Martin28
420 years old? No wonder you’ve forgotten how
to use proper punctuation!
@ Martin28
Are you in the Nursing Home For Elderly
@ Martin28
Who did you vote for in the 1647 election?
@ Martin28
Did they have toilet paper back in 1595? If
not, what did you use?
@ zarish
loo i just saw all ur cmnts do u not have a
life or anything bttr to do with ur life i mean
i m not tryina be rude but get a life lol
@ Martin28
I’ve done more in the last year than you’ll
ever accomplish in your miserable lifetime,
little girl.
@ Martin28
If you put a penny in the bank when you were
ten years old, you would be a gazillionaire by
@ Martin28
I’ll bet the pants you wore when you were 250
don’t fit you anymore!
@ Martin28
Which Century was it when you last got laid?
@ Martin28
Holy crap, if I were 420 I wouldn’t joke
@ Lani
I wouldn’t ether
@ Martin28
You do realize, don’t you Lani, that vampires
don’t really exist, right? Except in movies.
@ wendy
can you turn me?
@ Adam
I would like to know more
@ Dalton
Can we speak like on email or somthing I’m
@ Lani
@ Lani
Are you really real
@ dylan
Are u lieing jackie
@ Martin28
Okay, spin around. You’re turned. Now get back
to work.
@ Martin28
Why, are heading the wrong way?
@ denisse cruz
is not easy to be a vampire if you don’t eat
human blood it feels like you are dying, and
you are always hungry but because we respect
humans we only eat animals but still is not
easy to survive so you don’t want to be one of
@ Martin28
It’s not easy to be a vampire because…. they
don’t exist.
@ Martin28
Vampires don’t have conversations. They’re way
too cool for that kind of action. They prefer
standing alone in dark corners. Find a
werewolf, they’re much more friendly.
@ Martin28
It’s impossible to have a conversation with a
vampire, because they only exist in the
immature imagination.
@ loops vavy
Sir r ol d vampires same as dey r xplaind in
movie ‘twiloght saga’
Are you actually lyk dem ???
M a big fan of vampires
@ Arbab Zaman
we live for more than 10000 years I’m 200 years
@ loops vavy
So whre uh r from ??
Do you meet human beings ?
Is there any way to contact you all directly
@ Caitlin Baker
Don’t you ever ask that. Why would you want to
be a vampire? Walking in the sunlight burns,
and feeding in on innocent people is wrong.
This life sucks. I’ve been one since June 18,
@ sexy
i thank u got that off the vampire diarys
@ Carlize
Hi how old are you? How does it feel to be one?
@ Dulce Flores
Really?? Please tell me the truth.
@ IzaBella
i wanna be one :(
@ Katherine
Don’t be so foolish to reveal such personal
mater, especially to mortals.
@ Martin28
Don’t be so foolish to try to pretend you’re a
vampire. Vampires do not exist. Don’t you have
a real life? Don’t you want a real life? Why
not join a nice church group, you’ll be happy
@ Negin
Can we chat in PV ?
@ Martin28
That’s a long time to be a vampire, Caitlin.
And you’re not even 30 years old yet, how did
you manage that?
@ loops vavy
Plzz tell sir.
How cm v have a real conversation ? N how cn v
meet each other ?
@ Arbab Zaman
we show ourselves to some people
@ loops vavy
So to transform ourselves uh come to us ?? Or
we need to be there ?
Sir i hv many queries cn uh tell me uh .. Email
or phone nmbr ?? Privately in my email ..
@ Ravenofcrimson
You guys realize that its not all of an
enjoyable thing right? Of you have any serious
questions about vampirism feel free to mail me
on tumblr. Username is ravenofcrimson
@ Martin28
Yes, it’s not enjoyable because it doesn’t
exist. If you were a vampire you would not be
exposing yourself to the public and inviting
people to email you. You’re doing that because
you’re lonely and lost, like a lot of people.
Pretending that you’re a vampire on-line won’t
help you get what you want. Why don’t you join
a church youth group where you will get normal
social activity and learn some useful skills.
@ soumya
Sir is it true that vampires shine in sunlight
@ Emily Rodriguez
How do u actually become a vampire
@ Ursula Rochaa
By attracting one with a dangerous chant
@ Martin28
You become a vampire by pretending to be one.
Because ALL vampires are “pretend” vampires.
There are no “real” ones. Just ask your doctor.
@ Aaliyah
Can’t you make me 1 ?
@ Arbab Zaman
yeah contact me on kik which is @arbab2020
@ Piyali Maity
What is Kik? Can we talk through mail? Here is
my mail ID [90]
@ Arbab Zaman
email me
@ Piyali Maity
Give me your mail ID please.
@ dennis
Okay [91]
@ Call Me
dennis, what I told Piyali above also applies
to you.
@ Call Me
Piyali, you should never share your email
You never know who might get hold of it, or
what they might do with it, and cyberstalking
and identity theft are not uncommon.
@ John Manning
no we do not sparkle in the sun nor does it
burn us to ash…but we do feel somewhat out of
it when in contact like loosing our energy, but
when we return to shady darker places we feel
more empowered and better, twilight has nothing
to do with vampirism and the effects of being
one…if you ask a vampire to do anything you saw
in twilight you would basically
be offending them
@ Lucifer
I can add another thing, I for one do not loose
my energy but I do burn easily.
@ Martin28
Try tanning earlier or later in the day, but
not at midday. It’s a very common thing for
pale-skinned people, who make up about
one-third of the world. It has nothing to do
with being a vampire because… there… are… no…
vampires. Period.
@ loops vavy
I wanna be a vampire .. Can uh plzz hlp me out
n 2 more friends of mine in becoming vampire ??
Cn we have few more conversation through mails
… Dis one is mine
Can i hv urs??plzz
@ Beliver
i always had this HUGE interest in vampires.
sometimes i feel like i’m one too. how does one
know you are a vamp? i even get dreams about
two vampire males looking for me to turn me,but
in the dream i’m hiding from them. being a
vampire feels like its my life yet my biggest
fear is to be one
@ john
i know what else is huge……. my socks
@ Martin28
It’s only a fantasy, that’s why it’s in your
@ Bowen
I need to know what the effects of being a
vampire are. I don’t know why but I always feel
sick when I eat food and I feel better in the
dark pls help. I’m young and everyone thinks
I’m a freak.
@ ivian
Eating food nowadays can make you sick unless
it’s non GMO and organic. I just found out they
put arsenic in chicken feed to make the meat
LOOK better in stores! You could be allergic to
wheat or other substances. I’d have a food
allergy test done. I’m not saying I don’t
believe in vampires, just that I would rule out
allergies or just try eating NON GMO organic
food for awhile and see if that helps 1st. My
child gets sick from food & is better on only
organics and no gluten.
@ Martin28
ivian, you’re “not saying you don’t believe in
vampires”? Really? Don’t you realize that
vampires don’t exist? And you have a child?
Have you reported this to the authorities?
@ Martin28
You need to get more exercise and build up your
self-esteem. Join a church youth group and get
outside and play in the fresh air, you will
plenty hungry by dinner time!
@ Ish
Can u help me turn
@ Bruce Hemmingway
Like I would really like to become one so
please post on how to become on people would
really appreciate it
@ Martin28
You go to a costume store, get a vampire
outfit, put it on, apply the vampire makeup and
plastic fangs to your face… and you’re all set!
Now just skulk around trying to look spooky.
@ Negin
Could u tell me more about vamps kind ? Contact
@ Martin28
Negin, I can tell you everything there is to
know about vampires, in just three words: 1)
vampires, 2) don’t, 3) exist.
@ Martin28
The sun does not burn you to ash, because you
are not a REAL vampire. And that is because
THERE ARE NO real vampires, only in fiction.
@ Martin28
Yes, Guest is a vampire JUST LIKE the ones you
saw on Twilight Saga: FAKE vampires. Just
actors, made up to look like vampires. That is
the only vampire you will ever see, is a fake
one. Because vampires don’t exist, loops.
@ Martin28
loops, twilight saga…. was just a movie. Movies
aren’t real, they’re like cartoons, only more
expensive to make. Vampires aren’t real, loops.
Except in the movies. Quit watching movies,
loops. Try volunteering in the community
instead, you’ll learn about real things and
increase your value as a human being.
@ WilliamDesmarais
I have a hard time believing that you are of
the “27” left alive. They aren’t rare at all.
They’re just not stupid enough to reveal
themselves. If you are truly like us, what is
your bloodline?
@ mark
R u a real vampire?
@ Arbab Zaman
We’re doing it cuz u people are misguided about
@ Gina Virgilio
William- I am a journalist and long time
vampire enthusiast and truth seeker. Would you
be willing to speak with me privately?
@ Diamonddeamon666
Do you really want to know Gina Virgilio….
@ Gina Virgilio
Yes I do, Diamond. I am already over 30 years
in researching and seeking.
@ Kimberly perez
I was wondering if you would be eilling to
share any of your discoveries. I understand
this may be something you arent comfortable
discussing, but if you could, please message me
privately [94]
@ Martin28
I’ll share her discoveries with you, Kimberly:
she has discovered NOTHING. Because there are
NO vampires, Kimberly. None. Anywhere. Ever.
@ Amy
Shame martin you shouldn’t use up your energy
dude I feel like you should leave us people to
think what we want. This our lives let us live
it how we like.
@ Martin28
Shame on you, Amy for suggesting that I should
keep my comments to myself, while you express
yours freely. And you are mistaken about my
letting you think what you want. I serve the
living God, the Lord Jesus Christ and I have a
calling to spread the truth. And that is
exactly what I will do, whether anyone likes it
or not. I might ask then, why are you spreading
and promoting evil lies? Did you not know that
the Devil is the Father of Lies, and that you
are doing his bidding? You would do well to
give some thought to that, as there is a
terrible penalty to pay for serving the Devil.
I met him in person and know that he hates all
humanity, even you, so you ought to be in fear
of your destiny. I hope I have given you some
sobering thoughts to contemplate. And may you
never try to silence the truth again, or great
evil will befall you.
@ Negin
Would u plz send me an email ?? Can u transform
me ???
@ Martin28
Wow, 30 years is a long time to be researching
and seeking NOTHING! Gina, there are NO
vampires in existence, there never were, there
never will be. Why don’t you just get a regular
job and do something constructive with your
life? Because at the end of your life you will
have to account for the time you wasted. God
isn’t joking around.
@ Gina Virgilio
Martin, who said I don’t have a job or life?
What a jackass thing to say! I, in fact, have 2
jobs and a family and friends. And do not EVER
speak to me about God. I am Catholic. What does
religion have to do with it, anyway? Seems you
might want to say an extra prayer for speaking
to a woman that way!
@ Martin28
I will definitely say an extra prayer for you,
after you’ve wasted all that time researching
something that doesn’t exist. Btw, I’ve spoken
with Jesus in person (I’m not making this up).
I’m pretty sure He isn’t Catholic.
@ loops vavy
Sir i too want to be a vampire .. Cn uh plxz
contact me to dis email
M very much intrestrd in dis … Plzz do contact
me .. Uh r the only hope..i even tried to
contact arbab but he isnt replying so plzz help
me out
@ Soph33
You literally just revealed yourself haha the
@ Marcus Silveo Manchego
Yup the chances of him ever meeting you are
very low and we are gaining power as well
@ Soph33
So you are either completely mad and genuinely
think you are a vampire (LOL) or you’re
completely mad and crave any kind of attention
from strangers on the internet :/ you guys need
@ Marcus Silveo Manchego
Bro there’s allot more than 27 left I know 5
right off the bat
@ Negin
Could u tell me about them ??
@ Martin28
Yeah, 12 of them are in mental hospitals, 9 are
complete vegetables, and the remaining 6 are
night clerks at the 7-11.
@ Martin28
And that’s not counting all the movie extras at
the Wesley Snipes shoot.
@ Martin28
I have a hard time believing that you have a
hard time believing any of this. Do you not
know there are NO vampires, only just WANNABE
fakers? Are you a serious faker? You’re all
growed up but you still want to be something
that only exists in movies and books? Man, it
is time you got a real life.
@ Martin28
William, vampires are SO RARE… that NOT EVEN
ONE has EVER been seen.
@ Vihan Mohan
I believe u r real vampires can u turn me into
a vampire
@ Never Enough
@ Arbab Zaman
@ Eden Ratnoikvik
becoming a vampire is not a joke, you sure
you’ll be able to survive this?
Wanna meet me ?
@ Eden Ratnoikvik
becoming a vampire is not a joke, you sure
you’ll be able to survive this? because this is
not gonna be like some sort of movies or show!
@ Gerardo Sanchez
Are you really a vampire? And hell yeah I can
survive it. What’s it like? And who turned you?
@ Martin28
You won’t survive it, because vampires are not
real, so you will become NOT REAL.
@ Negin
Yes I do, can u turn me ??
@ Martin28
Why, are you pointing the wrong way?
@ Martin28
Yes, it will be exactly like a movie, because
movies a not real, and neither are vampires.
@ Martin28
Vihan, no one can turn you into a vampire…
because vampires don’t exist. They never did.
They never will. Call your local hospital and
ask them if they have ever admitted a patient
for vampire bites. They will laugh and laugh
and laugh…. and then they will tell you, no,
we’ve never admitted a patient for vampire
bites. Call your local newspaper and ask them
if they have ever published a story about a
vampire attack. They will laugh and laugh and
laugh… and then they will tell you that, no,
they have never published a story about a
vampire attack. Because vampires don’t exist,
Vihan. They never did. They never will.
@ Never Enough
OMG twilight has always made me love vampires.
What’s your relationship with werewolves?
@ Arbab Zaman
Tbh we don’t like each other
@ soumya
At any condition can vampires n warewolf make
@ Martin28
Yes, they can be friends very easily because
they’re all just normal people, except that
they like to pretend to be vampires and
@ Martin28
Vampires and werewolves make for bad neighbors,
because werewolves are messy and rude, and
vampires are nit-picking neat freaks. You will
always see the police over at the werewolves’
house on the weekends because of the drinking,
loud music, domestic fights, cheating, etc.
Whereas vampires just sit and watch reruns on
TV alone.
@ Aylin Gonzales
Are you really a vampire please be honest?
@ Martin28
Vampires will never tell you the truth. They
can’t, because… they DON”T exist!
@ Ryan Black
Arab, if you are who you say you are, why do
you reveal yourself so openly on the internet?
Isn’t a vampire’s priority to remain secret,
and discreet.
@ Katherine
27… how could a man such as yourself say such a
thing as if abandoning your own kind (denying
our existence), I can assure you, theirs more.
~Katherine Selan
@ Ryan Black
Your accusing Arab, correct? Because, I’m just
curious about vampires.
@ Martin28
Are you curious about vampires? I can tell you
everything there is to know about vampires in
just three words: 1) vampires 2) don’t 3)
@ Martin28
Katherine, I hate to break it to you, but….
vampires don’t exist. Now you’ll have to get a
job like the rest of us.
@ Youngralphboss Singleton
can u transform me
@ Roja
Can u trun me 2 vampire??
@ Roja
If ur intrested 2 turn me 2 vampire contact me
2 dis email [97]……and
iam so intrested 2 become a vampire and I love
@ Gina Virgilio
Arbab- I am a journalist and a long time
vampire enthusiast and seeker of the truth.
Would you be willing to talk to me privately?
@ Arbab Zaman
kik me @arbab2020
@ Ryan Black
I would.
@ Gina Virgilio
Ryan, thank you. You can e-mail me at
@ Martin28
You are a seeker of the truth? I have the
truth, and I will share it publicly with you –
@ Javious
make a gmail so i can become a vampire
@ Rio Gabriel
tats nt true
@ shahadat hossain
is it true???
@ Aaliyah
Another scam or is it real ?
@ Martin28
@ Gavin Spangler
i want to be a vampire i love the taste of
blood. ihave always been pale i don’t know if i
am a vampire already. could you post the phone
number to.
@ peacesrc
Um no. Not how it works. Oh I’m pale and like
blood I must be a vampire. You don’t become
one. You just are. Grow up.
@ Martin28
Not how it works. You can’t become one, or be
born one, because they DON’T EXIST,
# zara
do vampire is exist realy or not
@ Martin28
Not. But Jesus DOES exist. I know, because I
spoke with Him. You can, too.
# kps
[99] i want to know about vampire
can u helpme
o Dawn Walker
Excuse me, Mrs. Kristina, may I inbox you? If you are
really what you say, then I wish to ask you questions. I
think I may be like you. However, I have been raised to
believe it’s all nonsense. I have always been different
and I would like some kind of confirmation. Please reply.
Thank you for your time.
# Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Consider this: For thousands of years people were
raised to know 1) zeus is real and lord over all
gods 2) the earth is flat 3) the earth is the center
of the universe 4) Mars is god of war 5) giant squid
are myth 6) people flying is myth
that being said, New knowledge changes what the
truth really is; now if you wish to ask questions,
im happy to answer, but it is not my job nor worth
my time to convince you of anything, I am, we are
what we are. if you dont believe it, thats on you.
@ Dawn Walker
It’s not that I don’t believe. I do . I have
read many thing about ‘real’ vampires and I
have found that I can relate to some things I
have found. I’ve just never really had anyone
to ask that knows enough to really answer my
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
you upvoted your own reply? (fyi, im a tad
snarky) and what questions?
@ Dawn Walker
The upvote was an accident lol. And as far as
questions most of it is about the energy
exchanging or whatever you would prefer to call
it. I’m very energy sensitive and when I
honestly try I seem to be able to move and use
it. I’m still kind of lost in all of it. Like I
said, most of the people around me aren’t open
to things that are different. And please keep
in mind that I’m not some little kid
pretending. I am 22 years of age and am
honestly curious.
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
fb me-
@ Sachin Rajora
How can someone turn into a vampire ? is there
any chance, i’m curious af to know
@ Nimisha Gajjar
me too really
@ Nimisha gajjar
actually me to crazy about vampire
@ Marfani Naeem
Don’t joke vampires don’t exist if they exist
than me and show me that u r real
@ Jayla
So can vampires walk, in the sun
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Yes, rather painful though, Vamps don’t burst
into flames, though sunlight gives nasty burns
very quickly, I simply wear SPF 50 all the time
@ Paulina
So are u a vampire
@ Jayla
So u can turn into a bat at will
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Where did you get that idea?
@ Jayla
So u can’t turn into a bat
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Try reading the article
@ Derek Conrad
If you would be willing I would sincerely like
to talk to you. I am not a vampire but I am a
Witch, yes a true witch. Please contact me to
discuss more if interested. My email is
[100] or you can text/call
me at 8124847636. Thank you
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
if you are interested, then you can contact me.
:) im posting as me fb account, so you can find
me there if you wish
@ Balmore Martinez
is this real because its sounds awesome i might
be only 15 but i wondering is it possible to
become one of you.
@ Manish
I think vampires are not allowed to share this
secret ‘thay they are vampire’….is it true….if
yes then y are u telling us that you are a
vampire. …and if no..then plz tell me some of
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Where did you get that idea? And my secrets are
still mine to keep by my choice
@ Manish
In the movie..’twilight saga’….and plz tell me
whome blood you do take everyday as your
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
You do realize twilight is fiction. And
terrible fiction at that
@ asifan
R vampire threat to human kind??
I was olwyz told dat now vampire r vry friendly
wid human kind n possess no threat
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Sorry, I don’t answer stupid questions,
especially when the questioner don’t know
spelling or grammar
@ Manish
Was this for me???
@ asifan
M sorry if I have hurted you but I am very much
interested to know..
I have read many books where it shows that
Vampires are very scary and they hurt humans
whereas I have known by some people that
vampires are just like us except some of their
own quality
@ Manish
I love that movie……because its about vampires
and also a love story….
@ Manish
K….but its hard for me to believe that you are
really a vampire……can you pllzz tell me how old
are you ….if you are a vampire….
@ Peter Clark
Kristina Elizabeth Shepard, i have a few things
to ask you..
@ Maddy
I so agree. If someone was a vampire they
woudnt tell the whole world. Everyone who is
saying they are a vampire on here is a fake and
should get a life
@ Molly McKenzie
can i fb you? I have some questions that I
would like to get an answer to
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Eh, sure
@ Yoma Oaka
i just sent you a friend request
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
you can message me, not friend me
@ Yoma Oaka
i am sorry i didnot knw
@ Kaleb
Do u have skype I’d like too talk to u
@ Yoma Oaka
you are a witch are u good or bad
@ Kaleb
I have a question I don’t know if I’m one our
not but for the longest time I’ve had a weird
interest in blood the sight of it makes my
mouth water and I don’t know why can u help
@ Kaleb
I mean vampire not witch sorry if you might
have been confused on what I ment
@ jane Bogdan
Hi Everyone,This was how me and my BF become
VAMPIRES i got a guy from the internet called
Mr Marc who was a VAMPIRE so i told him that me
and my boyfriend would love tox become VAMPIRES
so he asked me of my Name ,Country, Age ,State
, address and asked me to pay for just to send
me his blood which i did immediately and in the
next 3 days i got the blood sample through the
DHL which me and my boyfriend took in the blood
into your body and in the next 30 minutes i
turned into a VAMPIRE so if you interested in
becoming a VAMPIRE kindly contact his email
address today (JANEASHEY333@YAHOO.COM). he also
has a friend who is a warewolf just incase you
want to be one okay…(JANEASHEY333@YAHOO.COM).
@ yammerhant
Are you on drugs or something?
@ iler
get some gud ques grnny
@ Phantom
I truly appreciate the sounds of the night. Not
for horror, But the heighten seance of
awareness. I am more trusting of animals than
man. An animal will always be an animal.
@ iler
yea they’re blood suckng animal’s worser thn
any thing on dis earth
@ Roja
U really became a vampire
@ Gerardo Sanchez
Can u show us.
@ Atul Sharma
seriously…. you think you are a vampire.. and
they are making as like them… that is not so
@ Nick Knorr
Turn me?.
@ RavenTheHybrid
im not lying its just im fairly new to being a
@ Nancy arambmz
Do vampires rely hurt humanz to drink blood?
@ I’m.a.Little.Physco
Hi I have so many questions please email me if
you have any time [101]
@ Zehra Aliu
How do you become a vampire?
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
@ Zehra Aliu
Can’t be transformed? I am watching TVD and I
am really interested on vampires.
@ Zehra Aliu
How can I find vampires?
o RavenTheHybrid
how long will my cravings for blood stop being so strong?
# Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
If you really are a vampire…never
That’s part of why this thing sucks so much…pun not
@ RavenTheHybrid
the other day a friend started bleeding and I
sort of freaked no one saw thou… it was so
scary thinking and feeling like I could/wanted
to rip her apart…
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Literally or figuratively rip her apart
@ RavenTheHybrid
a little of both..
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
welp…that seems legit, solution? keep yourself
fed, easier to deal with blood that way
@ I’m.a.Little.Physco
It’s not that I am a vampire, I don’t know if I
am, but I always get hungry for blood… Is that
weird? Or is it normal for humans, sorry for my
@ vanshika
do vampire exist… ???
@ iler
@ Emma Ferrari
for me it’s so wired because it never comes to
@ RavenTheHybrid
@ Charlie Manthorpe
Are u actually a vampire???
@ Dan
That’s not what happens when you see blood,
stop lying, it’s only as bad as seeing you’re
favourite food when you’re hungry, you think
we’re violent and rip people apart? Think again
and get of this post
@ Denisse Karina Rascon
So are you a vampire ?
@ Negin
Plz send me an email , I have some questions
I need to know
@ RavenTheHybrid
its all so counfusing
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Awakening isn’t easy, makes you question all
that you know
@ RavenTheHybrid
im sorta scared of what i could do
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Don’t be. You got it covered :) it’s difficult
and confusing, even scary as you begin to
realize all that you truly are; but you’ll get
through it. Always remember that being a
vampire doesn’t make you are a monster, your
choices do, just make good choices :)
@ Jordan Forbes
Yall fuckin stupid vampires arnt real if you
really are real feel me on how the vampire
think works … Vampires arnt real it’s a made
legend to scare kids lol I’m 16 and j would
love to have a talk with onr and make me a
believer lol
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
We aren’t mearly a legend, nor are we stupid.
As forest gump once said “stupid is as stupid
does”. With a comment like that on an article
you obvioua
@ asifan
I don’t believe you anymore as the other day I
had asked you a question and you have not
answered me yet… And the other question which I
have Is how do a person turn into a vampire??
Do you bite?
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
I didn’t answer because it was a question that
is answered by the article itself. Dozens of
people are asking me questions and I do my best
to answer them all, but I’m not going to devote
my life to it. As such, I don’t answer
questions that are answered by the article
@ Reese
I have a few questions. I’m not a vampire I
just want to know more about them. How were you
turned? Can you turn others? Can you heal with
your blood? Sorry for all of the questions. I’m
just so fascinated. You don’t have to answer. I
would just like to know.
@ Emmanuel Farmer
Vampires are not real
@ jessyann
This all sounds like some vampire diaries bull
@ RavenTheHybrid
was it easy for you?
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
nope, was confused, scared and felt very alone,
its gets better
@ RavenTheHybrid
is it actually true I will live forever?
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
No, the fact that you ask that makes me think
you are lying about everything
@ Shelby McNutt
How do u turn into a vampire
@ allie
A vampire makes you drink there blood then they
snap your neck . You come back to life and then
feed. Then your transformation begins.
@ Taaysha Singh
Vampire are there or not how cam it clear no
one unable to Clear plz clear it they r there
or not
@ Cheyanne
Sounds a lot like the TV show The Vampire
Diaries, if you ask me
@ Caridad Ofarrill
Exactly btw i love that show
@ Martin28
Sounds more like Vampire Diarrhea….
@ Ally Metoriom
you idiot that’s from the vampire diaries nice
try tho.
@ Atul Sharma
this is all bullshit. looks like taliking about
TVD series….
@ Martin28
If someone drank your blood and then snapped
your neck…. I don’t think you’d be coming back
to life anytime soon.
@ Dan
Stop pretending to be one of us.
@ Robin
So u guys are real
@ Lilly
I agree but vampire aren’t real I only believe
things when I see it with my own eyes
@ Wolf Blue
If u saying people pretend to be a vampire and
u r the real deal then come find me since I
killed 10 of ur kind already btw I’m the kind
of warewolf. Wanna battle?
@ Caroline love
No bullshit, if vampires is for Real show me, i
promise you can trust me, show me
@ eam ariahs
what do you think vampires are really true
@ Negin
Plz send me an email , I have some questions
@ Martin28
Ha ha ha, watch all the fake vampire posers go
@ Martin28
Stop pretending to be one of you. Idiot,
vampires don’t exist.
@ Marcus Silveo Manchego
No but you die then you are reborn again
@ Yoma Oaka
you are a real vampire Kristina Elizabeth
# Martin28
Get some red meat in your diet, okay? There are NO
vampires, except in fiction.
o Mark
Turn me into one
# Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
excuse me as a lol at you
# Dan
You can’t be turned idiot, you don’t want this trust
me we don have speed or strngth were just humans who
drink blood basically
@ Maria
Hi I’m maria, not that u probably care, but
anyways, are you really a vampire? Just
+ Lisa Troup
Greetings brother…0;)
+ Chrissy Zitzer
+ Rachel Alvarenga
Hello Kenneth
o Ali
This is Ali can you tell me if what we see in movies is
true about vampires
+ Athonwy Doherty
You are real alright. Really mentally disturbed. Seek
professional help. Soon.
o Jami
Homosexuality was considered a mental disorder. Now
normal, sane people accept it for what it is – some
people God just made that way.
# Lisa Troup
Thank you Jami for that wonderful example. O;)
# Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Perfect example thanks for that:)
+ Stephanie Gonzales
Hi everyone
o corey
Hi babe
# Stephanie Gonzales
How are you
+ Sanjana Muthoot
Without scientific evidence we can’t term this article true or
consider this real ✌
o Temporary Bliss
o khiprana
so you only believe what you can comfirm through other
people….(scratches head) okay…gotcha, mindless follower.
why not figure out things and search out truths for
o Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Fail FYI, this article is reporting on scientific
evidence if you had actually read it you would know that
+ Josh Haha
i wish i could see real vampires i believe that vampires are
o Cat
Not all of us are. Keep this in mind.
# Soumyendu Dey
I didn’t know that Vampires believe in socialising ,
i thought that they are too scared to blend in
@ Cat
Scared is not the word I would use my friend.
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
This comment made me lol
# Ericke Smith
That’s for damn sure
+ praveen
How do i believe that you are real vampire!
Can you Prove
o Cat
How do you propose we ‘prove’ ourselves?
+ Petrova
hi I want to be like u how can I turn?
o khiprana
first off, you cant be turned. you are either born
vampire or your not. honestly why would you want to be
like us. be happy you do.t have to go through the
hardships we do. charrish your life. i hate it that
people are so eager to be “turn” without even thinking of
downsides, even if there was such a thing as turning
# akansha dubey
hey :) I completely respect vampires.
I am researching on vampires lifestyle, mental
health, food habits and features.
Can I personally talk to a vampire? If any vampire
is willing to help, do mail me on
[104] :)
Eagerly waiting! Thankyou :D
@ Cat
I personally do not understand why anyone would
want to be like us, They don’t understand what
we must go through. The down-sides are just as
large, if not, out-weigh the up-sides to being
a Vampire. Like for the blood-drinkers, They
must find willing donors (Which is harder to
find than you would think.) and ensure their
blood is clean. (We are affected by viruses and
diseases just like anyone.) Not to mention how
we feel without fresh blood in us.
Can some-one please explain the obsession with
becoming like us?
@ Izzai Miranda
We were obsess because you can live free. Heals
fast. Run fast. You can compelled someone. You
can live your life as vampire..i know you’re a
person anymore a human. But i really love to be
like you. First filipino vampire in the history
maybe. I really do like to watch vampire since
i was a kid. But i do want to meet one of you.
Pm me please? [105] want
to here from you.
@ Cat
I don’t think I have ever “compelled” anyone
before. I also apologise but I can not agree to
meet with anyone. To be completely honest, the
leaders of my coven wish to remain silent.
@ Hannah Dalber
are you like what they say in the movies? im
not saying u are but i would love to know u. i
have loved vampires since forever. i want to be
one but i also know all the bad things of one.
I really believe in all supernatural things.
Can you text me if you are interested! PLEASE!
~ 706-840-5947
@ Izzai Miranda
Really? But how old are you? I really want to
be like you. Please turn me?
@ Izzai Miranda
Im serious about this one. I’m really eager to
be one of you.
@ karen ibanez
i love being human, i don’t know if i could
believe if vampires are real because anyone can
say their vampires even I can say I’m one… but
if their real cool, i would love to learn about
your guys culture, want to be open minded!!!!
Just don’t suck my blood!!!!!! :) because i
love my blood inside my body and not in anyone
else’s mouth lolz :P
@ Devil1313
You are just normal person like anyone else in
this world. Don’t be fake. Vampires are not
real, it just a kind of bet.
@ Cat
If you think I am a fake, that is your decision
to make. but please don’t presume to know
anything about me, or mine.
@ Devil1313
Ok, can you please give me information that
what you have different?
Request you to make list.
Mail me at [106]
If you are real I will respect you but you have
to give me some reason and information.
Can you do that?
@ Shirlann Scarlette Walker
I would love to get to know you for you not
just because of your a vampire
@ shruti
Are you a vampire ??? I mean u are in real?
Please don’t mind it but I want to know about
vampires :/
@ Vampire Researcher
Hi, I’ve always been a believer of he
supernatural and I have 3 years researching and
tracking vampires. I’m interested in talking to
a “vampire” to learn more. I mean no harm, I’m
just looking for information. I’m aware that
being considered a vampire must be stressing
with people hating. Contact me At
[107] if you can.Thank you
@ Hannah Dalber
Do you age?
@ Cat
How do ‘you’ define ‘age’?
@ Mac
I think she means if do vampires get old.
@ Lanto Valdemar Drake
@ akansha dubey
Hey cat! So about your question being a human
is almost a curse! We are SELFISH, MEAN, DEVIL
animals, feelings, emotions everything to gain
importance, pride, ego, money. And much more!
We are just monsters under some skin, flesh and
bones! So better be a proper monster. And yes
not to deny the never ending need of a human.
But vampires are not monsters. They are humans
with different features, food, lifestyle. I
hope vampires expose themselves and the greedy
humans respect them soon.
@ shruti khanna
I think vampires r very cool and cute
@ inkmann77
Good eve Cat… my name is matt short an sweet .
Id like to ask à question if i may. It may
better help me unerstand myself.. my email is
[108] an look foward
to hearing from u
@ Cat
Why not just ask your question here? Or do you
not want proof you asked this question?
@ inkmann77
No im not ashamed to ask here but got more
digging to figure out wat i am thts all
@ bek
Are you a vampire? For real?
@ Cat
I should like to think so.
@ lomaiyan
If ur real a vamp email me
[109] we gat a lot 2
discuss plz
@ Ryan N Negi
I am a vamp…u mail me at
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
i highly doubt that ryan
@ Ericke Smith
Spell vampyre
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
i spell it vampire simply because I dont like
the “y” variation, both are acceptable
@ Ericke Smith
OK see I’m not alone they annoyed me about it
@ Mia
if u really are a vampire so plzzz email me I
want to know more about vampire and I would
love to be friend of a vampire
email me at [111] I would
be so glad
@ Mac
I think most of those you called humans just
want to become like ” bella” in the twilight
and to have a superpowers. Or they just hate
their human life LOL.
@ Lanto Valdemar Drake
I dont understand why any human being would
like to be a vampire.
@ Manan Sharma
I am from india cat or whatever your real name
My email is [112]
I am also on fb phone no7298690576 and i have
some information that will blow your mind plz
text me
@ Negin
Can we chat in PV ? Ill tell you why
@ khiprana
i would be interested in talking with you. what
kind of answers are you seeking?
@ akansha dubey
Thanks for replying :)
Do mail me on [114]
and I will tell you all details eventually :)
@ Umema Khalid
Honeslty i’m not sure if you are real..!! but
i’m really intrested to know you.. Please help
me to know more about you..!!
@ akansha dubey
Hello everyone. Whoever person is replying to
my msg please please please reply properly. I
mean just sending 5 mails does not mean
anything so if you will reply in that way then
please DO NOT MAIL ME.
Thankyou :)
# Catalina
I’d really like to know more about you if you could
email me at [115] I would
apreaciate it
@ khiprana
ive tryed replying. i dont know wiether or not
you have recieved my messages or not but. im
interested in talking with you more so, let me
know if you get this one or not
@ deepayan
hy khriprana i would kik 2 knw bout ua typ…m
vry much intrsted plz mail me
[116] waitn fr ua txt :)
# Jasminb
How can a person donate blood to your community and
are there any qualification to donate blood?
# Elijah
@khiprana:disqus Can vampires heal them selfs?, if
so can u please send me a video at
[117] if u are a real
vampire ill love to meat u!:)
# Isaac
U seem to know what u r talkin about..if u step
outside in the sun..would u die?
# shruti khanna
If some one want to turn due to some reason then
# Negin
Plz send me an email , I have some questions
o Matthew Solomon
The vampire has to drink your blood to get it in his/her
veins then bites their own wriest and you willingly drink
the blood.
+ Virginia Hammer
I’m glad
+ emily
So u r a vampire?
+ Leonardo Ortiz Sanchez
I´m vampire hunter, watch out buddy
o khiprana
oh plz, …go play another rpg.
o Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
I found the crazy person !
o Leeah Shahenian
I need your help.
o RavenTheHybrid
then find me and the others
+ Izzai Miranda
Hello kenneth. I’m from the philippines. I really love to see
a vampire! Are you for real? Please do pm me.
[119] thankyou. Anyone who know about
vampires just pm me.
+ Sohaib Khan
C’mon there are no vampires. all who say they are one are FAKE
o Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
what is your comment based on?
+ rachel
How can we know if the person we are taking is a vampire or
o Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Only if you can use magic like Harry Potter
# RavenTheHybrid
hey im fairly new to being a vampire it seems you
have been vampire for a long time.. Any Tips?
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Facebook message me raven
@ RavenTheHybrid
I have no fb but i have Gmail
@ Nancy arambmz
Add me m curious to kno bout vampires
@ Nancy arambmz
@ matt
mai cousin bleeded a few days ago and i started
to almost rip her apart she knows bout meh
@ Negin
So plz email me
+ Victoria
So u saying your a vampire??
+ Matthew Parkerson
I wish to meet u cause i want to find out if ur real or not
cause of all these stories i heard reach me at
I want to meet a real vampire to find out if there real I
would like to study one I have heard all these stories I want
to meet onw
o mari shigley
I agree with you, I interested to know if they are real
or fictional, so many theories not enough evidence . I
not say that to be mean but I curious to see and know
culture. You also can reach me at
[123] if any would be interested
in having a friendly chat.
o Subhash K
+ Amelia
Glad there is others, was beginning to wonder if i’d ever
discover others
+ Amelia
Glad to discover another
o Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
as am I, hello amelia and greetings from vermont!
# Amelia Katerina Mcfarlane
Hello :)
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Where are you from?
@ Amelia Katerina Mcfarlane
New England U.S but currently in Europe ha you?
@ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Vermont USA! facebook me maybe? :D
@ Mac
Hi kristina, wkristina is hot. ;), or maybe so
hot because your a vampire.
o Denisse Karina Rascon
So you are a vampire?
+ rossy
U r cute V!
+ bek
Are you a real life vampire?
+ Mia
are u a real vampire.?
+ celeste
prove it how can i believe you
+ Ryan N Negi
+ Dora Marie
Hello I’m Dora Marie.If I may ask Can a Human turn into a
+ Dora Marie Hello @Htennekarn-smith
I was wondering if You had seen my question?
+ Ali
Do you live longer then the average person, were you born this
way do vampires have special powers
o Lanto Valdemar Drake
They do live longer than average persons, and you are
born what way, and yes, vampires do have “special powers”
not like superheroes but, they have more strength than
any person alive, they can run faster than any person,
but there’s also a downside, if you are a new vampire,
you cant control bloodlust, that means you want to kill
and drink from almost everybody, as time goes by you will
get better to control it if you try to control it, and
also vampires cant walk in the sun for very long, they’re
not gonna burn up or anything but they will get really
bad burns though which will hurt.
# Ali
Once you become a vampire does your body take on the
transformation, like bella in twilight. Clear skin,
eyes color change, and exceptional hearing.
@ Lanto Valdemar Drake
When you become a vampire your body will
automatically take the transformation, you just
have to wait some time, but its not like in the
twilight movie, your eyes arent glowing and
your skin aint changing, you look the same, but
you can get fangs out whenever you want, you
get more speed if you really focus, and the
hearing, same as the speed, focus and you’ll
use it right, the bloodlust is hard to control
what so ever though, you can get a little bit
more control after you have been a vampire for
some time, but still, stay away from blood as
much as possible.
@ Lanto Valdemar Drake
Yes it does, but iys not in twilight, your look
doesnt change, you look the same, but you get
the strength and speed, hearing and stuff.
@ Ali
Is it painful to change into a vampire
@ Lanto Valdemar Drake
I’ve never tried changing into a vampire, so i
dont know how painful it is, it isnt very
painful, but you will have the feeling to kill
and drink when you are changing.
@ Ali
How long have you been a vampire and how did
you become one
@ Lanto Valdemar Drake
Sorry, im not sharing personal information out
on the internet, feel free to add me on skype
if you want to know more, or fb me.
@ Ali
Ok I will
@ Lanto Valdemar Drake
skype: victor78502, fb, add me on skype and i
can tell u.
@ Lanto Valdemar Drake
victor78502 is my skype.
@ Anndy
May I add you on skype? I have a few questions
and I was wondering if you would be willing to
answer them.
@ Lanto Valdemar Drake
yes, feel free to add me.
@ Lanto Valdemar Drake
victor78502 is my skype ey.
@ Nancy arambmz
Add me on fb@renez arambmz
@ Lanto Valdemar Drake
I’d rather add you on skype.
@ Negin
Could u plz emial me ??
# Mac
Damn. With this coMment, i think i do believe in
vampires now. And i know that the characteristics of
a vampire is a scary as hell, .one question, do you
really kill people? And drink their blood?. And do
you believe in god?, or tell me whats your race
believe in.
@ Lanto Valdemar Drake
I do not kill people, some vampires kill people
cause they think its fun, some do it for the
blood, i can control my bloodlust so i dont
need to kill for blood, i still need blood but
it doesnt have to be from a human, i can drink
animal blood too, and no i do not believe in
god, i personally dont believe in anything or
+ Dustin Marcia
I am looking to talk to a real vampire if there is one
interested in talking to me?
+ Dustin Marcia
Hi would you be interested in talking because I’m interested
in vampires and I get cravings for rare steak
+ Cheyanne Cordes
So Kenneth I want become a vampire if u are willing to turn me
contact me at this number 402-619-2873
+ VanHelsing123
If this is true . I will hunt.
+ Azora Kainge
Is this a joke or something???? I thought vampires don’t even
exist at all. Seriously this can’t be true.
+ Jordan Forbes
Yall are stupid vampires arnt real tbh with you and everyone
here are crazy I only looked on this becaus I watching the
originals lol and there story is more belivable then yall
trash God there are some buttons in the world today
o Lanto Valdemar Drake
Vampires do exist, and if you dont believe that they do,
maybe you should get out of this page.
o Manan Sharma
You are vampire
+ cynthia nero
you are kenneth???
+ Deniz Ilgaz
Are you a vampire? really? if you are please message me I am
searching for vampires for too long. I’ve been doing a lot of
+ Charlie Manthorpe
Are they actually really??
+ Zehra Aliu
So vampires are real?
+ Karley
Show? Mm..
+ Jerran
So here’s an example and I want you to tell me if it seems
like an awakening. I can feel whether someone is trustworthy
by what I call a vibe I can sense energy and I also love the
taste of blood and it sort of makes me feel rejuvenated even
in a small portion of blood
o Jeff r franklin
I relate to this I feel other people’s moods and mine
usually is natured towards others always wonders of they
are real or if u can become one or born with it any time
I have a cut I can’t help but lick my,blood maybe I’m
just weird any wanna help me out?
+ saltwatersinger
God created everything that lives on this planet, be well, my
friend, live long and love strong, all is well …..
+ Robert McDonald
I have had thoughts and have felt different my whole life
along family history past please email me at
[126] I’m curious and really needing an
explanation thank you
+ Nancy arambmz
I do want to kno more
+ Dan
I want to know more? I’m fourteen coming more or less out of
puberty believe it or not I’m 6 foot. When I think of blood
its appealing but I don’t feel the need for it. Not yet
anyway, if you/we are real please do tell me more
+ Deenzhell Enerlan
you are a vampire,,,
+ Courtney Lynn
Sooo, your a vampire??
+ alexis
How do I become a donor
+ Zehra Aliu
How can I become a Vampire?
+ Lilly
What the f**k r u saying that ur a vampire b**ch plz oh by the
way I’m Lilly
+ Javious
if you are a real vampire come to my house if you don’t you
are a fake vampire like the ones on tv
+ Mel
Are you really real?
+ Mel
I am so amazed by it can you tell me more about it and Mabey
how it works read so much and they all say different haha
+ tammy
I want to become a vampire lol
+ Kendra MsNique
R u really?
+ Dimpal Choudhury
how to became a vampire?
+ Shawn Davis
My name is shawn I feel I’m dieing I have kids this can’t
happen if ur real I need help please I love my family
o Shawn Davis
My number is 3074398958 address 780 goodstein casper
+ Aaliyah
How could I become 1. All seriousness now
+ Amy Whoriskey
hiii are you a real vampire
+ Megan Izsingle Potter
I would love to meet people like you
+ AlmightyBlasian
How u turn to a vampire
+ Eden Ratnoikvik
tell me honestly, if anyone knows Charles Frazee !
o loops vavy
Me too wants to be a real life vampire cn smeone hlp me
.. Plxxzzz do contct me its a rqst plzz mail me at
o Rianna Aria Tomkins
The author?
# Eden Ratnoikvik
Nops, The Monster!
@ Brittany
Hmmm, you seem very interesting. But i don’t
know if i believe you are what you say you are.
Contact me.
# Eden Ratnoikvik
Nope, The one who turned me!
+ Gerardo Cura
turn me plz
+ Gina Virgilio
Hi Kenneth,
I am also a journalist, but more importantly, I have been
enthralled with the real truth about vampires since childhood.
It is more of a personal quest than a professional one. Would
you be willing to talk to me?
+ Jasmine
Please email me on [128]
I dont care about the life i leave behind to become one jst
please i want to know more or even become one if its possible
+ Jasmine
Kenneth please email me [129]
Thankyou from jasmine x
+ Shortie607
I want to be a vampire , can you turn me . Do you get to live
forever and stay young ?
+ Chance
What do u mean show anything what is there to show
+ Callie Wieman
You sure about that ?
+ Rishabh Tyagi
Are you a vampire?
+ raksha
its good to know we all differ … and none with bad hearts … im
raksha … Discrimination is a part of life weather we like it
or not .
+ Bailey Lynn
Ur a real vampire?? How can i turn into one
+ Salina Acosta
I totally under stand i belive im onr iv had mny encounters
with werewolves zombies exctt im from santa cruz cs . this is
the real undead but dead town .i would love to ask u some
questions to figure out wt happened to me n how i countiue
living . thsnkz salina
+ Karishma Sharma
If u ppl r in reality then can u please make me like one of u
+ Brandy Lynn Anglin-Abraham
But I’m a Wiccan and noticed a certain spell to become one..
But my question is.. Would I be alone, are there truly more
that I would be like?? Just a simple question..
Thanks for your time
+ dennis
You are real
+ john
hi kenneth:)
+ Kudoh Kiranah
Hey kenneth
+ chin
Hi Mr. Kenneth. Do you live a hundred years?
+ Ish
Where r u from ?
+ Haseeb Rana
Nice to meet you !
+ Alexia Frederick
Please email me at [130] I’ve been
having daydreams lately about a man (which is a vampire)
trying to turn me and I let him but then reality snaps back in
and it just doesn’t feel right. Please email me.. I am in
desperate need of this.
+ Jacob Young
Hello can you and me talk
+ Kayyyc
Can take heal humans?
+ Jared Ace
Can u help me to become one?
+ Tia Mckee
Are Vampires Really Real?!?!
+ kelly k
Why dont you prove ur a Vampire
+ Marcus Silveo Manchego
We are gaining more powerful lately
+ Anjali Sharma Styles
Omg! Hiiii
+ Anjali Sharma Styles
Well, I wanted to know sooo many things! Like, do u really
live forever? Do u breathe?? Can u really turn a human into a
I’d be so grateful if u answered these!
+ manish
+ altheira vanerick
vampires? well, may be you are a real one who belongs to the
cold ones.. but just one question: how will you prove you are
a vampire? you know already that nowadays there are so many
people who just speak without proof only to gain attention or
+ Nitocris N Copeland
Can you read what I spoke about myself. Thanks
+ Jessica Rogers
I want to learn more about you, just out of curiosity. I am
not asking to be turned. I just want to know your story. My
name is Jessica.
+ Martin28
Freaky, you spelled your name backwards. You must be a
powerful warlock or something. Or dyslexic.
+ Leshel Jane Bazar
are you really a… vamps ?
ommo~ nice knowing u.
im really interested bout vamp. ^_^
+ austin hockenberry
Change me
+ jammie jonez
Many people don’t believe which is highly offensive by the way
if you don’t believe in us fine that’s your opinion I’m not
going to change it … ( and FYI we are just normal humans
almost we can’t heal quicker or grow back arms and legs that’s
something people make up …
+ Martin28
Real vampires don’t smile… they scowl.
+ Taskeen Zahra
So ur saying that ur a real vampire with fangs?? don’t get me
rude but lot of people r claiming to be vampires
N if ur how do u manage? I mean craving for blood n family
+ pawan
i m ready to change my life into vampiire plz contact my email
+ Jessica Johnston
Do u know of any in austrlia I’m Jessi buy the way
+ Martin28
Kenneth, if you were really a vampire, you wouldn’t be
smiling. And you would have fangs. And sunlight would destroy
you. There are NO vampires, Kenneth. Only wannabees.
+ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
Pleasure to meet you Kenneth
+ Sidharth Kumar
Are u really a vampire…..?
+ Hiciano Esmiralda
is staking a vampire kill for real
how do u turn ppl
do you walk in the sun
or u hide
does silver affect you n garlic also
+ Ug patience aumo
Woooow can we chat
+ manasi dabholakar
I want to know about vampire…………so can u telll me more about
+ Sommer Bucknell
What country are you from?
+ Jessica Johnston
Are there more like you in austrlia do you know?
+ Martin28
Kenneth, real vampires don’t smile. Mind you, there ARE NO
real vampires. But if there were, I’m sure they wouldn’t
smile. Ask the guys on the night shift at 7-11.
+ Martin28
Nethnek, have you ever met a real werewolf? I heard there is
one living only two doors away from you, and he knows where
you live. Btw, do werewolves smell really bad? I hear they do
not bathe or use soap at all.
+ Martin28
Thnethnek, if you DID want to show us something, what would
you show us? Your Count Dracula underwear? Your plastic fangs
from the Halloween party? How about some red food coloring in
a glass vial? I’m getting excited just thinking about it!
+ Martin28
C’mon, Hektnek! Show us your Count Dracula underwear!! Or at
least your Count Chokula breakfast cereal. That IS what
vampires eat for breakfast, isn’t it? Btw, I’m 82nitraM.
+ Martin28
You don’t show anything…. because there’s NOTHING to show!
+ Martin28
I’m a Garden Gnome, we’re real too! I sit in the garden and
make children’s wishes come true. But I don’t show anything
unless I want to show it. I never show it. Because garden
gnomes aren’t real. Neither are vampires, Thneknut.
+ Crystal s
So you’re real?
+ mekenzie
And this is very true. Im one as well, im known as a hybrid
because of my mixuture
+ zarish
ouuuuuuuuuu and ur the big vampire lol rght don kill me tf
+ Martin28
I have amazing super powers of laser vision, supersonic flight
and indestructible strength. But I just never show it… by the
way I’m 82Nitram.
+ Taskeen Zahra
O really so might have fangs ??
sorry im not being rude but its hard to believe
+ Jesse Martinez
I can understand why. They’ve been around since before
egyption times. Its a curse and a gift
+ Jennifer Dain
+ Martin28
Yes, you are real…. real phony.
+ Graciela Morin
Do u have to keep out of the sun , will the sunlight burn u ?
+ Joel Nathaniel
So do you guys like A1 and Montreal seasoning on your steaks
+ selina
May I have a talk with you?
+ Kristine
Hi kenneth, For what you said. Really??
+ sain
i hope
+ chloe
Hi I am obsessed with vampires…
+ amanda
hi can i have your email ?
+ Isaac Diaz
Would you contact me through email?
+ jayla
Can we email?
+ Jaycie Swindle
You know you just showed us. By saying “we” means you
included. So you just showed “us”.
+ Pedro
Smith are you a real vampire
+ Ajvi
Can i speak with u ? I really would like to know u better, i
had read so much for vampires and i would like to meet a real
+ chad loftis
what should i do as a young vamp
+ Tawanna Drakeford
What type of people do you show stuff to??
+ Mishaylee
Are you really a vampire? I am overly obsessed with the idea
of being a vampire. I know that sounds silly, but I’d love to
have a conversation with you!
+ Steven Reichard
Your a vampire
+ RaghBir Sidhu
sir…r u a vempire..
+ Jo
I am a very sick human. I have a 13 and 14 year old. I want to
live for them. I need a chance. Can u change me? U can see my
medical records. Pleas help
+ Jo
I bet u will not do anything. Why would u. How could u
+ Jo
I know it’s a funny thought. Still, I thought it could not
hurt to have some type of hope
+ Jai Jha
Hello I m jai ,its my ambition to meet a good vampire ,if u r
real then show me!
+ Jason Jackson
I never knew vampires were real. I think its interesting
+ Davie Dota
can i have a chat with you via mail
+ Ball is Life
Hey. I know vampires are real but are you really one of them?
I’m interested on things that related to vampires. I’m just
lookin’ forward to talk to you.
+ Kaylee perez
are you really a vampire
+ wade
Can you email me asap?
+ naiya
Thats awesome…r u a vampire..or that rude to
ask….omg I feel stupid…I apologize..
+ chris
are you immortal?
* Samantha Udell
What i would like to know is where the closest vampire house to
muskegon michigan is located?
* kiran mallan
Is it a curse to be a vampire? @kristinaelizabethshepard:disqus @
* kitoy
the world is getting much interesting…go on
* EJConroy
And here it goes again. This narrative seems to be a cyclical
beast, raising its two-faced head to shake things up a little every
few years (give or take–haven’t been paying attention) before
slipping away into a sweet quiescence. Maybe this is some fresh and
fascinating stuff to others, but I’ve been down this road, thanks.
* LD Feiertag
Guess I’m moving to join my family <3
* Hezekiah Stephan Shabazz
Yech. Hand me some stakes.
* Lisa Troup
Well after reading all of this, I truly understand why communities
prefer to stay underground.Tantric energies do exist.And I did do
six months with a psychologist, in fact the head of the department
in Kingston, NY, because there are clinical problems that are
similar, my Dr. One day said there was nothing wrong that he could
find, so its not like we don’t check this out ourselves. It is
nothing Luke the movies kids, and there is no house you can go to
to join…I am sorry… We do NOT live forever. In fact I have MS….I an
going for a stem cell transplant… I have had MRIs…no brain
lesions(very rare)…. Stakes, crucifixes, holy water…its all the
imaginings of a mad Irishman, who took old legends and embellished
them..Its not a superpower, in fact it can be quite debilitating!.
As far as religion, I take a great affront to the line of thinking
that we are not G-d fearing people.. Grow up troll….Eastern
philosophies have done a lot of work on this subject…I once sought
out help from a yogi, who by stimulating the base of my spine
(fully clothed and no where else btw) brought me to orgasm. Look at
acupuncture…. For thousands of years Chinese medicine has known.
And used to cure, lines of body energy. (And is NOW covered by MOST
insurance plans, and it WASNT too long ago!)…western medicine is
only a hundred years ol . An infant compared to other cultures. So
please don’t judge, let’s study this properly,and sans prejudice…
Please….and Thank you…..Remember, people fear what they do not
understand, and even we want to understand…0;)
* Lisa Troup
BTW..this is found in a lot of cultures around the world…it is
found in my native culture…..And one more thing, you take solar
energy, which has been turned into cellular energy,ingest it, and
turn it into energy…its called eating….. Everything is made if
energy. & if you do not have it, you will perish…why is it so hard
to see it is not unlike you…lol…perhaps we are
* Lisa Troup
Energy is not created, nor destroyed, only changed….Einstein…..0;)
* Lisa Troup
And if you haven’t felt an energy exchange, during a kiss,a hug, or
a sexual encounter, you are not doing it right…o;)
* NoGoodSon9124
Hm..interesting article.
* Jami
The amount of ignorance in the comments astounds me. We’re not
talking about something abhorrent and unnatural that’s a choice,
like being a pedophile or a racist. We’re talking about people who
have no choice and what they do is with consenting adults and
perfectly natural.
God made everyone different and that’s a beautiful thing. By
calling people “psycho” and saying they “need help” is ugly and
* Lisa Troup
For all you naysayers out there…let’s throw in some science from
Smithsonian Magazine, on how giving old people young blood can heal
them……take that …..0;)p
* JR
hello family, Love, your keeper of a dead (no pun intended) kingdom
of Los Angeles
* mary
so if vampires are real then how do you become a vampire because i
want eternal life supper speed supper strength and everything else
* Lisa Troup
A little Darwinian humor… O;)
+ mary
who me ?
o Lisa Troup
Um…no…just in general…0;)
* mary
from who me
* mary
i want to become a vampire how do i do that ? by the way im mary
and yes im a girl in 4th grade and im 10 so comment back if you
will turn me : )
* Leah Rays
I want to express my total thanks and utmost gratitude to this
great man { Senior Dr Agadagudu SuperPower } for helping me cleans
out my Hiv from the postive status to a negative status with his
sprititual/medical excellent proofs to behold and due to this
reason , i am very happy and grateful to this great powerful doctor
for not allowing my enemies laugh over me and This is why i have
decided to thank him and give kudos to him just for bailing me out
of this type of medical difficulty that has eating me .. both
emotionally and socially and this desease is currently eating deep
into the world as this has lived a whole lots of persons out of
fear and confusion .. since we all know the outcome of this deadly
virus .. which is >>> DEATH …When i first got the result from the
laboratory in the regards to my infection with this deadly virus ..
i thought that all hopes was lost and as a result of my loniliness
and deep pains that i could not open up to anyone ,i started
attending Hiv awareness seminer and frequent conselling stuffs and
not just that , i also began my checking out through the online
world to see if i could come across the principles which could
assist me throughout this period of my HIV POSITIVE STATUS,
Relunctantly , i clicked on a testimony on facebook of one woman
called Faith Clive from jamaica and i read through out her sad
stories of how she got infected and how she was stereotyped and
resticted in the society even by her friends and a few family
members but God was always on her side as she meant a Genuie Hiv
cleansing doctor online { Dr Agadagudu SuperPower } who helped her
have her HIV CLEANSED / CURED TOTALLY in 9 days with a %101 percent
guarantee and due to all this that i saw concerning her… I believed
her as i saw that we were having almost the same story and history
,I copied the email address of the Senior Dr Agadagudu SuperPower{
[133] } and this was how i got to
communicate with the said doctor for a cure and after my
consultation with him i was having a few doubts because my mum made
me understand that the only way was medical and not spritual as she
adviced me not to proceed because there was no generalproven cure
for the Hiv virus but upon my constand conversation with this great
doctor… i latter found out that there are still people who are kind
and genuie in this world because i was initially meant to
understand that there are no real cure for now but he gave me
several reasons why he has the cure for this deadly virus and why
he has decided to assist man kind with his cure ….. all thanks to
him though for this great this that he has done as i have vowed to
send and tell the stories to my children unborn .. because i am
free and free indeed and you can have me contacted on
[134] you can also contact him , if you
need your ex back or if you need someone you love to love you back
, he can assist you on all this without stress , because he is a
specialist in this things.
God bless you sir …. [135]
Leah Anthonia Rally .
* Jennifer Amoo
Kristina could you please tell me more?
* Priscilla Mallette
Hi I would like to meet one, one day it fascinates me.
* QuailFeathers
I’ve met people who produced more energy than they needed and were
kind of ‘batteries’ to people around them. I’ve met people who
needed more than they produced themselves. I don’t see how this is
all that weird to understand. The only ones I worry about are the
ones who take energy without asking first. With the general western
culture of not believing in things like this, it’d be easy to take
energy from people who had no clue what was going on or notice or
figure it out or whatnot, and I wish everyone had the kind of
training and mentorship mentioned in this article to help them get
what they needed so that everyone was willing and consenting
participants all the way around.
* Josh Haha
i hope i could see one and turn me into one of them i belive
vampires are good
* Josh Haha
* Aleshia
Alrighty then .. Proof is needed but awesome article .
* Casandra
Interesting article. I think it would be interesting if there are
real vampires. That’s why I am looking it up. Although I understand
that there would be a lack of information because it is just one
article, sob, to me, it didn’t convince me one way or the other for
sure. I am a skeptic in most things, that is to say it’s not that I
don’t want to believe, it is just that I have a hard time putting
my faith in much until I know enough. Also, it doesn’t help that
when I was in my teens I knew some people who got fangs from the
I was on board with most of the article actually until they said
that these vampires had not heard of the vampires in popular
culture at least until after they had turned. I personally have
never read Twilight but I would have had to live in a cave to not
have heard of it and know a little about it. For people in their
upper 20’s or older like me they could have begun having effects
before Twilight. However, even before that Vampires have been
romanticized and written about in some kind of way for a very very
long time. For example, Dracula was huge before my time but I have
still seen it because it was a classic. To have not heard or seen
any of it… sounds like a bit of a stretch of the truth in an
attempt to dismiss any people who may suggest they were influenced
by media. Especially since the article says that they are informed
and are on the internet.
I do not intend to offend anyone and I am not insinuating that
there is no such thing as vampires. I just feel that with only this
article it is not enough to go on to make a decision for me. I
would like to know more about how Vampires realize that they are
vampires and how they find out that blood is in fact what they are
missing to feel normal. I feel like the article has left me with
more questions than answers, but that is not a bad thing. I’ll just
look for more information. Also, if anyone else knows of any other
good articles on the subject please tell me.
* kbonjovi
I’ve always wanted to be a vampire and turn my child as well if u
can find me come turn me I BEG
* Shekira Baksh
um so i always wanted to be a vampire .. how can i turn ?
* October Adams
love when someone asks, how can I turn into a vampire? you don’t
turn into one. you just are…
* Penny Wardle
i what to can to a vampire ok?
* Riley Ka Mao
For years, I have believed vampires were considered a folktale to
science. I can’t believe this post is being accepted by scientists
who have commited their lives to science. It’s not right.
* yuliza
can you prove me that yall real
* Sanju Parampil
Hey i would really like to talk to a real life vampire…..plz mail
me [136]
* Roisin Fitzgerald
hi name is Roisin and I’m 14 years old I’m a HUGE vampire fan! <3
I really believe that vampires truly exist!…somewhere
* Jacquline Smith
Can a vampire please email me I read the comments so I won’t repeat
* karen ibanez
so if vampires are real can a human and a cute vampire fall in
love? because that would be so cool!!! lola :P hahah :) <3
I have 1 question? do vampires really live forever? or they die
like normal person?
* claire
is this really real?
* Faith Coombs
hi I’m wondering where do all you vampires live since id love to
see one of you lot and also what do you eat like for example do you
drink human blood or human food.
* Elena
Yes we are real, My mother has taught me that i should never show
to people that is the reason why you have never seen one
You can contact me on this email
+ Ayat
I have a few questions
* Elena
Yes we are real My mother has taught me that i should never show to
people that is the reason why you have never seen a
* Desiree Martin
Can you really be turned or are you a bunch of people who got
addicted to drinking blood?? And ig you are do you have fangs? And
I have always wanted to become a vampire but I want to know the
* Ron Weisely
i really want 2 meet u guys…..
i got a strong feeling that some how they could be found in the
north sentinal island
* bronte the vampire
hey i’m a vampire
+ Ayat
How long
* bronte the vampire
come see me
* bronte the vampire
hide I’m cumin
* Felicity Stewart
Bravo, and of course every street rat with internet access is
suddenly a vampire, good job, I suppose it must keep some
* kat
Vampires may have been here for a very long time so to meet one in
person would be a get experience for any human,but if u r real what
is it that u can do for use,can u heal people, my life has been a
long one very hard so if there is a real vamp that would like to
talk long life i will be [138]
* jena leigh bartlett
so r vampires reall ot not reall and kenneth ur probly not a
* jena leigh bartlett
just saying
* Elijah
Those who know about Vampires, Please Pm Me at
( Thank you!!
* Elijah
Can some one Please tell me if Vampire are real, If so Pm me
[139]Tatmil_mili@hotmail.com9 Thanks you. !! .)
* Ty Ballard
Hi I wanna know how can I be like u I wanna be like u I have wish
to be like u
* Noelle Bordeaux
So there is such, I’ve only ever seen a ‘vampire’ on anime shows or
t.v movies.. Sadly, it does not make a difference I’ll never the
fact go.. That vampires indeed do exists… Surely I’ll never see one
in person, though that does not make me care any less for them.
Vampires or truly breathtaking.. Just to feel one by my side makes
my heart race.
Farewell, I hope.. To see one.. No.. Feel one, upon me.
* Ayesha Altaf
If youu are in reall then please save Myanmar peoples :’
* rossy
Seriuosly??r u real vampire mr kenneth?
* rossy
Seriously?u all really out there?
* Evan Parra
If u guys r real that’s wassup if ur not then oh well
* Evan Parra
Any body who whanna talk hmu on kik TwoHnadz197
* ayat
their questions i have a question are you a good vampire
* ayat
i have a question it is not about vampires it is a funny question
what is your favorite color it is just a question
* Darryl Evans
Can you become a vampire
* Raven:PieInTheSky
im knew to being a vampire i need help..
* Kitty
I want to be a vampire. God
* Lisa
Interesting to know that we are not all the same, how would you
know if you were a vampire? Are there vampires in australia?
* Satolli Brandon
We r real we walk amongst humans n all we want is a truce between
the humans for us n humans to get along n stop this war of our kind
n humans my name is brandon ive been around for two centries ive
been living since the 1800’s i will not show my self unless i can
read through u or if ik u very well it has been hell for our kind
ill admit but humans will never understand or like our kind they
think we r fictional so lets let the humans stay with that claim
they say so it mote be hello my fellow vampire ones hru
+ Negin
Brandon, you know , I thought I wanna be one like u, but there
is no exact information about vamps, could u tell me more ?
And if its possible , could u plz Emial me ?
I’m so happy , plz don’t give this hope from me
* celeste
how can i believe you prove it
* Salena
Wow the amount of people on here begging to be a vampire is
ridiculous. I love vampires I have studied true vampires for a
while. Their life style is not a glamorous has they make it seem in
books. They don’t live forever and there is no magical power to
compel someone any more than you and I has humans can do. They have
a lifestyle that is exciting and beautiful let them be who they are
without everyone harassing them.
* RavenTheHybrid
Hey.. im really counfused i just became a vampire and im constatly
having headaches… Only my best friend knows and she says she can
make it so i can be out in the sun when i fnish my transformation.
should i trust her (any tips im really scared and counfused)
* Katie White
hello everyone
* chloerippon
I would love to meet a real vampire it would be so cool and i will
believe in them even when i die
* Dimitrios
could someone turn me
* Isaac
Do u guys die if u step in the that true
* Isaac
Ive read about vampires..seen films..and from what I read, this
creatures have been on this earth for centuries..but I dont know if
they exist or not.. I would have to see to believe..but I am
* Ryan N Negi
I think iam a vampire…sometimes I wanna blood to drink
+ Nimisha gajjar
r u really??
* Cat
I find it highly disgusting that people would openly accuse one or
more of us, to be liars.
+ Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
hey cat, if you have facebook, you should add me- would be
nice to chat with another
o Joe
So are u a vampire
# Kristina Elizabeth Shepard
* John Hlavatý
Strigis Codex Anna Bathory (Regina) její společnice Viktorie,
pozůstatek Blanche, zesnulí Gunnar
Vím toho dost, nato abych stál za náštěvu?
Předem povoluji vstup tomu danému mím svolením… Vím co to vše
obnáší :)
JMK Brno Maloměřice 61400 Selská 77 Poslední patro střešní okno z
Ale myslím si že tohle nepotřebuješ vědět.
* Agent Scotty
Welcome to ( New-World Vampire Kingdom). Do you want to be a
vampire,still in human,having talented brain turning to a vampire
in a
good posture in ten mines time to a human again, with out delaying
a good human posture. A world of vampire where life get easier,we
made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich,you will
assured long life and prosperity,you shall be made to be very
sensitive to mental alertness,stronger and also very fast,you will
be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of
broad day light you will be made to walk, this is an opportunity to
have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture.if you
interested contact us on [142]
* Agent Scotty
Welcome to ( New-World Vampire Kingdom). Do you want to be a
vampire,still in human,having talented brain turning to a vampire
in a
good posture in ten mines time to a human again, with out delaying
a good human posture. A world of vampire where life get easier,we
made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich,you will
assured long life and prosperity,you shall be made to be very
sensitive to mental alertness,stronger and also very fast,you will
be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of
broad day light you will be made to walk, this is an opportunity to
have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture.if you
interested contact us on [143]
* RavenTheHybrid
its stupid all these scientist pertending that they know us
pertending they know every thing about us! :| it so stupid so..
+ Geniveve Selberg
hello raven :)
* Darhahk
So while I’m not going to dispute the “science” employed here is
questionable in that it relies solely on subjective perspectives
with no objective verification, I can attest they do indeed exist.
I’ve known several myself, sadly most of whom have embraced the
stereotypical perception of vampiric lifestyles. However, to all of
you folks who keep asking to be turned, I pose this question: why?
Would you ask to be born anaemic? Or epileptic even? True vampires
have no choice in the matter. They are born lacking a substance or
energy the rest of us take for granted. I don’t propose to pity
them because they don’t need it. Most true vampires accept this
state of being as a fact of life that they cannot change. But to
want to enter into a state of being wherein your body is lacking
something for a normal and healthy life strikes me as one of the
most absurd things I’ve ever heard.
* pgruffer
How do you know if you are a vampire
* Dora Marie
Hi I’m Dora I’m wondering if the Vampire Population is secretive?
If I may?
+ Alatus
We prefer to keep to our selves. At least I do and the other
Vampires I talk to do as well. People are very judgmental I’m
the world. Plus, especially if your a Psi vampire, you don’t
really need to tell anyone unless you need a donor. As for
donors, there are many willing donors if you look around. No
need to tell someone you’re a vampire and see if they will
* RavenTheHybrid
sorry have no fb account but email me at
* Dora Marie
my email me please Hello Name Dora Sorry for
curiosity but If I may ask how old have you been the age you are ?
if too private 100 yrs or older younger
* annalyce walton
I have a few questions of my own. May you please answer them for me
Kristina Elizabeth
* Balmore Martinez
How can i become one of you
+ Alatus
You cannot become one. People are born this way. Why would you
want to be one? It’s a hassle. Imagine feeling weak for long
period of time because you can’t feed and the sun bothering
your skin and eyes. It’s not fun my friend.
* Alatus
It’s true for those saying “we won’t show you unless we want to”
this is true and many of us have no reason to tell anyone. It isn’t
a “cool” thing. It’s just who we are. For example, I have no need
to tell anyone in my life about it. I feed from eating rare cooked
meats (for health reasons we are invincible we can get diseases
just like anyone else. Therefore I do cook my meat a little and am
very picky about were it comes from) so I don’t need to get blood
from anyone.
Also, it is not possible to be turned into a Vampire. We are born
like this. You can gain the powers of a Psychic Vampire (I here),
but you will not be a vampire. A Psi vampire needs the energy were
someone who learns how to take energy does not.
As for sun, we do not burst into flames or sparkle (shivers) but we
are sensitive to it. I burn very very easily. The sun also really
hurts my eyes so I always wear sunglasses even when it’s cloudy
+ Negin
Alatus , you know , I thought I wanna be one like u, but there
is no exact information about vamps, could u tell me more ?
And if its possible , could u plz Emial me ?
I’m so happy , plz don’t give this hope from me
* james morgan
Am from England, Oxford,UK …HIV has been ongoing in my family for
long..I lost both parents to HIV and it is so much pain has not
been able to get over. As we all know medically, there is no
solution or cure for HIV and the cost for Medication is very
expensive. Someone introduced me to a man (Native Medical
Practitioner) in oxford. I showed the man all my Tests and Results
and I told him have already diagnosed with HIV and have spent
thousands of dollars on medication. I said I will like to try him
cause someone introduced me to him. He asked me sorts of questions
and I answered him correctly. To cut the story short, He gave me
some medicinal soaps and some herbs(have forgot the name he called
them) and he thought me how am going to use them all. At first I
was skeptical but I just gave it a try. I was on his Medication for
2 weeks and I used all the soaps and herbs according to his
prescription. That he will finish the rest himself. And I called
him 3 days after, I arrived and I told him what is the next thing
he said, he has been expecting my call. He told me to visit my
doctor for another test. Honestly speaking, i never believe all he
was saying until after the test when my doctor mention the
statement that am, HIV negative and the doctor started asking me
how do I do it….Am telling this story in case anyone may need this
man’s help. He is the Great Dr chiwaka here is via email address
( or call +2349032539857
Thanks Regard…….,.,
* Ericke Smith
I like it not too much info but I do not these Ventrue and malkain
commingle out of nowhere
* S.A.M Gremreaper
Ummm is it possible for a human to be a descendent from a vampire
* Josh
I want to be a vampier
* wajid ali burki
if i want to become a vampire what shall i do?
* Azora Kainge
Oh my goodness. Am I seriously seeing this??? Vampires chatting…pls
tell me it’s real
* Stephanie Galka
Why do you smell you all smell odd and also have that weird mark on
your back.. if your really what you say you are you know what I am
talking about..
* Jacob Glenn
friend me on facebook
* cynthia nero
i want to meet one of them…and wanna experienced how it feels to be
like them…
* Ricky
Do y’all every marry someone out side of your com
Kristina Elizabeth Shepard, You are one smart being. i would love
to meet you and talk one being to another.. my being and your being
are quite different i am “human”. You Are You (vampire) (being) My
Name Is Brandon Ray Zumini My Real Info Please Feel Free To Message
Me I am Only 18 Just About to turn 18 actually.. If You Happen To
Read This It Is Fate.
* Daisy
Hello VAMPIRES, I am a human.. How can I be one of you? and before
that; what are your real characteristics?
* Deniz Ilgaz
Do vampires exist? I’m researching on it for too long and these
things are scaring the hell out of me if they do exist what are
their qualities? please tell.
* madison
What if you want to be one no matter what it takes??
* raven
If I became a vampire, would I have to leave my family?
* nicholas BRAIN
is it really real???
what kind of powers do vampires have??
show us if it is real
* Shelby McNutt
How do u become a vampire?
* Shelby McNutt
How do u turn into a vampire?
* Prazul gurung
i also want to be a vampire
* Stephanie Granados-Molina
So I’m wondering if the people listed below are really vampires
what’s true and not true based on the movies that we have seen such
as twilight, vampire diaries, Dracula and others. ..
* julius cosmos
Look, I understand the possibility of vampires existing and why
they would be so reluctant to reveal themselfs as the media has
painted them pretty badly. And in many cases the government guides
media on paths they want their citizens to follow. To say that the
exist is very intresting but hard to understand. I know you have no
need to answer any questions we ask but is this a genetic type
retro virus that has been inbedded into a certain race/ bloodline
of humans. Or has it nothing to do with bloodlines and completely
random as a sparked mutation. From what I understand in genetics
someone cannot be simply turned like in the tv shows. If it was
possible the host would be at risk of riding to the high levels of
mutation needed to change. Also what do you guys do with all the
extra iron in your diet, does it serve some purpose. Because any
normal human would get very sick from iron poisoning if one was to
drink blood. I don’t mean to sound like I don’t believe, it’s just
there are so many questions to consider. Not sure if you ever watch
supernatural well if you took away the unrealistic parts like the
shark teeth, immortality, and hive like characteristics it seems
like it could be possible. Since they do not burn outside but they
are sensitive to sun light, they are somewhat strong but ya. I
understand the being a vampire should be a hard life to live and
there is no way any normal person would understand. But I’d love to
here more about your kind maybe a little info about the science
beside it. Because with all the rack wannabe sites and fantics it’s
hard to figure out what is hoax and what is truth
* Yoma Oaka
kenneth you are a vampire
* Hamerticus
You traitors, stop talking about us.
* Geniveve Selberg
can a male vampire come to my house and make me a vampire while im
sleeping please i really am dealing with alot of stuff in my life
* Ab_2dope
These comments are so funny….all you dumbasses that say your a
“vampire” are idiots and those who believe them are even bigger
ones…there are people that drink blood and try to ACT like vampires
but are morons cause there just idiots that watched to much vampire
movies and got obsessed to the point that they act like there
vampires but actually vampires dont exist…stop being stupi
* Jerran
So here’s an example and I want you to tell me if it seems like an
awakening. I can feel whether someone is trustworthy by what I call
a vibe I can sense energy and I also love the taste of blood and it
sort of makes me feel rejuvenated even in a small portion of blood
* Jonathan St.Clarke
Me, as well as many of my kinsfolk, do not enjoy the attention we
have been getting these last years. Secrecy and cunning is the
reason we have been going strong for so long. Remember that my
brothers and sisters. I know many of you have adapted to these new
ways, but alot of us want the old days back. The days when this
talk about energy tethering and the likes of it was considered
rubbish. We take the blood because it is our birthright to do so.
We are not like you. We do not think the same way as you do. We do
not seek equality. And we did not come this far by gossiping and
bragging about our condition.
Behave yourselves.
+ Negin
Jonathan , you know , I thought I wanna be one like u, but
there is no exact information about vamps, could u tell me
more ? And if its possible , could u plz Emial me ?
I’m so happy , plz don’t give this hope from me
* josh Montgomery
i very strongly believe i am one, my need to drink blood is really
strong and its hard to fight off. i can smell blood i am very
sensitive to the sun not saying i burn but even with sunscreen i
get sunburns im extremely strong even if i didnt work out for a
while im fast rlly good reflex’s and im 21 but i still look the
same as i did when i was a baby…just obviously more mature. can
someone help me find myself because i cant make friends for the
life of me, im nice to people and they talk to me…but ppl just like
to keep their distance. i was born with sharp canines….and to this
day they are still longer and sharper than all my teeth even the
teeth on the left side of my canines are sharp n pointy allthough
arent longer than the canines…i live in rhode island, which ik was
home to alot of vampires…and well id love to meet others like me.
please you guys arent alone. i bet alot of ppl feel like i do, they
just to scared of what others will say and thing about them…but
with my urges as they grow stronger eachday… i cant hide who i am…i
embrace it.
* KingSniperz
* KingSniperz
Yes, Vampires exist <3
* Geniveve Selberg
can someone (as in a vampire) please come and make me into a
vampire tonight im in my room alone and i have tried spells to
become one and nothing has worked (as in spell wise) i am a special
needs person and i don’t want to deal with many things much
longer.. Etc. Thanks if one of you vampires can come and do that
* Angel
Are vampires really live among us???
* Lexy Greer
Does “The Vampire Diaries” accurately depict all the supernatural?
* joe
i need to talk with u plz i have sth important to say i think u may
like it
* Kaleb
Can I get help I don’t know if I’m one or not but I believe they
are real I feel it but for the longest time I had a weird interest
in blood I don’t know why though.
+ Kaleb
But can someone help me with this question and a Cooke others
o Kaleb
Can not Cooke
* Jeff r franklin
This all seems a little strange can anyone who is claiming it,be
real email me if love to pho,emore always wanted more info and me
being the seeing,is believeing type of person it’s hard to know
what is or is not also always wanted to be one sometimes I feel
like I’m different who know [147] email me
someone please no catfish
* Gabby Crutcher
I love vampires I developed my liking for them as a child and it’s
been that way ever
Since. If I actually saw one I wouldn’t be afraid unless the
vampire was trying to eat me of course
* RD Potteerhead
guys .. is all this real …i mean the stuff u r saying .. is it true
* kaitlyn
I believe they are and I will prove it
* Sara hamid
Are vampires good looking or are they beasts and how do I turn
+ Elizabeth
we’are pretty good looking, there is no turn on/off things
o Warda ashraf
* shruti
Hey heyyy…..
I wanna know about vampires really… Its freaking me out. If they
are real then how ?? Hope , these are not just stories ..
Plzz contact me on fb – Shruti rana or [148]
Looking for something really new and good to me…
* Daimankaicho Hild
Vampires exist interesting and makes me wonder cause I have fangs
does that make me a vampire?
* Ally Metoriom
I want to talk to one? can someone Skype me or oovoo… all my life
I’ve believed and I just want my biggest question answered
* Courtney Lynn
I do believe in alot of things! & I do believe that Vampires could
exist. I’ve always wanted to meet one., IF they really do.. I would
totally be friends with a vampire! :)
* Courtney Lynn
I would like to talk to a real one…. I’ve always been quite
curious. promise, no judgement here. I get enough of that for
myself to be judging anyone else! But, its hard to tell who’s
telling the truth & who’s not.
* Anndy
Can someone who really Identifies as a Vampire please inbox me? I
have questions, not silly ones I promise. I would also prefer not
to be contacted by someone pretending to be a Vampire.
* Maddy
Um no offence to anyone but you guys sound ridiculous. I believe
that vampires are real but they certainly wouldnt admit online that
they were vampires and the defirnetly wouldnt contact you. I think
maybe some of you should stop looking on the interent and actually
go and try to find one because thats the only way that you have a
chance of maybe talking to them
* alexis
I want to help the vampire community by being a donor
* anonymous
Did a spell few week back to snow and it worked couldnt believe it
and I put a curse on someone and somthing happened to them which I
cant dicuss and tbh I think vampires are real witches are well
‘warlocks’ n I think theres vampires buts its not the same as u see
in twilight or vampire dairies thats what I think
* Krista Katajeva
Vampires do not exist! Finally understand that there are mentally
unstable people, and that’s it! If s man is drinking the blood or
using other people’s energy is not a vampire! it’s all just a
stupid myth …
+ Krista Katajeva
If there is someone who can really prove otherwise email me
* trivea carrick
Really is vampire real if yes I really want to meet one in real
* I’m.a.Little.Physco
I hit puberty a year ago, but in August was when I started craving
for blood, it wasn’t that bad, but now it is
* Maria
Hey I’m new on here, but I am really fascinated of vampires even
though they just drink blood. I just want to know if y’all are
really real?
* missy
* Libero21
For those who are vampires , do you miss being your old self?
+ Ryan Black
Some of them do. Yes. Others don’t.
o Libero21
Why do you?
* ashish
Hey my name is Ashish Mishra i really want to become a vampire is
there is any one who is able to convert me into a vampire….. plz
help me i really want… you will email me at [149]
* Kat
I’m tired of feeling powerless. Iv had a interest in vampires since
I’ve been a child people can’t just become vampires can they?
* Kat
I have questions. how do I know that people on here are not lying?
* Kat
Dan sounds like you are the one I need to be talking to. If you do
mind I would Like to take the convention off this site. That is if
you are willing to talk to me
* Rein
I want to be a vampire
* brio mcdonald
i know a vampire and you must invite them into your home they wait
for your invitation
* brio mcdonald
and they do have the ability to move very fast ive seen it
* brio mcdonald
also i forgot to mention if you engage with one like i did they are
very possesive
* brio mcdonald
when i was in a transit stage i was confused because your whole
system breaks down until your guided how to accept what you are
* brio mcdonald
the researcher above is very well informed we chanel psychic
thoughts and some of us are empaths
* brio mcdonald
i was tricked in a way but don’t have any regrets those vampires
who elite possess the ability to shape shift and can presume the
likeness of would not be able to tell there perfect
* brio mcdonald
i only just come to terms what happened to me and still raw because
the vampire who kissed me is no longer in my life
* brio mcdonald
it all sounds ridiculious i know but its up to you to you to decide
good luck
* brio mcdonald
dear jane your story about becoming a vampire is a little lets say
not quite the truth for one thing we don’t just engage with any
soul its not allowed and we don’t expose ourselves as if it was
part of the norm.
* brio mcdonald
what we do ask is loyalty and honesty because there are some wicked
vampires who mess with your head for kicks
* brio mcdonald
plus there are kind genuine vamps to who would not harm a soul
* Marco
I want to become a Vamp :D Hope.
* Samantha
Are you guys really real ? I mean I wouldint wanna become one just
wanna now some facts about them.
* Kurasuti -Sama
This is the most stupid comments on I have ever looked at in like
ever why are you people want to get turned like you are all crazy
<.< what the hell is wrong with you I would put some swears in it
but I rather not …
+ Kurasuti -Sama
Also if your really that curios why don’t you dream about it
more in your fantasy world some more. I am not saying that
they are real or real in just saying that if they were I don’t
really think there stupid to reveal themselves <.<
* Imran_jokhio
Vampire are really exist in world?? Tell me
* Princess Bells Marie
My name is gabriella if vampires are real i would like to meet one
a nice looking man
* Princess Bells Marie
I am here in fort mitchell alabama in fort mitchell mobile home
park just come fine me if there are a real vampire out there
* tania shahid
ok so i really do believe that vampire exists but i just wanna meet
them nd i wanna experience their life so that i can prove it to
othera that vampires do exists…
* Nette Reyes
Vampires… I am always wondering if they are true. But as they say,
“to see is to believe”.
* Dimpal Choudhury
how to became a vampire?
* Emma Ferrari
I can’t believe that they exist but anyway I wish that they do so
badly because I love vampires and want to be one of them
* Wolf Blue
I’m the king of warewolf
+ Gerardo Sanchez
How are you a “ware wolf”?
* patricia clinton
Dr. Tunde herbal medicine is a good remedy for HIV, I was a carrier
of HIV and I saw a testimony on how Dr. Tunde cure HIV, I decided
to contact, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked him for
solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now
everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Tunde herbal medicine, I’m
very thankful to Dr. Tunde, reach him on
* Gavin Spangler
could somebody tell me if ia am a vampire
* SoMeOnE
I ♥ vampires, but please, don’t crush other people dreams by saying
that u r a “Real vampire”
– For all of the fake vampires
* Carla A Cruz
Does vampire doesn’t like sun?
+ Eden Ratnoikvik
dear, we won’t burn by the sun not we can’t be killed. however
there’s only one way.
o Eden Ratnoikvik
and stop watching vampire shows and I promise one day
you’ll see by yourself.
# IzaBella
can i please talk to you
@ Lucifer Burgess
If you would like I can answer any questions
you have.
@ Eden Ratnoikvik
yeah.. please my lov!
* Laci
* WilliamDesmarais
I am glad someone is continuing traditional vampire bloodletting.
But acting like a vampire does not a vampire make. Most people ask
for proof about Vampires and whether they really exist. And yes. We
do. Proof? Well. Here’s some proof. We’re fast. We’re strong. We
have unnatural pain tolerance and yes, fangs that can extend from
our mouths. Some people may say I’m lying. You’d be wrong. Our top
canine and lower lateral incisors extend. Some breeds are only
canine. And you are all, honest to god, food sources. Don’t make
the mistake of assuming that vampires are like in Twilight. In most
cases they’ve lived for a long time. And will kill you. As for
being turned? Drain all your blood and drink all of theirs. It’s
what happened to me.
+ Desiree
when were you turned..? i honestly thought that vampires were
a myth but you seem pretty truthful. i mean im only 15 but the
way you explain it, facinates me. will all vampires kill you
if you discover who they are?
+ Stefan Laurentius
so, you are a real vampire? how many centuries you’ve lived in
this world?
* WilliamDesmarais
Okay. I read through the entire comments section and decided to
post something else. A lot of you want to see a vampire in real
life. Don’t. Don’t ask and don’t search. If you do find one and
actually notice them THEY WILL KILL YOU. I would. This isn’t a
blessing. It’s a curse. You don’t get to live your life, as soon as
it happens your life is beholden to urges. That’s all. The power?
The sense of wonder? It doesn’t exist. You become a monster, end of
+ mark
But dont u live forever and super fast and strong?
o WilliamDesmarais
There is no such thing as eternal life. You just live
slightly longer because of blood’s natural ingredients.
Blood contains most of all of the bodies nourishment,
replenishing you over and over again. But is that really
worth it?
+ Negin
William, you know , I thought I wanna be one like u, but there
is no exact information about vamps, could u tell me more ?
And if its possible , could u plz Emial me ?
I’m so happy , plz don’t give this hope from me
* mark
I want to become a vampire so bad and would do anything for it
* Megan Izsingle Potter
I love vampires and I would love to met one any in Florida?????
+ Eden Ratnoikvik
Charles Frazee won’t allow me too turn you in, until and
unless I meet him.. AGAIN.
o IzaBella
R u really a vampire pls answer me
# Eden Ratnoikvik
Yeppp ;)
# Eden Ratnoikvik
No I’m not
@ Eden Ratnoikvik
@ Eden Ratnoikvik
* Arbab Zaman
u can be transformed
there’s no way out once u get in
+ Erika
I have thought a lot about it and I would like to be
transformed. Please, would you be so gracious enough to help
me with this? I understand what I am asking.
o Martin28
No, you haven’t thought about it enough. Think about it
some more.
# katie
don’t be rude to her !!!!!!
@ Martin28
Are you unable to distinguish between rudeness
and honesty? Btw, there are NO vampires.
+ Aylin Gonzales
Can I please message you on Kik I have some questions and I
promise you can trust me please reply.
o Arbab Zaman
# Aylin Gonzales
OK I just have some questions .
# Emily Rodriguez
Do the other vampires have kik
* Sarah
Arbab Whats your email? is this for real? i want to become one.
* mary smith
I love Vampires my name is Mary I always dreamed of falling in love
with one. Can you tell me if there are any Vampires out here in
Australia New South Wales. I would also would love to meet one and
ask so many questions.
+ Von
Interesting Mary
o mary smith
I know it’s interesting for you :)
but is it true are you a real Vampire? I don’t mean to
make it sound so harsh or anything.
# Von
What is truth, the truth is you will marry a normal
guy, raise your young, have a normal content life.
Some will walk alone always not because of the
inability to love but not wishing to watch another
love pass and be lost to the ages. For you are
blessed with a awesome gift of mortality, make good
of it as you will
@ mary smith
Thank you
@ mary smith
Thank you this means a lot to me after reading
this it made me think. I still have a lot to
learn your right I should be thankful to be
mortal. im sure to make the most of it while i
@ Von
You are very welcome Mary, You are still a
youngin much to learn even much more to do
@ IzaBella
does this mean u are a vampire !!
@ Von
I believe I answered that. What can I do for
@ Negin
Von, you know , I thought I wanna be one like
u, but there is no exact information about
vamps, could u tell me more ? And if its
possible , could u plz Emial me ?
I’m so happy , plz don’t give this hope from me
@ Von
No it is not possible for you, dream about the
life you life not the impossible
@ Negin
I was be with a vampire, but his master knew
and wanna hurt him, can u help me plz ?
@ Von
Always remember mortality is the most precious
gift, for death shall swiftly come. You was not
born into this wretched curse, you can not be
bitten, no spells to become cursed, For you are
the envy to all of us, and how we all whom are
cursed wish eternal rest would come
@ mary smith
wow vampires are really friendly I like that I
hope you all will be safe I would hate it if
one got hurt.
@ Von
I bid you good evening Mary
@ mary smith
Good evening to you to Von
@ Von
Mary, you seem to invade my thoughts
@ Stellamay Rohde
Sorry I don’t mean to and it’s still Mary just
different name and pic
@ Stellamay Rohde
Hey sorry if I seem to invade your thoughts oh
and by the way this is Mary Smith just
different name and profile picture.
* Arya Singh
Hii i am Arya . I want to be a vampire , not bcoz its fascinating
or something , but just to be . I know i am not that special to be
turned but its just my wish . Can a vampire meet me ? It depends on
them whether they wanna turn me or not , I just wanna know them.:)
* Deahani
What do you mean, ( “we are real”? )
Are you trying to say that your a real life vampire? Right, haha if
these amazing creatures were real they would not post stuff on the
+ Eden Ratnoikvik
okay, I will not post anything from now but can’t say about
others I mean if they really are vampires. I just wanted to
know if anyone knows Charles Frazee but I think i’m wasting my
time with the humans.
+ Eden Ratnoikvik
you’re a good person deahani, if nothing goes wrong we’ll meet
soon. #No_Joke
o Deahani
Really, is that suppose to frighten me? Tell me something
I don’t know, please enlighten me of your kind. Lol haha
You guys really do a weird thing ! Vampires exist yes! But you cant
be one of them that easily! And your goin to have a hard time . Its
against the Lord Jesus Christ! Common if you wanna live forever
just embrace God
+ Ryan Black
God, does exist, however which one, I don’t know its easy to
point at religion or the bible for answers. But the thing is,
is that I can only tell you there is a god, which one, though
I’m not sure.
* Shweta Kumari
Is it really true that u r a vampire..??
+ Ryan Black
Do not be quick to believe.
o Shweta Kumari
M just asking.. Actually… M crazy to know about real
vampires.. Is they really exist..?
# Ryan Black
I believe they exist, not quite like the movies, but
more of as in myth. Im a scholar, it is just trying
to draw the line between myth and reality is the
hard part. I say do not be quick to believe, as in
be weary of what people say. You seem excited to
study or perhaps meet one, is this true?
@ Shweta Kumari
Absolutely yes…
@ Shweta Kumari
Absolutely yes..
@ Ryan Black
Be very very careful.
@ Ryan Black
Why do you want to know if they do exist
@ Shweta Kumari
Can we chat on Facebook or whatsapp or any
other kind of social networking sites..?
@ Ryan Black
Sure. send me a message here.
@ Shweta Kumari
Hey.. Message me. We need to talk. Please.!
o Shweta Kumari
Do u believe that they exist just like in movies..
Vampire diary or twilight..?
* shayana malhotra
are you guys really exist..?please if you are..make me one of
* Cherushii Edwards
Were can I found some in the UK? I’ve always asked myself this
question Do they really exist? I love watching and reading vampire
stuff (not that thats relevant) but does anyone know where I can
find any in the uk? My email is (daft and temporary)
* Chelsea Edwards
Ok now I’m logged into my gmail so if anyine knows where I can find
vampires in the UK pls get back to me
* Savanna Lloyd
Vampires are not real thats why you cant find them
+ Ryan Black
They know how not to be found.
* dennis
No one here is a real vampire
* dennis
Is all fake i know so
+ Ryan Black
But how do you really know? Opinion? Evidence, hunch? Im not
saying their are some on here, but I’m not saying their
o dennis
So you are a vampire am right
# Ryan Black
I did not say that. I simply say, question things.
Whether it be as radical as Vampires or, more subtle
as morals.
@ dennis
Have you met one before
@ Ryan Black
Never said anything like that, just a
researcher on them, why have you?
@ dennis
I try looking for them but i stop but there is
a temple for em
@ Ryan Black
Talk to me here Dennis, I can provide some
info. [155]
* Cali
so I have the 667 comment I dont know what is real and what is not
anymore .TV and Internet has made for a very curious public..Kids
..teens will eat this up ..I think the one thing that disturbs me
more than anything is when you see a car with wiccan stickers all
over it yet have a conversation with the person driving and no clue
on herbs there purpose or the true ritual and how it is done or
harm ye none…. same with vampires people see a movie and how it is
fantasized and they want the fantasy what ever the truth is I hope
no one is luring people with illusions of grandeur … that would be
such a crime of the soul …I’m sure you know what I mean …peace an
love to all
+ Ryan Black
The truth, is in those words. Just as sex and pornography is
made into a fantasy, on the internet, so shall terrible things
be made turned into a fantasy.
o Cali
Hello Ryan one conversation I have had with friends over
a good glass of wine is why are people drawn to the
darkness what is its lure? And with such passion too…
Many theories but none that ever seem to make good sense…
# Ryan Black
I don’t really know, though, Ill give you my theory.
People are drawn to subjects or things that they
don’t fully understand, similar with death, we don’t
really know what happens yet, some of us embrace it,
others fear it, but however many of us are curious
about it. People like to know the truth whether its
light or dark, and if its kept a secret or is a
mystery the more curious people can get. We as
humans want answers, however, whether its with
religion, or with science. People like to know
things, and the less people know of, the more
curious or fearful people get. Curiosity is a
strange gift. However, when someone thinks they have
an answer, they can at this point become more
passionate, it is usually because they(people) have
more questions from the answer, that they want
@ Cali
Thank you for replying and I could not agree
more! your words hold true value in the core of
human nature. So if you don’t mind me asking
are you a believer ? or skeptic ? if you choose
to not answer I will understand . The way you
write ( well versed) I can assume you are
educated so I would just love to hear what your
take is on those things that are talked about
but never seen. -Cali :)
@ Ryan Black
Well, I was going to originally write down my
whole life story. But, I think it would be wise
for me, to not talk about it. I will say,
sometimes, eyes, smell, and what you hear do
not lie, neither do hunches. I have had a few
encounters with the paranormal, but that is all
I feel like sharing. I will tell you, I was
very skeptical and doubtful at first and never
was really fascinated in vampire movies either.
Its not until I started to see some odd things,
that changed my life, that after that it was
hard to be a skeptic. And hearing a story is
one thing, but being in the story, that is
completely different. The reason Im no longer a
skeptic, is because I’ve seen quite a few
things now, to destroy my skepticism. If you
really want to hear my story email me here.
* Mary
Are you people really serious? Give me a f****** break lol there is
no such thing as vampires and if there was they wouldn’t be talking
about it on the internet. There is no hope for humanity if people
really this dumb.
+ Ryan Black
And there is no hope for humanity if you do not wish to
question beliefs either. Call it foolishness or stupidity, the
greatest discoveries start with a stupid question.
* Mary
Oh I’m sure…..
* Richard Vera
Nice this is a facinating topic I enjoyed reading this it made me
understand more about the unknown and I am grateful for it. I’ve
done my research for a few years and I’m blown away how we differ.
I would just love to just talk to one then to increase my knowledge
about the hidden world.
* Chris Hayes
Hi my name is Chris and I would simply ask to be enlightened about
this culture. I mean it’s different than many tend to think about
vampires or demons or anything that isn’t what society deem human.
Just a seeker of knowledge and truth is what I am.
* Alucard
This is… So stupid. There is no such thing as psychic vampires, and
it’s not the blood they need, it’s the iron because they produce
hemoglobin much quicker to carry more oxygen.
* Liam Andrew Axisa
is there any vampires in malta ohh and by the malta is the country
near scicily i saying this because i hate the fact that everyday
beeing weak and also i have a deases called hearing i hear less
than a normal person and if i turn into a vampire this deases will
go away right so pls i would like to be vampire just like you and
will litrally thank you so much
* Rodrigo Bonboka
Hey can u makem 1 ?
My email [157]
* Aastha Shetty
pls change me kenneth if ur 1
* eam ariahs
i have an many question about vampire
* eam ariahs
please answer my many question can we talk im also 14 yrs old but
im super interested about vampires
+ Lucifer Burgess
What questions do you have?
o Negin
Lucifer , you know , I thought I wanna be one like u, but
there is no exact information about vamps, could u tell
me more ? And if its possible , could u plz Emial me ?
I’m so happy , plz don’t give this hope from me
* the1original
There are some spells that can turn you twilight vampire spell I
was born a hybrid ima vampire werewolf witch because of my
ancestors it skipped everyone but me
+ Shweta Kumari
If you are really a vampire then why you reveal yourself on
o Ryan Black
Im back.
* the1original
If you have more questions or need me to turn you call me at 856
324 0558
+ Negin
I thought I wanna be one like u, but there is no exact
information about vamps, could u tell me more ? And if its
possible , could u plz Emial me ?
I’m so happy , plz don’t give this hope from me
* leeMareum
are vampires really exist? just like the vampires in the movie? if
they are, i want to be like them ^^ what should i do to become one
of them?
* Shweta Kumari
I can’t understand that what is true or false.
* Soph33
You are all batshit crazy
* kamilah
how can we believe that whatever you are saying is true… i really
do want to believe i am also searching…. but my mind is not
excepting….if i see them in real then i think i can believe
* John Stark
vampires always kept secrt that they are vampire.iam not a vampire
but sometimes i feel strange i dont know why
* Prashant
Can I become one of them from u buddy plz contact me 9766652070
* iler
dnt lie vampire”s r jst in myths they dnt exist n evn if they do
vampire r weakr thn humans
* iler
r female vampire’s hot
* iler
i mean if u rely do exist
* dennis
Okay if vampire do exist i would like to meet one
* dennis
Here is my kik if you are vampire dennisdamenace08
+ gabby
Check kik
* raegis
oh-ho,if ur real then how come that your showing your profile pic.
arent u afraid? to get exterminate? f ur a real one then come find
me ,i’ll let u drink my blood as much as u want…f ur real ,that is…
+ Lucifer Burgess
Where are you from?
* raegis
yeah, u stupid or what ,,vampires are half-real and half-myth
for me ,cause i never seen one,but these guys saying that they’re
vampires? oh,come on! be honest through your self man!
* Ursula Rochaa
There’s plenty of spells to attract a vampire ,I’ve done one and it
was creepy with the consequences after but I didnt finish it and I
would love to study more about it and try more spells and see.
Email me at [160]
* Marcus Scurrilous
You all are being misled. Being vampire is a curse and heavy burden
I have to carry. The thirst is excruciating, constantly needing to
feed. Blood is not as pure as it was 100,200 years ago. All the
diseases and pharmaceuticals make hunting a long process. Watching
people you love constantly die, or turning a love one who can’t
handle the change and then watching as they give over to the sun.
Do not be fooled by these liars. For I am true ancient vampyre.
+ Negin
Marcus , you know , I thought I wanna be one like u, but there
is no exact information about vamps, could u tell me more ?
And if its possible , could u plz Emial me ?
I’m so happy , plz don’t give this hope from me
o Marcus Scurrilous
You say there is no exact information on vampires?.
Mortals are so vapid what makes you think any information
you are fed is exact. And what makes you think you want
to be one? How do you know whether you are the hunter or
the prey? Continue to play this game where it is safe
thru codes,numerals,and satellites. If you really wanted
the truth you would invite me in.
# Negin
I wanna invite u in , can we chat in private ?!
* LaKaiah Ranae
Vampires are real, some of them hide who they are because of
humans, they are scared of what people might do to them because
humans have assumed that anything they don’t understand must be
dangerous. But it’s not true.
* Aaron Scott McKay
What a bunch of retards. People asking to be turned into vampires
how old are you people? Like 14 lol. We will see how vaperic y’all
are when y’all get HIV for drinking or messing with blood.
* chin
Hi, is it true that vampire really live for over a hundred
* Lucifer Burgess
Thank you for what you have said, bless you son
+ Gowtham Karuppasamy
i m having a biggest head breaking question in my mind.,
can i ask that to you.?
promise me that you willnot get offended for that.,
o Lucifer Burgess
You may indeed
# Ryan Black
Email me. I would like to talk.
* Rom Anharachana
i want to meet one. I am not one of them but like to meet one
because in our life we need to know new stuff and meet new people
and i wont mind the different in each another people or not people
life. So i would hope i meet one of the vampire soon ( a gentle one
* Tasha
I want to be a vampire for the knowledge, to travel the world and
meet other vampires for their cultures knowledge! Seems like such a
Beautiful people. Too bad you can’t be turned. May vampires live in
peace for ever. If I ever do get to meet one I’ll show much due
* Karen Stickney
Larten Crepsley thinks that vampires don’t grow fangs. Was he
telling the truth?
* Karen Stickney
Most of the vampires in The Saga of Darren Shan and The Saga of
Larten Crepsley were born human then they were blooded (Darren’s
term) except for Evanna Tiny who was born that way.
* Marduk Pasittu
Hello, I will start saying that there is a disease that generates
blood disorders, makes you sunlight sensitive and due to these
caracteristics, well you need to drink blood to feel better, well
the first time that there was a medical report of it, was in 1934
by the doctor Vladímir Démijov from Rusia, he discovered this
disease by mistake, ’cause he was looking for a way to do
successful heads transplants, he saw that some of the
caracteristics of this new condition in this “human being” could
help, he was stronger and faster that any men, he healed a bit
faster than usual(it wasn’t like in the movies, but he healed a 20%
faster than usual), he didn’t get sick and his age process was
really slow, the man that allowed to the doctor to study his blood
and conditing was looking for cure, the doctor never found it, they
destroyed a lot of the research of the doctor, ’cause his research
were a bit extreme, but yet the doctor lived until 1998 and he was
born in 1916, this vampire that allowed to the good doctor to
studied his blood still lives, he is not like those persons that
tried to look like one, he does not have a secret society like the
report says, it is hard to find him and track him, he does not look
like a weird movie vampire, he looks like an avarage guy, he
doesn’t matter to drink human blood and he is not ashamed of it,
that conditiong that he has it can be transmitted but you can also
born like that, he was born like that and he is really old, so stop
trying to be or act like a vampire, ’cause is not a condition that
you would like to have.
* Elizabeth
i even have a movie about me, which is not very accurate to my
life, but i did it and i feel good.
Elizabeth Báthory
i had a amasing dream last night that i found out a friend of mine
was a vampire and he talked about it and stufe then he introdused
me to some other vampire friends of his . there was this girl that
i emedintly fell in love with and after geting to know her for a
few weaks i asked her to turn me she bit me in my sholder to get my
blued and i changed it felt fo powerfull and defrint i lover it and
me and her lover eachother so much but tbh she was a little scary
becaws i thought she would kill me or something but anter i woke up
i started doing resurch on vampires i would give anything to be one
* Đā Móņ
foolish people :D
* Von
Why you feel the need for blood and feel different is you are. A
descendent of something more. A descendent of immortal beings
something the world has never excepted, express yourselves cause
you can, the few of us will always exsist and must remain in the
shadows of eternal, will be watching always
* Azed Vamp
Vampires exist long time ago , through cultures that is involve
dark magic from devil that has been transmitted to children
* rusty
So long as your happy! Do what you want!
* Rose
have even one see a vampire?
* Rose
I don’t get it, if vampires do walk among us than why has no one
ever see one? and if so why doesn’t even one go to a news reporter?
+ Lucifer Burgess
We are among you and you would possibly see us quite often,
but we look just like you. The only way to know is to ask or
when they smile (the fangs are a dead give away).
+ Ryan Black
Look deeper.
* disqus_cwf871uy7e
God this is stupid.
+ Ryan Black
Then why are you here, were you curious, or simply have the
time to reply to comments.
* Carlize
This is awesome are Vampires really real?
* Jackie
My name is jackie, I am a vampire born in 1595. 420 yrs, I hate
being what’s am but didn’t have no choice, I was burned in a fire
and was dying, was saved by a vampire Jordan in 1615 my parents
never found me they believe I was dead, century go by still alive
today still 20 skin but old age never goes, but no body knw my past
just me
+ IzaBella
Are you really a vampire !! where do u live ! nd do u drink
onlly blood ! Can u turn peapol ! pls i wanna know you
+ Annie c
how many vampires have you met? other then jordan?
+ Negin
Jackie could u plz send me an E-mail , we could chat in PV ,
+ Tomas Mulder
Yo r u really telling the truth if so contact me
+ Martin28
Really? Awesome. You must be eligible for massive senior’s
discounts and old age pension!
+ Thanatoshypnos
Dear Jackie, Can i be friend with u? I Am so confused with My
self For 10 years. I don’t know whom i Can talk about
+ Ayira
Srsly, are you really vampire, or are you just joking about
+ Sommer Bucknell
What country are you from? And do you stay looking the same
o Jessica Johnston
I’m from austrlia
+ Jessica Johnston
Please to meet you are you aware of others like yourself in
austrlia? Maybe you have the answer s I seek please let me
introduce myself I’m Jessi and I I’m in austrlia
+ Martin28
Jackie, if you were a born-again vampire in 1615, technically
you’re only 400 years old!! I’ve heard of women lying about
their age, but this is ridiculous.
+ Aundrea Maye
What’s the worst part of beening one so y’all really do live a
time wow
+ Joel Nathaniel
Watching humanity evolve and technology evolved must be
+ crick
hi jackie r u real vampire then contact on my id some important things i have to
talk to u
+ Jessie
Can we talk I know you hear this a lot but what is you
feelings on changing others
* Alysa
So I am curious to know is it true that Vampires and Witches don’t
get along or are ever friends? And I apologize if I offend anyone
by asking this it truly isn’t my intention.
+ Alysa
Plus I have always had the habit of walking after midnight to
4 in the morning which adds on to my curiosity as well. So if
anyone can please help me understand it in any way possible I
would be so very grateful.
* Bruce Hemmingway
Do vampires really exist?
Could they turn humans into vampires and is there any way to become
* Annie Preston
Ok so i was reading what people were writing, and ill ive got to
say it, why do u want to become something eles so desperately? I
mean maybe u should change ur life not who u r. Being a vamp isnt
gonna make a difference in the end.
* Angel Plant
I love this
* Bob
i want to be a vampire! lol
come on people this is a joke but the fact that y’all are believing
this is even more hilarious. xD
* jacqueline
hello kenneth ………..? my i speak with you ?
* Brittany Eddings
How do i find a real live vampire and turn into one
* Jared Ace
I want to be one. Can someone help me turn. Email me pls.
* IzaBella
R u really a vampire !!!
* IzaBella
if someone here is really vampire can u pls talk to me
* Alec Veysil
haha why we aren’t show what we are.. in this century people are so
obsession of tehnology and all there naked singers.. we are more
powerful, we can show more and more. I’m sure if similar people see
us every day, we can rules the world, new age, new future, old ages
are coming again and only we can make this come true. Don’t hide,
don’t lives in the dark, be yourself and show what you can to a
normal people. They needs creature like us. Their live are too
short to see unique future of our kind. Alec Veysil..
+ Negin
Alec , you know , I thought I wanna be one like u, but there
is no exact information about vamps, could u tell me more ?
And if its possible , could u plz Emial me ?
I’m so happy , plz don’t give this hope from me
* Imran Sher
all is fake
* kelly k
how fake lol
* kelly k
its all fake there is no such thing
* Marcus Silveo Manchego
Our mortality doesn’t work like people think we die then we are
born again the same cycle over and over
* Kriss
Are vimpers real?
Can I be one ?
* Melissa
I want to be one.. I’m sure there is a way.
* Ryan Black
Either that, or you where never meant to find one.
* samantha
Hi I’m new my name is samantha I am not a vampire but is is my
dream could 1 of u please tell me how to become a vampire without
having to cut myself please
* samantha
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